British Juvenile Story Papers and Pocket Libraries Index
Biographical Notes: Page 1
Biographical Notes Index —
- Abbott, J(ohn) H(enry) M(acartney) (1874-1953) (items) (chron.)
- Abdullah, Achmed; pseudonym of Alexander Nicholayevitch Romanoff (1881-1945) (items) (chron.); name given in full as Achmed Abdullah Nadir Khan el-Durani el Iddrissyeh.
- Abel, Robert (1857-1936) (items) (chron.)
- Abney, [Sir] W(illiam) de W(iveleslie) (1843-1920) (items) (chron.)
- Abrahams, H(arold) M(aurice) (1899-1978) (items) (chron.)
- Adams, Agnes (Louise Logan) (1891-1951) (items) (chron.)
- Adams, [Sir] John (1857-1934); used pseudonym Skelton Kuppord (items) (chron.)
- Adams, Morley (Punshon) (1876-1954) (items) (chron.)
- Adams, Oscar Fay (1855-1919) (items) (chron.)
- Adams, W(illiam) H(enry) Davenport (1828-1891) (items) (chron.)
- Adcock, A(rthur) St. John (1864-1930) (items) (chron.)
- Adcock, Frederick (1874-1951) (items) (chron.)
- Addison, Joseph (1672-1719) (items)
- Adeler, Max; pseudonym of Charles H. Clark (1841-1915) (items) (chron.)
- Aflalo, Frederick G(eorge) (1870-1918) (items) (chron.)
- Agnew, Stephen H(amilton) (?-1916) (items) (chron.)
- Aide, (Charles) Hamilton (1826-1906) (items) (chron.); name also given as Charles Hamilton Aidé and Charles Hamilton Aïdé.
- Aimard, Gustave (1818-1883) (items) (chron.)
- Ainsworth, W(illiam) Harrison (1805-1882) (items) (chron.)
- Albanesi, Effie Adelaide Maria; [Madame Albanesi; born Effie Henderson] (1859-1936) (items) (chron.)
- Alcock, C(harles) W(illiam) (1842-1907) (items) (chron.)
- Aldin, Cecil (Charles Windsor) (1870-1935) (items) (chron.)
- Aldous, Allan (Charles) (1911-2000) (items) (chron.)
- Alexander, Sidney A. (1866-1948) (items) (chron.)
- Alexandrine of Denmark, Queen; [born Alexandrine Auguste of Mecklenburg-Schwerin] (1879-1952) (items) (chron.)
- Allan, John; pseudonym of John J. Garbutt (1902-1991) (items) (chron.)
- Allen, Audrey Mayhew (1870-?) (items) (chron.)
- Allen, (Charles) Grant (Blairfindie) (1848-1899) (items) (chron.)
- Allen, (Albert Thomas) Trevor (1891-1983) (items) (chron.)
- Allighan, Garry (1895-1977) (items) (chron.)
- Allingham, Helen; [born Helen Mary Elizabeth Paterson] (1848-1926) (items) (chron.)
- Allingham, Herbert (John) (1867-1936) (items) (chron.)
- Allingham, Margery (Louise) (1904-1966) (items) (chron.)
- Alma-Tadema, [Sir] Lawrence (1836-1912) (items) (chron.)
- Ambler, C(hristopher) Gifford (1886-1965) (items) (chron.)
- Ambrose, Charles (Napier) (1876-1946) (items) (chron.)
- Ames, Delano (1906-1987) (items) (chron.)
- Anderson, James (1853-1911) (items) (chron.)
- Anderson, Paul L(ewis) (1880-1956) (items) (chron.)
- Andrew, Colin (Henderson) (1933-2013) (items) (chron.)
- Andrews, Allen (1913-1985) (items) (chron.)
- Andrews, Graham (1948- ) (items) (chron.)
- Andrews, Mary Raymond Shipman; [Mrs. William Shankland Andrews] (1860-1936) (items) (chron.)
- Angell, Clare (1874-1932?) (items) (chron.)
- Angell, (Alice) Maude (1870-1944) (items) (chron.)
- Anstey, F.; pseudonym of Thomas Anstey Guthrie (1856-1934) (items) (chron.)
