The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Magazine Issue: Page 7
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Big-Book Detective Magazine (Canada) (about)
Initially a Canadian reprint edition of Big-Book Detective Magazine, this actually lasted longer than its parent magazine, reprinting from other magazines in later issues.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #2, January 1942 (Popular Publications, 10¢, 96pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, March 1942 (pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v1 #5, May 1942 (Popular Publications, Inc., 10¢, 96pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ February 1943 (10¢, pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ April 1943 (10¢, pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ June 1943 (10¢, pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v2 #8, October 1943 (10¢, pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v2 #9, December 1943 (pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v2 #10, February 1944 (10¢, pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v2 #11, April 1944 (Popular Publications, 10¢, 80pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #12, June 1944 (Popular Publications, 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #13, August 1944 (Popular Publications, 10¢, 80pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #14, October 1944 (Popular Publications, Toronto, 10¢, 80pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #15, December 1944 (Popular Publications, 10¢, 80pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #16, February 1945 (Popular Publications, 15¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #17, April 1945 (15¢, pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v2 #18, June 1945 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v2 #19, October 1945 (10¢, pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v2 #20, December 1945 (15¢, pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
The Big Click (about)
An electronic magazine of crime fiction with an emphasis on noir, confessional, weird and “literary” fiction that depict and interrogate crime and social trespass.
- ___ #1, March 2012 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook, cover by Martin Varga) (Contents)
- ___ #2, May 2012 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook, cover by Timo Eichenhorst) (Contents)
- ___ #3, July 2012 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook, cover by John Warwood) (Contents)
- ___ #4, September 2012 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook, cover by Barbara Idrizović) (Contents)
- ___ #5, November 2012 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook, cover by Jeremiah Tolbert) (Contents)
- ___ #6, January 2013 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook) (Contents)
- ___ #7, March 2013 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook, cover by Thodoris Markou) (Contents)
- ___ #8, May 2013 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook, cover by Maria Raia) (Contents)
- ___ #9, July 2013 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook, cover by Bianca Dente) (Contents)
- ___ #10, September 2013 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook, cover by Mark Uit Utrecht) (Contents)
- ___ #11, November 2013 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook, cover by Laura Salonen) (Contents)
- ___ #12, January 2014 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook, cover by Alexandra Budjanovcanin) (Contents)
- ___ #13, March 2014 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook, cover by Yana) (Contents)
- ___ #14, May 2014 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook, cover by Sophia Carrasco Struggi) (Contents)
- ___ #15, July 2014 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook, cover by Marcin Jagiellicz) (Contents)
- ___ #16, September 2014 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook, cover by Nick Mamatas) (Contents)
- ___ #17, November 2014 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook, cover by Nick Mamatas) (Contents)
- ___ #18, January 2015 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook, cover by Nick Mamatas) (Contents)
- ___ #19, March 2015 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook, cover by Andrew Rehberger) (Contents)
- ___ #20, May 2015 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook, cover by David Lees) (Contents)
- ___ #21, July 2015 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook, cover by Estruda) (Contents)
- ___ #22, September 2015 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook, cover by Jeremiah Tolbert) (Contents)
- ___ #23, November 2015 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook, cover by Chan Chau) (Contents)
- ___ #24, January 2016 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook) (Contents)
- ___ #25, March 2016 (Jeremiah Tolbert, $2.99, ebook) (Contents)
Big Detective (Canada) (about)
Although most of the issues were titled Big Detective Cases and contained true crime, the first issue (at least) contained fiction
- ___ v1 #1, 1941 (pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
Big Double Feature Magazine
Contained rebound, unsold, issues of Ranch Romances and Black Mask. Exact contents of the single issue can vary from copy to copy.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1, n.d. (ca. 1940) (variant 1) (Warner Publications, Inc./Pro-Distributors Publishing Co., Inc., 20¢, 246pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #1, n.d. (ca. 1940) (variant 2) (Warner Publications, Inc./Pro-Distributors Publishing Co., Inc., 20¢, 246pp+, pulp) (Contents)
Bizarre Mystery Magazine (about)
Despite the title and the editorial promise of “the supernatural, the weird, the wild, the fantastic”, the magazine mainly contained stories of murder mystery and suspense.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1, October 1965 (Pamar Enterprises Inc., 50¢, 144pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, November 1965 (Pamar Enterprises Inc., 50¢, 144pp+, digest) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, January 1966 (Pamar Enterprises Inc., 50¢, 144pp+, digest) (Contents)
Black Aces (about)
Subtitled “Lone Wolf Stories of Action”, Black Aces was a short-lived Black Mask imitation that never quite hit the hard-boiled mark.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1, January 1932 (Fiction House, Inc., 20¢, pulp, cover by Delos Palmer) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, February 1932 (Fiction House, Inc., 20¢, pulp, cover by George B. Cutts) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, March 1932 (20¢, pulp, cover by Rudolph Belarski) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #4, April 1932 (Fiction House, Inc., 20¢, 128pp+, pulp, cover by George B. Cutts) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #5, May 1932 (Fiction House, Inc., 20¢, pulp, cover by Rudolph Belarski) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #6, June 1932 (Fiction House, Inc., 20¢, pulp, cover by A. F. Dempsey) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #7, July 1932 (Fiction House, Inc., 20¢, pulp, cover by Fred Craft) (Contents)
Black Bat Detective Mysteries (about)
Although Black Bat Detective Mysteries was centered around a series of stories featuring “The Black Bat”, this is not the same crime fighter that was made famous in Black Book Detective Magazine but is instead a separate character created by Murray Leinster..
