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<< The Hart Series (1909?-1915) >>

Genre: Romance
Issue List: Incomplete
Publication: Ceased
Publishers: Arthur Westbrook Co.
Other Westbrook series include Adventure Series, All Star Series, American Detective Series, American Indian Series. Circling the Globe Series, Early Western Life Series, and Famous Pirate Story Series.
--Gordon, May 1, 2005
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No FictionMags entry.
1909 images availableNo. 1Kidnapped At the Altar
1909? dateNo. 2Gladiola's Two Lovers by Laura Jean Libbey
1909? dateNo. 3Lil, the Dancing Girl, by Caroline Hart
1909? dateNo. 4A Bride for a Day by Laura Jean Libbey
1909? dateNo. 5The Woman Who Came Between, by Caroline Hart
1909? dateNo. 6Aleta's Terrible Secret, by Laura Jean Libbey
1909? dateNo. 7For Love or Honor by Caroline Hart
1909? dateNo. 8The Romance of Enola by Laura Jean Libbey
1909? dateNo. 9A Handsome Engineer's Flirtation by Laura J. Libbey
1909? dateNo. 10A Little Princess by Caroline Hart
1909? dateNo. 11 images availableWas She Sweetheart or Wife by Laura Jean Libby
1909 images availableNo. 12Nameless Bess by Carolyn Hart
1909? dateNo. 13Della's Handsome Lover by Laura Jean Libbey
1909? dateNo. 14That Awful Scar by Caroline Hart
1909? dateNo. 15 images availableFlora Garland's Courtship by Laura Jean Libbey
1909? dateNo. 16Love's Rugged Path by Caroline Hart
1909No. 17My Sweetheart Idabell by Laura Jean Libbey
1909No. 18Married at Sight by Caroline Hart
1909No. 19Pretty Madcap Dorothy by Laura Jean Libbey
1909No. 20Her Right to Love by Caroline Hart
1909? dateNo. 21 images availableWhen Lovely Maiden Stoops to Folly by Laura Jean Libbey
1909No. 22The Game of Love by Caroline Hart
1909No. 23A Fatal Elopement by Laura Jean Libbey
1909No. 24Vendetta by Marie Corelli
1909No. 25The Girl He Forsook by Laura Jean Libbey
1909No. 26Redeemed by Love by Caroline Hart
1909? dateNo. 27Which Loved Him Best by L.J. Libbey
1909No. 28A Wasted Love by Caroline Hart
1909No. 29A Dangerous Flirtation by Laura Jean Libbey
1909No. 30A Haunted Life by Caroline Hart
1909No. 31Garnetta, the Silver King's Daughter by Laura Jean Libbey
1909No. 32A Romance of Two Worlds, by Marie Corelli
1909No. 33Divorced by Law by Laura Jean Libbey
1909No. 34Her Ransom, by Charles Garvice
1909No. 35The Angle of the Helpless by L.J. Libbey
1909No. 36A Hidden Terrorr by Caroline Hart
1909? dateNo. 37 images availableFlora Temple by Laura Jean Libbey
1909? dateNo. 38 images availableClaribel's Love Story by Charlotte M. Braeme
1909? dateNo. 39Pretty Rose Hall by Laura Jean Libbey
1909? dateNo. 40They Mystery of Suicide Place by Mrs. Alex. Miller
1910No. 41Cora, the Pet of the Regiment by Laura Jean Libbey
1910 images availableNo. 42The Vengeance of Love by Caroline Hart
1910No. 43Jolly Sally Pendleton by Laura Jean Libbey
1910No. 44A Bitter Reckoning by Mrs. E. Burke Collins
1910? dateNo. 45 images availableKathleen's Diamonds by Mrs. Alex McVeigh Miller
1910 images availableNo. 46Angela's Lover by Caroline Hart
1910No. 47Lancaster's Choice by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller
1911 images availableNo. 48The Madness of Love by Caroline Hart
1911No. 49Little Sweetheart by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller
1911 images availableNo. 50A Working Girl's Honor by Caroline Hart
1911No. 51A Mystery of Colde Fell by Charlotte M. Braeme
1911No. 52The Rival Heiress by Caroline Hart
1911? dateNo. 53 images availableLittle Nobody by Mrs. Alex McVeigh Miller
1911? dateNo. 54 images availableHer Husband's Ghost by Mrs. Mary E. Bryan
1911? dateNo. 55 images availableSold for Gold by Mrs E. Burke Collins
1911No. 56Her Husband's Secret, by Lucy Randall Comfort
1911No. 57A Passionate Love by Barbara Howard
1911 images availableNo. 58From Want to Wealth by Caroline Hart
1911No. 59Loved You Better Than You Knew by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller
1911? dateNo. 60Irene's Vow, by Charlotte M. Braeme
1911No. 61She Loved Not Wisely by Caroline Hart
1911? dateNo. 62 images availableMolly's Treachery by Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller
1911No. 63Was It Wrong? by Barbara Howard
1911No. 64The Midnight Marriage by Mrs. Sumner Hayden
1911? dateNo. 65 images availableAilsa by Wenona Gilman
1911? dateNo. 66Her Dark Inheritance by Mrs. E. Burke Collins
1911? dateNo. 67 images availableViola's Vanity by Mrs Alex McVeigh-miller
1911? dateNo. 68Thetd ALIGN=center>1914? dateNo. 171Artist and Model By Rene De Pont-jest
1915? yearNo. 172 images availableA Daughter's Sacrifice by F. C. Phillips
1915? dateNo. 173Only a Mill Girl by Eric St. C. Ross
1915? dateNo. 174Margaret Byng By F. C. Phillips
1915? yearNo. 175 images availableI Have Lived and Loved by Mrs. Forrester
1915? yearNo. 176 images availableAunt Johnnie by John Strange Winter
1915? dateNo. 177Sylvia Arden by Oswald Crawford
1915? yearNo. 178 images availableThe Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne
1915fillNo. 179
1915fillNo. 180
1915fillNo. 181
1915? yearNo. 182 images availableA Woman's Error by Charlotte Brame
1915fillNo. 183
1915fillNo. 184
1915? yearNo. 185Little Mrs. Murray by F. C. Phillips
1915fillNo. 186
1915? yearNo. 187 images availableThe Phantom Future by Henry Seaton Merriman
1916fillNo. 188
1916fillNo. 189
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1916fillNo. 199

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181 known issues. 199 including fills.
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