The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 356

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    Detective Weekly [No. 170, May 23, 1936] (2d, 24pp, quarto)
    • · The Man from the Moor · Robert Murray · na (r)
    • · The Mystery of the Stolen Rembrandt [Marcus Max] · [uncredited] · ss
      rewritten from Penny Pictorial #645 to feature Marcus Max instead of Sexton Blake.
    • · Sky Pirates of Lost Island [Part 7 of 10] · Geo. E. Rochester · sl

    Detective Weekly [No. 175, June 27, 1936] (2d, 24pp, quarto)
    • · The Secret of Senkobos Kraal · Rex Hardinge · na
    • · A Clue in Clay [Marcus Max] · [uncredited] · ss
      rewritten from Penny Pictorial #635 to feature Marcus Max instead of Sexton Blake.
    • · The Garden City Crime [Part 2 of 2] · Stanton Hope · sl

    Detective Weekly [No. 177, July 11, 1936] (2d, 24pp, quarto)
    • · The Clue in the Blue Sampler · Anthony Skene · na
    • · Death in the Coffee Cup [Marcus Max] · [uncredited] · ss
      rewritten from “The Strand Cafe Tragedy” (Penny Pictorial #643) to feature Marcus Max instead of Sexton Blake.
    • · Blake of the Secret Service [Part 2 of 12] · Gerald Verner · sl

    Detective Weekly [No. 181, August 8, 1936] (2d, 24pp, quarto)
    • · Murder on the Margate Boat · Rex Hardinge · na
    • · Who Killed Michael Cartmel? [Marcus Max] · [uncredited] · ss
      rewritten from “The Clue of the Missing Volume” (Penny Pictorial #648) to feature Marcus Max instead of Sexton Blake.
    • · Blake of the Secret Service [Part 6 of 12] · Gerald Verner · sl

    Detective Weekly [No. 185, September 5, 1936] (2d, 24pp, quarto)
    • · The White Crocodile · Coutts Brisbane · na
    • · The Clue of the Chinese Foot [Marcus Max] · [uncredited] · ss
      rewritten from “The Mystery of Paulton Towers” (Penny Pictorial #655) to feature Marcus Max instead of Sexton Blake.
    • · Blake of the Secret Service [Part 10 of 12] · Gerald Verner · sl

    Detective Weekly [No. 191, October 17, 1936] (2d, 24pp, quarto)
    • · The Clue of the Fifth Wheel · Gilbert Chester · na
    • · The Secret of the Broken Phial [Marcus Max] · [uncredited] · ss
      possibly rewritten from “The Mystery of the Sandalwood Box” (Answers #1213) to feature Marcus Max instead of Sexton Blake.
    • · The Sign of the Jockey [Part 4 of 16] · Gerald Verner · sl

    Detective Weekly [No. 204, January 16, 1937] (2d, 24pp, quarto)
    • · The Riddle of the Strange Last Words · Stephen Law · na
    • · The Phantom of Box ’B’ [Marcus Max] · [uncredited] · ss
      rewritten from “The Mystery of Box ’B’” (Penny Pictorial #633) to feature Marcus Max instead of Sexton Blake.
    • · The Secret of the Three Prayer Wheels [Part 2 of 8] · G. H. Teed · sl

    Detective Weekly [No. 205, January 23, 1937] (2d, 24pp, quarto)
    • · The Mark of Hop Fi · Stephen Law · na Auckland Star July 7 1928 - August 1 1928, as “The Vengeance of Hop Fi” by Peter Cheyney
    • · The Secret of the Three Prayer Wheels [Part 3 of 8] · G. H. Teed · sl
    • · The Haunted Man [Part 1 of 11] · Jeffrey Gaunt · sl

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