The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 12073
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Stage Was Set, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine February 1937
- * Stage Whispers, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #634, February 6 1932; adapted from the movie (Barbara Kent, John Holland).
- * The Staghounds, (pm) The Sporting Mirror #45, October 1884
- * A Stag Hunt, (ar) The Young Englishman’s Journal July 20 1867
- * A Stag in Winter, (ms) True Western Stories March 1926
- * A Stag of Ten, (ar) The English Illustrated Magazine January 1906
- * Stag of the Month, (cl) Stag December 1956
- * Stag Party Gags, (hu) Stag January 1978
- * Stag Party Special, (rv) Adam November 1959
- * Stag’s Big Picture, (pi) Stag Jul 1964, Oct 1971
- * Stag Scraps, (cl) Stag: Man’s Own Magazine #4 Spr, #5 Sum 1947
- * The Stain, (ss) Snappy Stories 2nd March 1916
- * Stainless Harry, (bg) Confiction Souvenir Book ed. Johan-Martijn Flaton, Confiction, 1990 [Ref. Harry Harrison]
- * The Stain of Parentage, (ss) Eliza Cook’s Journal January 8 1853, as by Percy B. St. John
- * The Stain of Scandal, (ts) True Story February 1924
- * The Stairway of Rice, (ar) Look and Learn #29, August 4 1962
- * Stairway to Salvation, (pi) Look and Learn #26, July 14 1962
- * The Stake and the Body, (ex) (by James Malcolm Rymer)from Varney the Vampire; or, The Feast of Blood, E. Lloyd, 1847
- * Staked Honor, (ts) Street & Smith’s Real Love Magazine September 1931
- * The Staked Plains, (ms) The Rio Kid Western August 1952
- * Staking a Corpse, (ms) The Daily Telegraph February 15 1912
- * Stalin’s Secret Book of Death, (ar) Action May 1953
- * Stalking Polar Bears, (ts) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #12, May 1925
- * Stalking the Girl, (fa) Girl Watcher #2, June 1959
- * Stalking the Stalker, (ss) The Auckland Weekly News. Town and Country Journal May 21 1903
- * Stalking the Stars, (cl) Movie Monthly Oct, Nov, Dec 1925, Feb, Apr, May, Jul 1926
- * Stalking Tropical Bad Men, (ms) Fawcett’s Triple-X Magazine #7, December 1924
- * The Stalling Point, (cn) Airplane Stories May 1931
- * Stallion and Dragon: Notes on (and by) Cabell & Eddison, (ar) Kalki #8, 1968
- * The Stammering Lawyer, (ms) Top-Notch Magazine March 15 1928
- * Stamp Album of the Bible, (ar) The Bible Story #20, July 18 1964
- * Stamp Collecting, (ar) The Tryout August 1918
- * Stamp Collecting, (cl) The Argosy Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1894, Jan, Feb, Mar 1895
- * Stamp Collecting, (ms) Collins’ for Boys and Girls #14, February 1949
- * Stamp Collecting. British Stamps, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper March 22 1879
- * Stamp-Collecting in Education, (ms) The Boy’s Own Paper December 31 1887
- * The Stamp Collector, (cl) The American Boy February 1914
- * The Stamp Collector, (cl) Chums May 6 1930
- * Stamp Corner, (cl) Chums Feb 12, Mar 26, May 7, May 14, Nov 5, Nov 19, Dec 3, Dec 10 1921, Feb 18, Apr 1 1922,
Jan 13 1923
- * Stamp corner, (cl) Chums April 30 1921
- * Stamp Counterfeiting, (ms) Best Detective Magazine March 1936
- * Stamp Decoration as a Fine Art, (ar) The Strand Magazine February 1913
- * Stamp Department, (cl) The Argosy Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1895
- * Stampede, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #913, June 12 1937; adapted from the movie (Charles Starrett).