- Anstruther, [Dame] Eva (Isabella Henrietta) (1869-1935) (items) (chron.)
- Arbuthnot, John (1667-1735) (items)
- Archer, H(ubert) G(raves) (1869-1940) (items) (chron.)
- Arkell, Reginald (1882-1959) (items) (chron.)
- Armitt, Annie (1850-1933) (items) (chron.)
- Armour, R(obert) C(outts) (1874-1945) (items) (chron.)
- Armour, Richard (Willard) (1906-1989) (items) (chron.)
- Armstrong, Anthony; pseudonym of George A. A. Willis (1897-1976) (items) (chron.)
- Armstrong, Martin (Donisthorpe) (1882-1974) (items) (chron.)
- Arnaud, (Germaine) Yvonne (1890-1958) (items) (chron.)
- Arnold, Channing (1869-1938) (items) (chron.)
- Arnold, [Sir] Edwin (1832-1904) (items) (chron.)
- Arnold, Edwin Lester (Linden) (1857-1935) (items) (chron.)
- Arnold, Matthew (1822-1888) (items)
- Arnold, Ralph (Crispian Marshall) (1906-1970) (items) (chron.)
- Arvonen, (Margaret) Helen (1937-?) (items) (chron.)
- Ashford, Daisy; [i.e., Margaret Mary Julia Ashford] (1881-1972) (items) (chron.)
- Asimov, Isaac; [anglicized from Isaak Iudich Azimov] (1920-1992) (items) (chron.)
- Atholl, Justin; pseudonym of Sidney Denham (1906-1968) (items) (chron.)
- Atkins, Frank; [i.e., Francis Henry Atkins, Sr.] (1847-1927) (items) (chron.)
- Atkins, Frank Howard (1882-1921) (items) (chron.)
- Austen, Jane (1775-1817) (items)
- Austen, Winifred (Marie Louise) (1876-1964) (items) (chron.)
- Austin, F(rederick) Britten (1885-1941) (items) (chron.)
- Avenell, Donne (1925-1997) (items) (chron.)
- Avery, (Charles) Harold (1867-1943) (items) (chron.)
- Ayres, Ruby M(ildred) (1883-1955) (items) (chron.)
- Aytoun, William Edmondstoune (1813-1865) (items) (chron.)
- Backhouse, G(eoffrey) W(illiam) (1903-1978) (items) (chron.)
- Bacon, [Sir] Francis, Viscount St. Albans, Baron Verulam (1561-1626) (items)
- Bacon, (James) H(enry) L(ynch) (1875-1948) (items) (chron.)
- Bacon, Henry (1839-1912) (items) (chron.)
- Bacon, [Rev.] John M(ackenzie) (1846-1904) (items) (chron.)
- Baden-Powell, (Arthur Robert) Peter (1913-1962) (items) (chron.)
- Baden-Powell, [Sir] Robert (Stephenson Smyth, 1st Baron Baden-Powell) (1857-1941) (items) (chron.)
- Bailey, (Horace William) Elliot (1887-1977) (items) (chron.)
- Bailey, (Irene) Temple (1869-1953) (items) (chron.)
- Baillie Reynolds, Gertrude (Minnie) (1861-1939); previously known as G. M. Robins (items) (chron.)
- Baker, Richard St. Barbe (1889-1982) (items) (chron.)
- Balfour, Andrew (1873-1931) (items) (chron.)
- Balfour, F(rederic) H(enry) (1846-1909) (items) (chron.)
- Ball, William David (1885-1971) (items) (chron.)
- Ballantyne, R(obert) M(ichael) (1825-1894) (items) (chron.)
- Balzac, Honoré de (1799-1850) (items)
- Banfield, Frank (1852-1914) (items) (chron.)
- Bangs, John Kendrick (1862-1922) (items) (chron.)
- Bankhead, Tallulah (fl. 1900s-1960s) (items)
- Banks, Elizabeth (Brister) (1865-1938); used pseudonym Mary Mortimer Maxwell (items) (chron.)
- Barbauld, Anna Laetitia Aikin (1743-1825); previously known as Anna Laetitia Aikin (items) (chron.)
- Barber, D(onald) H(erbert) (1907-1971) (items) (chron.)
- Bardens, Dennis Conrad (1911-2004) (items) (chron.)
