Subtitled “International Crime Fiction”. This is the “First Golden Fedora Poetry Prize Issue”. Details taken from Table of Contents. |
A 64-page, comic-book size modern-day pulp magazine which featured fiction, art and comic strips by the greatest talents in the mystery, crime fiction and comics fields. |
Details supplied by Victor Berch. |
Details supplied by Steven Slutsky. |
There was no issue numbered v2 #1. Details taken from Table of Contents. |
A sampler which came out at the same time as the full size issue #1, this was a mini-booklet given away as a promotional item. There were around 1000 copies printed. Issue not indexed. |
This issue, which bears a cover price of $5.95, was never completed and the incomplete issue was released in digital only form in October 2013. There is no formal Table of Contents and the title is given as NonStop Magazine in the indicia. The pages are not formally numbered and the page numbers below are extrapolated from the PDF pages. |
Details taken from eBay listing. |
Issue partially indexed. |
Issue partially indexed. |