The FictionMags Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 3636

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    Destiny   (about)
    Amateur magazine.

    • Publishers:
      • Galactic Publishing Co.; Portland, OR: Destiny, Fall 1950 – Summer 1951.
      • Malcolm Willits & Jim Bradley; Chicago: Destiny, Winter 1951 – Fall 1954.
    • Editors:
    • Features:

    Destiny [v1 #1, Summer 1950] (15¢, 16pp, digest) []
    No fiction.

    Detective (1933)   (about)
    A very rare, and short-lived, magazine which was unusual in that the lead story actually started on the cover of the magazine.

    • Publishers:
      • Delo Publications; Myrick Building, Springfield, MA: Detective.

    Detective [v1 #3, January 1934] (15¢, large pulp) []
    Issue partially indexed.

    Detective (1951):   (about)

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