The FictionMags Index
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Wahlenberg, Anna (fl. 1900s-1920s) (items)
- The Cottage, (ss) Crampton’s Magazine October 1901
- Norvik’s Old Man, (ss) The Novel Magazine March 1906; translated by Catherine Pochin & Alice Stronach
- Gate of Honor, (ss) The American-Scandinavian Review December 1921
- Peter and the Witch of the Wood, (ss) Old Swedish Fairy Tales by Anna Wahlenberg, The Hampton Publishing Company, 1925
- The Barrel Bung, (ss)
- The King’s Choice, (ss)
- Linda-Gold and the Old King, (ss)
- The Magician’s Cape, (ss)
- The Magpie with the Salt on Her Tail, (ss)
- The Old Troll of Big Mountain, (ss)
- The Queen, (ss)
- The Troll Ride, (ss)
Wahlman, Dave (fl. 2010s) (items)
- Richard Kadrey Interview, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #49, December 2012 [Ref. Richard Kadrey]
- Todd Robinson, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #52, Summer 2013 [Ref. Todd Robinson]
- Frank DiMatteo Interview, (iv) Crimespree Magazine #63, 2016 [Ref. Frank DiMatteo]
- Frank Bill: The Man, The Myth, The Legend, (ar) Crimespree Magazine #67, 2018 [Ref. Frank Bill]
Wahls, Jamie D. (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (items)
- For the Children, (ss) Mothership Zeta #4, July 2016
- The Little Gods, (ss) Compelling Science Fiction #4, December 2016
- Maestro, (ss) Night Lights ed. Paul & Phillip Garver, Geminid Press, 2016
- Utopia, LOL?, (nv) Strange Horizons June 5 2017
- Eater of Worlds, (ss) Clarkesworld #148, January 2019
- Truth Plus, (ss) Strange Horizons March 18 2019
- A Kept Species, (vi) Daily Science Fiction October 12 2020
- The Murders of Jason Hartman (with Brady Nelson), (ss) Clarkesworld #170, November 2020
- There Are Angels and They Are Utilitarians, (ss) Diabolical Plots #82, December 2021
Waible, Gerald (fl. 1940s) (items)
- [cartoon(s)] (with Donald B. Day), (ct) The Fanscient September 1947
- [front cover], (cv) The Fanscient September 1947
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Fanscient Winter 1948
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Fanscient Winter 1948
- [cartoon(s)] (with J. M. Higbee), (ct) The Fanscient Spring 1948
- [front cover], (cv) The Fanscient Summer 1948
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Fanscient Summer 1948
- [cartoon(s)] (with Bill Kroll), (ct) The Fanscient Fall 1948
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Fanscient Fall 1948
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Fanscient Spring 1949
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Fanscient Spring 1949
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Fanscient Summer 1949
- Angelman, Defender of Justice (with J. M. Higbee), (cs) The Fanscient Fall 1949
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Fanscient Fall 1949
- [front cover], (cv) The Fanscient Fall 1949
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Fanscient Fall 1949
Wain, John (Barrington) (1925-1994) (about) (items)
- Editorial, (ed) Mandrake May 1945, etc.
- Against Taking of Thought, (pm) Mandrake May 1946
- Walk Through the Falling World, (pm) Mandrake May 1946
- Mirror of Our Fickle State, (ar) Mandrake Winter 1946
- Paradise Lost and the Seventeenth Century Reader, (ms) Mandrake v1 #6, 1949
- Riddle for a Christmas Cracker, (pm) The London Magazine June 1954
- The Painful Filter, (ar) The London Magazine April 1955
- Tracts Against Materialism, (ar) The London Magazine August 1955 [Ref. Aldous Huxley]
- The Reputation of Ezra Pound, (ar) The London Magazine October 1955 [Ref. Ezra Pound]
- Poem Feigned to Have Been Written by an Electronic Brain, (pm) The London Magazine January 1956
- The Bad Thing, (pm) The London Magazine May 1956
- Sonnet, (pm) The London Magazine May 1956
- [letter], (lt) The London Magazine July 1956, etc.