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1, October 1933 (The Berryman Press, Inc., 20¢, pulp, cover by John A. Coughlin) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, November 1933 (20¢, pulp, cover by John A. Coughlin) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, December 1933 (20¢, pulp, cover by John A. Coughlin) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #4, January 1934 (20¢, pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v1 #5, February 1934 (Berryman Press, Inc., 20¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #6, April 1934 (20¢, pulp) (Contents)
Black Book Detective Magazine: (about)
Black Book Detective Magazine was a fairly average pulp until it introduced the character of The Black Bat crimefighter in the July 1939 issue. He featured in about 60% of the magazine’s issues and was directly responsible for the magazine surviving into the early 1950s, long after most detective pulps.
Black Book Detective Magazine
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v1 #1, June 1933 (Newsstand Publications, Inc, 10¢, 128pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #2, July 1933 (Newsstand Publications, Inc, 10¢, 128pp+, pulp, cover by Rafael M. DeSoto) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #3, September 1933 (Newsstand Publications, Inc, 10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #4, October 1933 (Newsstand Publications, Inc, 10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #5, December 1933 (Newsstand Publications, Inc., 10¢, 128pp, pulp, cover by Rafael M. DeSoto) (Contents)
- ___ v1 #6, January 1934 (Newsstand Publications, Inc., 10¢, 128pp+, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #1, February 1934 (10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #2, March 1934 (Newsstand Publications, Inc, 10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #3, April 1934 (10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v2 #4, June 1934 (10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #1, August 1934 (Lincoln Hoffman, 10¢, 128pp, pulp, cover by Rafael M. DeSoto) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #2, October 1934 (Lincoln Hoffman, 10¢, 128pp, pulp, cover by Rafael M. DeSoto) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #3, November 1934 (Lincoln Hoffman, 10¢, 128pp+, pulp, cover by Rafael M. DeSoto) (Contents)
- ___ v3 #4, February 1935 (Lincoln Hoffman, 10¢, 128pp+, pulp, cover by Rafael M. DeSoto) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #1, April 1935 (10¢, 128pp, pulp, cover by Rafael M. DeSoto) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #2, January 1936 (Ranger Publications, Inc, 10¢, 120pp, pulp, cover by Norman Saunders) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #3, February 1936 (10¢, 128pp, pulp, cover by Norman Saunders) (Contents)
- ___ v4 #4, March 1936 (Ranger Publications, Inc., 10¢, 128pp+, pulp, cover by Norman Saunders) (Contents)
- ___ v5 #1, April 1936 (Ranger Publications, Inc., 10¢, 128pp+, pulp, cover by Norman Saunders) (Contents)
- ___ v5 #2, May 1936 (10¢, 128pp, pulp, cover by Norman Saunders) (Contents)
- ___ v5 #3, June 1936 (Ranger Publications, Inc, 10¢, 128pp, pulp, cover by Norman Saunders) (Contents)
- ___ v5 #4, July 1936 (10¢, 128pp, pulp, cover by Norman Saunders) (Contents)
- ___ v6 #1, October 1936 (Ranger Publications, Inc, 10¢, 128pp, pulp, cover by Norman Saunders) (Contents)
- ___ v6 #2, April 1937 (10¢, 128pp, pulp, cover by Norman Saunders) (Contents)
- ___ v6 #3, June 1937 (Ranger Publications, Inc, 10¢, 128pp, pulp, cover by Norman Saunders) (Contents)
- ___ v6 #4, March 1938 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v7 #1, May 1938 (10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v7 #2, July 1938 (10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v7 #3, September 1938 (10¢, 128pp, pulp, cover by Rudolph Belarski) (Contents)
- ___ v8 #1, November 1938 (10¢, 128pp, pulp, cover by Rudolph Belarski) (Contents)
- ___ v8 #2, January 1939 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, 114pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v8 #3, March 1939 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v9 #1, May 1939 (10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v9 #2, July 1939 (10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v9 #3, September 1939 (10¢, 128pp, pulp, cover by Rudolph Belarski) (Contents)
- ___ v10 #1, November 1939 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, 128pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v10 #2, January 1940 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, 116pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v10 #3, March 1940 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, 114pp, pulp, cover by Rafael M. DeSoto) (Contents)