- * Stampeded by a Goat, (ms) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly October 26 1940
- * A Stampede for Slim Harkness [Slim Harkness], (cs) (by F. L. Stebbins) Street & Smith’s Wild West Weekly November 27 1937
- * Stampede The, (pm) Rhymes from the Round-Up Camp ed. Wallace D. Coburn, W.T. Ridgley Press, 1899
- * Stampeding Sheep, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine March 14 1936
- * The Stamp of Approval, (ms) People’s May 1907
- * Stamp of Goodwill, (ar) Tit-Bits #2877, December 19 1936
- * Stamp Problems, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper June 1938
- * Stamp Questions Answered, (cl) The American Boy June 1901
- * Stamps, (cl) Chums Mar 11 1922, Apr 21 1923
- * Stamps, (cl) The Open Road for Boys Feb, Jun, Jul 1931, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct 1932
- * Stamps and Postcards Issued During 1879, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Feb 14, Feb 21, Feb 28 1880
- * Stamps and Stamp Collecting:
* ___ After General Collecting—What?, (cl) The Boy’s Own Paper March 1937
* ___ Canada’s Pictorial Stamps, (cl) The Boy’s Own Paper February 1937
* ___ Some Empire Stamps, (cl) The Boy’s Own Paper September 1937
* ___ Stamp Problems, (cl) The Boy’s Own Paper June 1938
* ___ The Stamps of Tonga, (cl) The Boy’s Own Paper January 1937
* ___ Stamp Traps, (cl) The Boy’s Own Paper January 1938
* ___ Surcharges and Overprints, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper May 1937
- * Stamps & Coins, (cl) Boys’ Life December 1972
- * Stamps, Coins and Curios, (cl) The American Boy Aug, Nov 1904
- * Stamps, Coins, and Curios, (cl) The American Boy August 1903
- * Stamps Column, (cl) Army and Navy Weekly November 20 1897
- * Stamps Covered His Will, (ms) Mystery Magazine #35, April 15 1919
- * Stamps in the Day’s News, (cl) The American Boy July 1921
- * The Stamps of Tonga, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper January 1937
- * Stamp Stealing Grand Larceny, (ms) Best Detective Magazine September 1934
- * Stamps to Stick, (ar) The Youth’s Companion June 28 1923
- * Stamps to Stick, (cl) The Youth’s Companion January 1929
- * Stamp Traps, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper January 1938
- * Stan Bolovan and the Dragon, (ss)
- * Stand and Deliver: How Dick Turpin Met His Match on the Colchester Road, (ss) Chums July 15 1908
- * Standard Ships, (ia) Modern World March 8 1941
- * Standards of Old England, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper September 29 1883
- * Standards of Old England, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper September 29 1883
- * Stand by for Mars, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #53, January 15 1955 [Ref. Carey Rockwell]
- * Stand By for Station Pep, (pi) Movie Monthly April 1926
- * Standing Mute, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 31 1918
- * Standing Rules, (ms) L.A. Con III Programme Book, L.A. Con, 1996
- * Standing the Heat Nicely, Thank You!, (pi) Physical Culture August 1925
- * Standing the Test of Time, (iv) Suspense Magazine December 2011 [Ref. John Lescroart]
- * Standout Stand-in, (pi) Pose! October 1960
- * Stand to Your Glasses Steady, (pm) War Aces #21, December 1931
- * The Stand-Up, (ms) Sweetheart Stories #274, February 1939
- * Stand-Up Guys, (cl) Penthouse Jun, Jul, Aug, Oct 2005
* ___ Aaron Karo, (cl) Penthouse May 2005
* ___ Christian Finnegan, (cl) Penthouse September 2005
* ___ Dave Attell, of Insomniac, (cl) Penthouse February 2002
* ___ Mitch Hedberg, (cl) Penthouse December 2001
* ___ Steve Hofstetter, (cl) Penthouse October 2006
