British Juvenile Story Papers and Pocket Libraries Index
Index by Series/Imprint: Page 5
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Series/Imprint Index —
- Smith, Sharpshooter
- Snapshot Chap, The
- Snapshot Sammy
- Sniper Sid & Co
- Son o’ the Seven Seas
- Sons of the Sea
- S.O.S.
- Spade, Sam (about)
- Sparkes
- Sparks, Pete
- Sparrow [Hadath]
- Spearing, Will
- Specky the Spoofer
- Speed, Martin
- Speed, Martin (By Date)
- Spencer, Big Hal & Co.
- Spencer, Speedy
- Spiff & Big Ben
- Spiller, Lefty
- Splice, Oakum
- Spotsem & Getsem
- Stagg, Stan
- Standish, Colin
- Standish, Mike & Kaye
- Stane, Sticky
- Stanton, Speed-Cop
- Stark, Dr.
- Starlight, Captain
- Star of the North
- Starr, Nick
- Starr, Ray
- Staveley, Jack
- Steamboat Bill
- Stearn, Hal
- Steel, Martin
- Steel, Professor
- Steeley
- Stern, Martin
- Stern, Stanton
- Stewart, Jim
- Stormcove College
- Stormpoint College
- Straight, Jack
- Straight Left
- Strange, Rex
- Strang—Sea Detective
- Strong, Simple Sammy
- Strong, Ted, aka Young Rough Rider
- Stunt Club
- Stunter & Dusty
- Sturdy, Bob
- Sturrock, Tony
- Sullivan, John L., Jr.
- Sunneydene
- Superman (about)
- Swift, Falcon
- Swift, Naval Lt.
- Tabor, Sonny
- Tailspin Tommy
- Talbot, Jack
- Tangle, Larry
- Tartar, Tom
- Tarzan (about)
- Taylor, Sonny
- Ted of Bluetown Flyers
- Telegraph Tom
- Templar, Simon (The Saint) (about)
- Tenderfoot Ted
- Terrible Four, The
- Terrible Three
- Tester, Jimmy
- Texas Tom
- Them Thar Hills
- Thorpe, Peter
- Three Just Men, The see under The Just Men
- Three Musketeers, The [Alexandre Dumas]
- Three Texas Rangers
- Thrill Club, The
- Thrill Hunters
- Thunderbolt, The see under John Flatchley
- Tigre, Great Dane
- Tin Fish Tramps
- Todd, Bret
- Toff, The see under Richard Rollison
- Tomi
- Tomkins Minor
- Tomkinson’s
- Tony the Speed Girl
- Toppingham
- Torrens, Skipper Tex
- Towley Triplets
- Toy Box
- Trackett, Herbert
- Tracy, Dick
- Tracy, Johnny
- Traka the Dog Detective
- Travers, Bob
- Trevor, Dick
- Trixie [Ida Melbourne]
- Trouble Enders
- Truman, Tom
- Trundle
- Tuffnel, Janet
- Turpin, Dick (about)
- Tuskers of Tawa, The
- Tweed, Harris
- Twinkles & Co.
- Two Boy Detectives, The
- Two-Punch Kerrigan
- Two Young Nimrods
- Varney, Colin
- Vereley, Paul, Schoolboy Ventriloquist
- Vernon, John
- Vernon, Vi
- Verrell, Richard (Blackshirt) (about)
- Verriker, Dick
- Vickers, Tex
- Vic the Ventriloquist
- Villiers, Sam & Stephen
- Vorg
- Voyage Into Space
- Waite, Bob
- Waldo
- Walker, Jimmy
- Walker of the Lower Fifth
- Walters, Jack
- Wanderers Three
- Wang, Mr.
- Warden, Jimmy
- Warner, Sub-Lt Spike
- Warren, Ken
- Washington, Wally
- Watson, Window-Pane
- Wayward, Alan
- Weir, Jonathan
- Wembley Bill
- Westchester
- Westdown School
- White Avenger, The
- White Indian
- Whitelands
- Whizz-Bang Bob
- Wide-Awake Tenderfeet
- Wild, Victor, Jockey
- Williams, Ace
- Williams, Race (about)
- Wilson, Chickenfeed
- Wilson, Jimmy and Beak
- Wilson, Tug
- Wolff, Big Bad
- Woodger, Percival Ulysses
- Woods, Nat
- World’s Policemen
- Wren, ’Risk It’ Will
- Wrexton School
- Wrykyn
- Wu Fang
- Wycliffe School
- X, Mr.
- Yorke, Darrell
- Young Cock-Eye
- Yrecka Jim
- Yukon Bill
- Yukon
Series/Imprint Index —