The FictionMags Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 6258

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    London Society [May 1890] (London:F.V. White & Co., 112pp) []
    Details supplied by John Eggeling from a bound volume.

    London Society [June 1890] (London:F.V. White & Co., 112pp) []
    Details supplied by John Eggeling from a bound volume.

    London Society [February 1898] []
    Issue partially indexed.
    • · A Queer Picture · James Steel · ss
    • · Ginevra, or “La Via Dei Morti” · Baroness Swift · ss; retells the same story as “The Street of Death” in the July 1891 issue.

    The Lone Eagle:   (about)

    The Lone Eagle

    • Publishers:
      • Better Publications, Inc.; 570 Seventh Avenue, later 22 West 49th Street, later 10 East 40th Street, New York, NY.: The Lone Eagle.

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