- A Writer’s Prospect—IV, (ar) The London Magazine November 1956
- The Writer in His Age, (ms) The London Magazine May 1957
- Rafferty, (ss) Esquire April 1958
- The Quickest Way Out of Manchester, (ss) Esquire December 1958
- Christmas at Rillingham’s, (ss) Nuncle and Other Stories by John Wain, Macmillan, 1960
- Dilemma of Youth, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 17 1961
- King Caliban, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 30 1963
- A Visit at Tea-Time, (ss) Argosy (UK) September 1963
- The Valentine Generation, (ss) Argosy (UK) December 1963
- Further Education, (nv) Ladies’ Home Journal April 1964
- Alone, (pm) Transatlantic Review #22, Autumn 1966
- Louis MacNeice as Critic, (ar) Encounter November 1966 [Ref. Louis MacNeice]
- Goodnight, Old Daisy, (ss) Argosy (UK) December 1966
- While the Sun Shines, (ss) Playboy April 1967
- The Life Guard, (ss) Esquire February 1969
- Last Chance Jimmy, (nv) Argosy (UK) March 1969
- A Sample of the Ocean, (nv) Argosy (UK) March 1971
- Mort, (nv) You Can’t Keep Out the Darkness ed. Peggy Woodford, The Bodley Head, 1980
- Manhood, (ss)
- Moondust (for Victor Neep in Rhosgadfan), (pm)
Wain, Louis (1860-1939) (about) (books) (items)
- [illustration(s)], (il) The English Illustrated Magazine September 1886
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Boy’s Own Paper September 1 1888
- Professor Fredericks’ Performing Cats, (ar) The Illustrated London News December 22 1888
- [illustration(s)], (il) Atalanta December 1888
- A Story in Black and White, (cs) The Boy’s Own Paper January 12 1889
- Merrily Round the Capstan: “Yo ho, My lads! Yo ho!”, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper March 2 1889
- [illustration(s)], (il) The English Illustrated Magazine May 1889
- [illustration(s)], (il) The English Illustrated Magazine March 1890
- “Ding, Dong Bell!”, (il) St. Nicholas December 1890
- [illustration(s)], (il) Atalanta #39, December 1890
- [illustration(s)], (il) The English Illustrated Magazine December 1890
- [illustration(s)], (il) Cassell’s Family Magazine March 1891
- [illustration(s)], (il) Atalanta #49, October 1891
- [illustration(s)], (il) Black & White #47, December 26 1891
- [illustration(s)], (il) Cassell’s Family Magazine December 1891
- [illustration(s)], (il) Atalanta #52, January 1892
- A Vestry Meeting, (il) The Strand Magazine May 1892
- [illustration(s)], (il) Cassell’s Family Magazine May 1892
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine May 1892
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine (US) June 1892
- Judge and Jury, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper October 15 1892
- [illustration(s)] (with John Gülich), (il) The Idler October 1892
- [front cover], (cv) Chums November 2 1892
- What We May Come to Be!—A Very Likely Affair!, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper November 5 1892
- A Very Fishy Story, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper December 24 1892
- [illustration(s)], (il) Cassell’s Family Magazine February 1893
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Pall Mall Magazine November 1894
- Cats’ Nightmare, (il) The English Illustrated Magazine December 1894
- [illustration(s)], (il) The English Illustrated Magazine December 1894
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Windsor Magazine February 1895
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Windsor Magazine February 1895
- The Duchess of Bedford’s Pets, (ar) The Windsor Magazine March 1895 [Ref. Duchess of Bedford]
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Windsor Magazine April 1895
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Windsor Magazine April 1895
- Our Local Glee Union!, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper November 2 1895
- [illustration(s)] (with Sydney Cowell & George Hutchinson), (il) The Idler November 1895
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine (US) Christmas 1895
- The Hon. Walter Rothschild’s Pets. A Visit to Tring Museum, (ar) The Windsor Magazine December 1895
- “Waiter! This Cat’s Meat Is Tough!”, (il) The Strand Magazine December 1895
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine December 1895
- [illustration(s)] (with Sydney Cowell & George Hutchinson), (il) The Idler December 1895
- [illustration(s)] (with Stanley L. Wood), (il) The Windsor Magazine January 1896
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Osborne Magazine November 1896
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper September 4 1897
- Revels by the Sea, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper September 11 1897
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Windsor Magazine June 1898
- Our School Sports: “The Last Lap”, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper July 23 1898
- How I Draw My Cats, (ar) Home Notes August 20 1898
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper September 10 1898
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper September 17 1898
- Something Like Play!, (cs) The Boy’s Own Paper September 24 1898
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper September 24 1898
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper October 1 1898
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper October 8 1898
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper October 22 1898
- [illustration(s)], (il) Cassell’s Magazine November 1898
- The Mouse Club, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine January 1899
- [illustration(s)], (il) The English Illustrated Magazine January 1899
- Some Boy’s Own Dogs, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper February 25 1899
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper April 8 1899
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Boy’s Own Paper May 27 1899
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Boy’s Own Paper June 24 1899
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper July 1 1899
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Captain #4, July 1899
- Fright, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper August 12 1899
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Boy’s Own Paper August 12 1899
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Boy’s Own Paper October 7 1899
- And Not a Trout After all!, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper October 14 1899
- Breaking-up Day, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper October 14 1899