- * “Stanley and Livingstone”, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper January 1940
- * The Stanley Cycle Show at the Crystal Palace, (ar) Black & White #46, December 19 1891
- * Stanley Dare, the Boy Detective, (sl) (by Alec G. Pearson) The Magnet Library Feb 5, Feb 12, Feb 19, Feb 26, Mar 5, Mar 12, Mar 19, Mar 26, Apr 2, Apr 9,
Apr 16, Apr 23, Apr 30, May 7, May 14, May 21, May 28, Jun 4, Jun 11, Jun 18,
Jun 25, Jul 2, Jul 9, Jul 16, Jul 23, Jul 30, Aug 6, Aug 13, Aug 20, Aug 27,
Sep 3, Sep 10, Sep 17, Sep 24, Oct 1, Oct 8, Oct 15, Oct 22, Oct 29, Nov 5,
Nov 12, Nov 19, Nov 26, Dec 3, Dec 10, Dec 17, Dec 24, Dec 31 1910
Jan 7, Jan 14 1911
- * Stanley Ellin: Again, (bi) Presenting Moonshine #42, August 1975 [Ref. Stanley Ellin]
- * Stanley Ellin: Revised Checklist, (bi) Presenting Moonshine #35, October 1973 [Ref. Stanley Ellin]
- * Stanley Ellin: Some Preliminary Notes, (bg) Presenting Moonshine #19, October 23 1971 [Ref. Stanley Ellin]
- * Stanley Gleit: “It’s Really Sirius”, (bg) If November 1954 [Ref. Stanley Gleit]
- * Stanley Hyland (1914-1997), (ob) A Shot in the Dark #12, Summer 1997 [Ref. Stanley Hyland]
- * Stanley on the Congo, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Jul 11, Jul 18 1885
- * Stanley on the Congo Forest, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1890
- * Stanley, Rescuer of Livingston, (ia) Thrilling Adventures January 1933
- * Stanley’s Adventures in Africa, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper Sep 13, Sep 20 1879
- * Stanley Schmidt, (bg) The Bulletin of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America #150, Summer 2001 [Ref. Stanley Schmidt]
- * Stanley’s Emin Pasha Expedition, (ar) Lippincott’s Monthly Magazine April 1890
- * Stanley Was a Champ, (ms) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #54, January 1949
- * Stanzas, (pm) The Chartist Circular #92, June 26 1841
- * Stanzas by the Seaside, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1881
- * Stanzas (“I love to sit, at twilight e’en…”), (pm) The Ladies’ National Magazine November 1847
- * Stanzas (“On strange roads, night broods, distressing… ”), (pm) Peterson’s Magazine April 1856
- * Stanzas to a Friend, (pm) Ballou’s Dollar Monthly Magazine January 1855
- * Stanzas (“Was it not here that calm and cold… ”), (pm) Peterson’s Magazine July 1856
- * The Star, (pm) The Novel Magazine February 1911
- * Star and Candle, (ss) (by Julian Hawthorne) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1872
- * Star Boarder Leaves Jail, (ms) Detective Story Magazine July 25 1925
- * Starboard & Junk, (ar) Boys’ Life June 1976
- * Starbuck’s Weeping Trees, (ms) Far West Stories December 1930
- * Star Chamber:
* ___ Marion Zimmer Bradley, (pi) Galileo #5, 1977 [Ref. Marion Zimmer Bradley]
* ___ Edward Bryant, (pi) Galileo November 1979 [Ref. Edward Bryant]
* ___ C.J. Cherryh, (pi) Galileo #10, 1978 [Ref. C. J. Cherryh]
* ___ Hal Clement, (pi) Galileo #11/12, 1979 [Ref. Hal Clement]
* ___ L. Sprague de Camp, (pi) Galileo #9, 1978 [Ref. L. Sprague de Camp]
* ___ Harlan Ellison, (pi) Galileo #6, 1978 [Ref. Harlan Ellison]
* ___ Robert A. Heinlein, (pi) Galileo January 1980 [Ref. Robert A. Heinlein]
* ___ Frank Herbert, (pi) Galileo #7, 1978 [Ref. Frank Herbert]
* ___ Larry Niven, (pi) Galileo #2, 1976 [Ref. Larry Niven]
* ___ Joanna Russ, (pi) Galileo #8, 1978 [Ref. Joanna Russ]
* ___ Robert Sheckley, (pi) Galileo #17, 1980 (unpublished) [Ref. Robert Sheckley]
* ___ Robert Silverberg, (pi) Galileo #3, 1977 [Ref. Robert Silverberg]
* ___ Clifford D. Simak, (pi) Galileo July 1979 [Ref. Clifford D. Simak]
* ___ Kate Wilhelm, (pi) Galileo September 1979 [Ref. Kate Wilhelm]
* ___ Jack Williamson, (pi) Galileo #4, 1977 [Ref. Jack Williamson]
