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    The Saturday Evening Post [v215 #40, April 3, 1943] (10½″ x 13½″, cover by Norman Rockwell) [] (Full Text)
    Details taken from eBay listing.
    • · Miracle in the Rain · Ben Hecht · ss; A love, born in the rain, that walked across seas.
    • · Butterflies in the Belfry · Phyllis Duganne · ss; Scratch a butterfly chaser and you find dynamite.
    • · A for Apple · D. K. Findlay · ss; The story of why a mediocre bombing crew was great.
    • · Boysi and the Never-Cat · Glenn Allan · ss; Boysi’s technique of speeding unwanted guests.
    • · I Remember, I Remember · Mosser Mauger · ss; An invented hero-sweetheart embarrassingly comes to life.
    • 28 · Last Man Off Wake Island [Part 1 of 3] · Lt. Col. Walter L. J. Baylor, USMC & Cecil Carnes · ar; Wake’s gallant defense as seen at the ringside.
    • · The Guy Wizard of York · David Wittels · ar; A cherubic little millionaire whose wizardry is routine.
    • · Books That Shook the World · Bennett Cerf · ar
    • · No Mamma’s Girls · Mary Green & Mark Murphy · ar; How sailors’ wives keep the home fires burning.
    • · Our Number One Ace Comes Home · Capt. Garrett Graham, USMCR · ar; Capt. Joe Foss, who met heroism over Guadalcanal.
    • · Hospital Ship · Cmdr. Mackey Lewis, USN & Josef Israels · ar; The Navy’s floating hospitals under full steam.
    • · True or False? · Joseph W. Ellison · ar; The story of an ancient plaque that has scientists guessing (Sir Francis Drake ?)
    • · Ramrod [Part 2 of 7] · Luke Short · sl; A Gun Fight for the Circle 66 and a Legal Coup.

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