
Bibliography of Ellis Parker Butler
Searching for '..."The Mistake"...'

    Millingham's Cat-Fooler (1920)


  1. BOOK: Millingham's Cat-Fooler (1920) Click here to see a picture of this item.A story. Printed to promote a hose manufacturer's business. "We have printed Mr. Butler's story in this convenient edition for all commuters and other gardeners whether they are buyers or lenders of hose. Draw from this tale whatever lesson you choose. 'Don't borrow garden hose of your neighbors; buy a hose for yourself.' 'Don't try to deceive your friends; you will always get found out.' 'Don't make the mistake of thinking all garden hose is alike.'" Cambridge MA: Boston Woven Hose and Rubber Company.  [EPBLIB]
  2. 1922

  3. Munsey's Magazine (November, 1922)   "The Mistake"   A story. p 219-225.  [EPBLIB]

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