- * Star Dust, (ms) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #55, February 1949
- * Stardust, (ms) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #50 Sep, #51 Oct, #52 Nov 1948
- * Stare Case, (pi) Rex #32, 1972
- * Star/Formation, (pm) Abyss & Apex #51, 3rd Quarter 2014
- * A Star for Rod Serling, (ar) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine April 1989
- * Star-Gazing, (cn) The London Magazine May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Chr 1928, Jan, Feb 1929
- * Stargazing, (ms) Gaze #1, 1946
- * A Star in Captivity, (ts) Street & Smith’s Real Love Magazine January 1932
- * Star in Your Eye, (pi) Adventure October 1957
- * A Star Is Shorn, (pi) Dapper February 1978
- * Stark Desire, (??) Charmes 1950
- * Stark Images—Loren Kantor’s Film Noir Woodcuts, (ar) Grift Magazine #2, Spring 2013 [Ref. Loren Kantor]
- * The Star Kings, (br) Authentic Science Fiction #19, March 15 1952 [Ref. Edmond Hamilton]
- * Stark Obsession: Meet Adam Baker, (iv) Suspense Magazine April 2013 [Ref. Adam Baker]
- * Starlight and Gaslight, (ss) (by Thomas Irwin) Dublin University Magazine November 1863
- * Starlight Over Texas, (ms) Ranch Romances 2nd January 1939
- * Star Light…Star Bright, (pi) Rogue February 1962
- * Starlight the Untamed, (sa) Boys’ Cinema Weekly July 24 1926
- * Star-like Crystals, (ar) The Boy’s Own Paper March 20 1880
- * The Starling, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1879
- * A Starlit Night by the Seashore, (ex) (by W. Walsham Bedford)
- * The Star-Maker Does It Again!, (ms) Redbook Magazine April 1935
- * Starman Jones, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #52, December 15 1954 [Ref. Robert Heinlein]
- * The Star Man of the “Key”, (nv) The Boys’ Friend #476, July 23 1910
- * Starman Smith, (ms) Razar #2, 2007
- * The Starmen, (br) Authentic Science Fiction Monthly #51, November 15 1954 [Ref. Leigh Brackett]
- * Starmont House Adds Three Volumes to SK Studies, (ar) Castle Rock August 1985
- * Star ’n’ Stripes Carnival, (cn) Woman’s Home Companion February 1944
- * The Star of Destiny, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1889
- * The Star of Doom; or, Amid Foes and Perils in an Unknown Land, (na) Union Jack Library November 3 1894
- * Star of Honour Puzzle, (pz) The Boy’s Own Paper May 9 1903
- * Star of India, (sa) Super Cinema Annual 1955, The Amalgamated Press, Ltd., 1954; adapted from the Eros Films production of the same name, starring Cornel Wilde.
- * The Star of Stars, (ar) Photoplay June 1932
- * Star of the East, (pi) Rogue January 1962
- * The Star of the Month, (pi) The New Royal Magazine February 1932
* ___ Ann Dvorak, (pi) The Royal Pictorial October 1932
* ___ Billie Dove, (pi) The Royal Pictorial February 1933
* ___ Clark Gable, (pi) The New Royal Magazine March 1932
* ___ Conchita Montenegro, (pi) The Royal Pictorial August 1932
* ___ Constance Cummings, (pi) The Royal Pictorial March 1933
* ___ Diana Wynyard, (pi) The Royal Pictorial August 1933
* ___ Gloria Stuart, (pi) The Royal Pictorial June 1933
* ___ Greta Garbo, (pi) The New Royal Magazine April 1932
* ___ Leila Hyams, (pi) The New Royal Magazine May 1932
* ___ Lewis Stone, (pi) The Royal Pictorial December 1932
* ___ Madge Evans, (pi) The Royal Pictorial September 1932
* ___ Marian Marsh, (pi) The Royal Pictorial June 1932
* ___ Marie Dressler, (pi) The Royal Pictorial July 1932
* ___ Miriam Hopkins, (pi) The Royal Pictorial January 1933
* ___ Myrna Loy, (pi) The Royal Pictorial September 1933
* ___ Nancy Carroll, (pi) The Royal Pictorial Nov 1932, May 1933, Jan 1934
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