- Baring-Gould, S(abine) (1834-1924) (items) (chron.)
- Barker, Reginald C(harles) (1881-1937) (items) (chron.)
- Barnaby, [Sir] Nathaniel (1829-1915) (items) (chron.)
- Barnard, Charlotte Alington (née Pye) (1830-1869); used pseudonym Claribel (items) (chron.)
- Barnard, Frederick (1846-1896) (items) (chron.)
- Barnes, George Foster (fl. 1870s-1900s) (items) (chron.)
- Barnes-Austin, Edgar H(arold) S(pedding) (1862-1952) (items) (chron.)
- Barnum, P(hineas) T(aylor) (1810-1891) (items) (chron.)
- Barrett, Alfred Walter (1869-1933) (items) (chron.)
- Barringer, Lewin B(ennett) (1906-1943) (items) (chron.)
- Barritt, Mrs. Frances Fuller (1826-1902) (items) (chron.)
- Barron, (Arthur) Oswald (1868-1939) (items) (chron.)
- Barry, John Arthur (1850-1911) (items) (chron.)
- Bartlett, Frederick Orin (1876-1945) (items) (chron.)
- Bassett-Lowke, W(enman) J(oseph) (1877-1953) (items) (chron.)
- Batchelder, W(illiam) J(ames) (1880-1958) (items) (chron.)
- Batchelor, Denzil (Stanley) (1906-1969) (items) (chron.)
- Bateman, H(enry) M(ayo) (1887-1970) (items) (chron.)
- Bateman, May (Geraldine Frances) (1872-1938) (items) (chron.)
- Bateman, Robert (Moyes Carruthers) (1922-1973) (items) (chron.)
- Bates, Dewey (1851-1899) (items) (chron.)
- Bates, Leo(nard Fison) (1890-1957) (items) (chron.)
- Batten, H(arry) Mortimer (1888-1958) (items) (chron.)
- Batten, P(eter) W(oodruff) (1893-1958) (items) (chron.)
- Battersby, T(homas) Preston (1856-1941) (items) (chron.)
- Bauerle, A(melia Mathilde) (1873-1916) (items) (chron.)
- Bawden, Nina; [i.e., Nina Mary Mabey Bawden Kark] (1925-2012) (items) (chron.)
- Baxendale, (Joseph) Leo (1930-2017) (items) (chron.)
- Bayley, Barrington J(ohn) (1937-2008) (items) (chron.)
- Bayley, (T.) Donovan (1881-1939) (items) (chron.)
- Bayly, George (1808-1888) (items) (chron.)
- Beadle, Charles (1881-?) (items) (chron.)
- Beale, Dorothea (1831-1906) (items) (chron.)
- Beames, John (1889-?) (items) (chron.)
- Bear, Winifred (Edith) (1908-1980) (items) (chron.)
- Beatty, David Richard (, 1st Earl Beatty) (1871-1936) (items) (chron.)
- Beatty, John (Louis) (1922-1975) (items) (chron.)
- Beatty, Patricia (née Robbins) (1922-1991) (items) (chron.)
- Becher, Arthur E. (1877-1960) (items) (chron.)
- Becke, (George) Louis (1855-1913) (items) (chron.)
- Becker, Carl (Emil Rudolf Ludwig) (1861-1926) (items) (chron.)
- Bedford, Frederick (George Denham) (1838-1913) (items) (chron.)
- Bedford-Jones, H(enry James O’Brien) (1887-1949) (items) (chron.)
- Beet, E(rnest) Agar (1904-1997) (items) (chron.)
- Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827) (items)
- Begbie, (Edward) Harold (1871-1929) (items) (chron.)
- Beith, [Sir] John Hay (1876-1952) (items) (chron.)
- Belfield, H(arry) Wedgwood (1893-1964) (items) (chron.)
- Bell, John Keble (1875-1928); used pseudonym Keble Howard (items) (chron.)
- Bell, Neil; pseudonym of Stephen Southwold (1887-1964) (items) (chron.)
- Bell, R(obert) S(tanley) Warren (1871-1921) (items) (chron.)
- Bellamy, R(obert) L(owe) (1866-1938) (items) (chron.)
- Bellecroix, Ernest (1836-1901) (items) (chron.)
