Magazine Data Page 146 |
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Dark NebulaCountry: USTotal Issues: 1?
Amateur magazine featuring fan-based art and stories.
Editors: Nathan Rosen |
Darkness WithinCountry: USTotal Issues: 4
Publishers: Dread Spectre Press, PMB 303, PO Box 1826, Statesville, NC 28687 Editors: G. Durant Haire Formats: octavo Prices: $3.00 Pagecounts: 36pp Frequency: quarterly |
Dark of NightCountry: UKTotal Issues: 1+2=3
Independent Horror-Zine featuring horror-related Movies, Music, Lifestyle, Fiction. First issue was called Scream 4 Me. Issues & Index Sources
EditorsMark Sesin |
Dark PhantasmsCountry: USTotal Issues: 1?
Dark PlanetCountry: USTotal Issues: 15
Online SF magazine.
Editors: Lucy A. Snyder Formats: online |
Dark RealmsCountry: USTotal Issues: 32
Review magazine of horror, fantasy, gothic and such-like, which published the occasional fiction.
Publishers: Monolith Graphics, Cleveland, Ohio Editors: Mr. Dark Formats: quarto Prices: $7.50 Pagecounts: 48pp Frequency: quarterly |
Dark RegionsCountry: USTotal Issues: 16
Semi-prozine. Issues & Index Sources
PublishersDark Regions Press, Concord, CAEditorsmostly Joe MoreyFormatsquarto newsprintPrices$4.95Frequencyirregular |
Dark's Art ParlourCountry: USTotal Issues: 4
A very professional magazine that mainly published "reproductions of paintings, drawings, sculptures and photographs by 77 of the most outstanding artists in 'dark art'", but also included some fiction, including a story by Poppy Z. Brite.
Dark SideCountry: US
Subtitled "the magazine of modern horror" it published fan poetry and stories.
Editors: Shannon Riley |
Dark StarCountry: US
Dark TalesCountry: UKTotal Issues: 16
Small press sf, fantasy and horror fiction magazine.
Publishers: Dark Tales, 11 Lower Chestnut Street, Worcester, WR1 1PB. Formats: A4 Prices: £3.50 Pagecounts: 34pp Frequency: irregular |
Dark TimesCountry: Australia
Fanzine, subtitled "Journal of the Vampire Legion".
Dark TomeCountry: US
Small press magazine.
Dark ValentineCountry: USTotal Issues: 5
Small press magazine.
Dark VisionsCountry: CanadaTotal Issues: 3
A weird tales type of semi-pro horror zine.
Editors: Gord Tomblin |