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Boy’s Own Paper October 14 1899
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper December 23 1899
- Oh, the Delights of Winter!, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper January 13 1900
- [untitled], (cs) The Boy’s Own Paper January 20 1900
- Fighting Fish, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine February 1900
- [illustration(s)], (il) The English Illustrated Magazine February 1900
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper April 14 1900
- Scorching, (cs) The Boy’s Own Paper April 21 1900
- A School Treat, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper July 14 1900
- A Day Out, (cs) The Boy’s Own Paper August 18 1900
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper October 27 1900
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper November 10 1900
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper November 24 1900
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper December 15 1900
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper January 26 1901
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Sunday Strand February 1901
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper March 23 1901
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper March 30 1901
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Sunday Strand March 1901
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper April 13 1901
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper April 20 1901
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Sunday Strand April 1901
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Sunday Strand May 1901
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Sunday Strand June 1901
- Breaking up for the Holidays, (cs) The Boy’s Own Paper August 3 1901
- What to do with Our Cats, (cs) The Boy’s Own Paper August 10 1901
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper September 14 1901
- The Story of My Work, (bg) Crampton’s Magazine December 1901
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Sunday Strand December 1901
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper January 4 1902
- The Cat: To-Day and To-Morrow, (ar) Crampton’s Magazine January 1902
- New Year Resolutions, (il) The Sunday Strand January 1902
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Sunday Strand January 1902
- The Cats’ International, (il) The Sunday Strand February 1902
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Sunday Strand February 1902
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Sunday Strand March 1902
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper April 19 1902
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Sunday Strand April 1902
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper May 3 1902
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper May 17 1902
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) John Bull June 25 1902
- The Biter Bitten, (cs) The Boy’s Own Paper July 5 1902
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper August 30 1902
- [illustration(s)], (il) The Sunday Strand October 1902
- The Coming of Santa Claus, (il) The Sunday Strand December 1902
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) Holly Leaves December 1902
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper February 28 1903
- On His Native Heath, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper December 12 1903
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper August 20 1904
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper October 1 1904
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper January 7 1905
- What the Cat Thought of the Dog Next Door, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper January 21 1905
- What the Dog Thought of the Cat Next Door, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper January 21 1905
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper April 8 1905
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper July 8 1905
- Oh, Those Motor-cars!, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper July 29 1905
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper July 29 1905
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper August 5 1905
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper August 26 1905
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper September 2 1905
- [front cover], (cv) Horner’s Pocket Library #278, October 7 1905
- [front cover], (cv) The Boy’s Own Paper August 11 1906
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper October 20 1906
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper December 22 1906
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper May 4 1907
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper August 24 1907
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper August 31 1907
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper September 14 1907
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper September 21 1907
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper October 26 1907
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper April 4 1908
- [illustration(s)] (with Fred W. Burton & J. Forbes Herries), (il) The Boy’s Own Paper April 11 1908
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper July 18 1908
- The Way of the Cat, (ar) Pearson’s Magazine December 1910
- [illustration(s)], (il) Pearson’s Magazine December 1910
- Christmas in Cat-Land: The Ghost-Story, (il) The London Magazine December 1911
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Boy’s Own Paper April 6 1912
- Dancing Up-to-Date, (il) Winter’s Pie Winter 1913
- Different Ways of Popping the Same Question, (il) Printers’ Pie 1913
- The Picnic, (il) Printers’ Pie 1915
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Holly Bough Christmas 1925
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Holly Bough Christmas 1927
- [cartoon(s)], (ct) The Holly Bough Christmas 1929
- A Cat Compendium: The Worlds of Louis Wain, (Peter Owen, October 2004, pi); edited by Peter Haining
- [front cover], (cv) A Cat Compendium: The Worlds of Louis Wain, Peter Owen, 2004
- [illustration(s)], (il) A Cat Compendium: The Worlds of Louis Wain, Peter Owen, 2004
- Nine Lives: The Proverbial Life of the Cat, (il)
- [front cover], (cv)
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