- Bender, George A(lmon) (1904-1985) (items) (chron.)
- Benett, Léon; [born Hippolyte Léon Benet] (1839-1917) (items) (chron.)
- Benham, Charles E. (1860-1929) (items) (chron.)
- Bennett, Fred(erick Stanley) (1876-1939) (items) (chron.)
- Bennett, (William) Rolf (1882-1971) (items) (chron.)
- Bentley, Nicolas (Clerihew) (1907-1978) (items) (chron.)
- Beresford, Leslie; [born Charles Beresford Painter, name assumed in 1910] (1878-1946) (items) (chron.)
- Berkeley, Reginald (Cheyne) (1890-1935) (items) (chron.)
- Berkeley, Stanley (Tyerman) (1855-1909) (items) (chron.)
- Berlyn, Annie (1862-1943) (items) (chron.)
- Berridge, W(alter) S(ydney) (1880-1958) (items) (chron.)
- Berrisford, Judith M.; pseudonym of Clifford & Mary Lewis (items) (chron.)
- Berry, (Roderick) Bryan (1930-1966) (items) (chron.)
- Besant, [Sir] Walter (1836-1901) (items) (chron.)
- Bevan, Tom (1868-1937) (items) (chron.)
- Bewsher, Paul (1894-1966) (items) (chron.)
- Bickerstaffe, L(ucy) C(amilla) (1884-1937) (items) (chron.)
- Bidlake, F(rederick) T(homas) (1867-1933) (items) (chron.)
- Bidston, Lester (1883-1938) (items) (chron.)
- Biggers, Earl Derr (1884-1933) (items) (chron.)
- Billington, Mary Frances (1862-1925) (items) (chron.)
- Bindloss, Harold (Edward) (1866-1945) (items) (chron.)
- Birch, J(esse) Weedon (1875-1926) (items) (chron.)
- Birch, Walter de Gray (1842-1924) (items) (chron.)
- Bird, (John Alexander) Harrington (1846-1936) (items) (chron.)
- Birnage, Derek (Arthur William) (1913-2004) (items) (chron.)
- Bishop, Cecil (Clayforth) (1877-1951) (items) (chron.)
- Bishop, Harry (1920-2015) (items) (chron.)
- Bishop, Percy C(ooke) (1869-1961) (items) (chron.)
- Björnson, Björnstjerne (1832-1910) (items) (chron.)
- Black, Clementina (Maria) (1853-1923) (items) (chron.)
- Black, Helen C(ecelia) (1838-1906) (items) (chron.)
- Black, Ladbroke (Lionel Day) (1877-1940); used pseudonym Paul Urquhart (items) (chron.)
- Blackledge, W(illiam) J(ames) (1886-1948) (items) (chron.)
- Blackmore, R(ichard) D(oddridge) (1825-1900) (items) (chron.)
- Blackwood, Algernon (Henry) (1869-1951) (items) (chron.)
- Blaikley, Ernest (1885-1965) (items) (chron.)
- Blake, (Francis William) Stacey (1873-1964) (items) (chron.)
- Blake, Wilfred T(heodore) (1894-1968) (items) (chron.)
- Blasco, Jesús (1919-1995) (items) (chron.)
- Blériot, Louis (Charles Joseph) (1872-1936) (items) (chron.)
- Blind, Harold (Edward) (1886-1954) (items) (chron.)
- Bloom, Ursula (Harvey) (1892-1984) (items) (chron.)
- Bloundelle-Burton, John Edward (1850-1917) (items) (chron.)
- Blyth, Harry (1852-1898); used pseudonym Hal Meredeth (items) (chron.)
- Bodley, R(onald) V(ictor) C(ourtenay) (1892-1970) (items) (chron.)
- Bogle, (William) Lockhart (1857-1900) (items) (chron.)
- Boland, (Bertram) John (1913-1976) (items) (chron.)
- Bolton, F. H. (fl. 1900s-1910s) (items) (chron.)
- Booth, Christopher B(elvard) (1889-1950) (items) (chron.)
- Borer, Mary Cathcart; [i.e., Mary Irene Cathcart Borer Myers] (1906-1994); also known as Mary Cathcart Myers (items) (chron.)
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