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Magazine Contents Lists: Page 7923

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    Pearson’s Magazine (US) [v40 #5, March 1919] (15¢, 48pp, large flat) []
    Many of the contents bear no author credit but I suspect they are almost all editorially written.
    Details supplied by Mike Ashley.
    • 193 · In the Name of Inhumanity · [uncredited] · ar
    • 194 · Scientific Morality · [uncredited] · ar
    • 196 · The Espionage Law · Gilbert E. Roe · ar
    • 199 · The Truth About Russia and Lenine’s Success · Frank Harris · ar; (the name is spelled Lenine throughout the article).
    • 201 · How Uncle Sam Is Swindled: The True Story of Hog Island · [uncredited] · ar
    • 203 · A Further Exposure · J. L. Spivak · ar; also on Hog Island.
    • 205 · The Torturing of Conscientious Objectors · Frank Harris · ar
    • 207 · The Y.M.C.A. and the Red Cross · [uncredited] · ar
    • 208 · Bismarck’s Triumph and Fall · [uncredited] · ar
    • 210 · Men Who Amuse Our Four Hundred Millions, I: Marcus Loew · Guido Bruno · ar
    • 211 · The Irony of Chance · Frank Harris · ss The Forum July 1910
    • 216 · Snapshots of “People of Importance” · [uncredited] · cl; updates on Karl Liebknecht and Jan Padarewski.
    • 218 · James Thomson: An Unknown Immortal · Frank Harris · ar
    • 223 · To Drink or Not to Drink · Misc. · ms; various comments about prohibition.
    • 224 · Greenwich Village After the War · [uncredited] · ar
    • 225 · After War Theatricals · M. M. · ar
    • 227 · Prison Life in the U.S.A. [Part 1 of ?] · Ex-Convict · ar
    • 228 · How the British Lion Crowns Himself with American Laurels · [uncredited] · ar
    • 230 · Because I’m Black: New Year, 1919 · Lucian B. Watkins · pm
    • 231 · Books · Frank Harris · rc
    • 234 · Through the Editor’s Eyes · Frank Harris · ed
    • 236 · With Our Readers · Readers · lc

    Pearson’s Magazine (US) [v42 #10, August 1919] (15¢, 48pp, large flat) []
    The volume numbering is as shown on the contents page but should still be vol. 40. Advertising is back in this issue.
    Details supplied by Mike Ashley.
    • 433 · The Acid Test · [uncredited] · ar
    • 434 · “The Guiltiest Beast” · [uncredited] · ms
    • 435 · Five World-Shaking Events · Frank Harris · ar
    • 436 · Memories of Swinburne, Morris and Whitman · Ernest Rhys · ar
    • 438 · The Infamous Blockade: Who Is Responsible? · Frank Harris · ar
    • 439 · The Infamous Night Court · Frank Harris · ar
    • 441 · The New German Ambassador · Frank Harris · ar
    • 442 · Pitiful · John Galsworthy · pm To-Day November 1917; also reproduced facsimile of letter from Galsworthy.
    • 443 · Memories of Jugo-Slavia [Part 2 of ?] · Evarist Arz · ar
    • 446 · A Great Letter from Miss Goldman · Emma Goldman · lr; really a letter thanking Harris for various books and praising them with copious notes by Harris.
    • 448 · The Brutality of U.S. Militarism · [uncredited] · ar
    • 449 · In Central Africa · Frank Harris · ss
    • 456 · New York Amusement · Guido Bruno · ar
    • 458 · May Day in Cleveland · [uncredited] · ar
    • 460 · Wit and Wisdom · Various · cl
    • 461 · Two True Poets: A Man and a Woman · [uncredited] · ar; about J. C. Squire and Nora Bomford, probably by Frank Harris.
    • 463 · How These Communists Love ne Another! · Frank Harris · ar; really a response by Harris to a refutation of a previous response by Max Eastman.
    • 465 · The New York Dope Clinic [Part 1 of ?] · [uncredited] · ar
    • 467 · Three or Four Books to Read · Frank Harris · br
    • 470 · Through the Editor’s Eyes · Frank Harris · ed
    • 472 · Letters to the Editor · Readers · lc; these are often long letters which, with Harris’s response, are mini-articles in their own right.

    Pearson’s Magazine (US) [v44 #12, October 1919] (15¢, 48pp, large flat) []
    Another peculiarity in the volume numbering, which should still be volume 40.
    Details supplied by Mike Ashley.

    Pearson’s Magazine (US) [v45 #3, January 1920] (15¢, 48pp, large flat) []
    By now the magazine was becoming full of small articles which were little more than Harris’s comments upon recent news developments. All appear anonymously but they are clearly by Harris. I’ve excluded the minor ones and list only those of significant length.
    Details supplied by Mike Ashley.
    • 673 · Roosevelt on the Germans · Frank Harris · ar
    • 675 · Light at Last and Hope · [uncredited] · ar
    • 678 · The Constitution vs. the Supreme Court · Frank Harris · ar
    • 679 · The Roumanians in Hungary · Dr. Munro · ex; extract from a report.
    • 680 · Ex-President Taft on Eugene V. Debs · Frank Harris · ar; Harris quotes a letter from Taft on the imprisonment of Debs for anti-war speeches.
    • 682 · Why Bully Mexico? · Senor de Negri · ar
    • 683 · Who Will Save Starving Vienna? · [uncredited] · ar
    • 684 · Slavery in Delaware and in British Africa · W. H. Ritzsey · ar
    • 686 · Caillaux and French Finance · [uncredited] · ar
    • 687 · The Smile of Zeenak-ed Doonya · Jay E. Forest · ss
    • 688 · Two German-Americans at Home · [uncredited] · ar
    • 690 · Wit and Wisdom · Various · cl
    • 692 · W. L. George: A Portrait · Frank Harris · ar
    • 694 · Stupidity Street · Ralph Hodgson · pm Poems by Ralph Hodgson, Macmillan, 1917
    • 694 · Villanelle of Montparnasse · Adolphe Roberts · pm
    • 694 · The Spirit Song · J. H. · pm
    • 696 · Hans Stengel: German Cartoonist · Guido Bruno · ar
    • 698 · Philip Snowden · M. A. H. · ar
    • 699 · Wagner in New York—Shakespeare in Berlin · Guido Bruno · ar
    • 701 · Bohemian Life in New York [Part 1 of ?] · Guido Bruno · ar; reminiscences in semi-fictional form.
    • 708 · The New Pilgrim’s Progress · [uncredited] · ar
    • 710 · Books New and Old · Frank Harris · br
    • 713 · Through the Editor’s Eyes · Frank Harris · ed
    • 716 · Letters to the Editor · Readers · lc

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