- ___ v11 #1, May 1940 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp, cover by Rafael M. DeSoto) (Contents)
- ___ v11 #2, July 1940 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v11 #3, September 1940 (10¢, pulp, cover by Rafael M. DeSoto) (Contents)
- ___ v12 #1, November 1940 (10¢, pulp, cover by V. E. Pyles) (Contents)
- ___ v12 #2, January 1941 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, 114pp, pulp) (Contents)
Black Book Detective
Title changed from Black Book Detective Magazine
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v12 #3, March 1941 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, 112pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v13 #1, May 1941 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, 116pp, pulp, cover by V. E. Pyles) (Contents)
- ___ v13 #2, July 1941 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v13 #3, September 1941 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v14 #1, November 1941 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, 113pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v14 #2, January 1942 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v14 #3, March 1942 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, 114pp, pulp, cover by V. E. Pyles) (Contents)
- ___ v15 #1, May 1942 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v15 #2, July 1942 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, 98pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v15 #3, September 1942 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v16 #1, November 1942 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v16 #2, January 1943 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, 114pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v16 #3, March 1943 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v17 #1, May 1943 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v17 #2, Summer 1943 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, 100pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v17 #3, Fall 1943 (10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v18 #1, Winter 1943 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v18 #2, Spring (May) 1944 (Better Publications, 10¢, 82pp, pulp, cover by Rudolph Belarski) (Contents)
- ___ v18 #3, Summer 1944 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, 82pp, pulp, cover by Rudolph Belarski) (Contents)
- ___ v19 #1, Fall 1944 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp, cover by Rudolph Belarski) (Contents)
- ___ v19 #2, Winter 1944 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v19 #3, Spring 1945 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, 80pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v20 #1, Summer 1945 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v20 #2, Fall 1945 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, 84pp, pulp, cover by Rudolph Belarski) (Contents)
- ___ v20 #3, Winter 1945 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp, cover by Rudolph Belarski) (Contents)
- ___ v21 #1, Spring 1946 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v21 #2, Summer 1946 (Better Publications, Inc., 10¢, 98pp, pulp, cover by Rudolph Belarski) (Contents)
- ___ v21 #3, Fall 1946 (Better Publications, Inc., 15¢, 112pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v22 #1, February 1947 (15¢, 112pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v22 #2, April 1947 (Better Publications, Inc., 15¢, 114pp, pulp, cover by Rudolph Belarski) (Contents)
- ___ v22 #3, June 1947 (Better Publications, Inc., 15¢, 114pp, pulp, cover by Rudolph Belarski) (Contents)
- ___ v23 #1, August 1947 (Better Publications, Inc., 15¢, 114pp, pulp, cover by Rudolph Belarski) (Contents)
- ___ v23 #2, October 1947 (Better Publications, Inc., 15¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v23 #3, December 1947 (Better Publications, Inc., 15¢, pulp, cover by Rudolph Belarski) (Contents)
- ___ v24 #1, February 1948 (Better Publications, Inc., 15¢, pulp, cover by Rudolph Belarski) (Contents)
- ___ v24 #2, April 1948 (Better Publications, Inc., 15¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v24 #3, June 1948 (Better Publications, Inc., 15¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v25 #1, September 1948 (Better Publications, Inc., 20¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v25 #2, November 1948 (Better Publications, Inc., 20¢, 146pp, pulp, cover by Rudolph Belarski) (Contents)
- ___ v25 #3, January 1949 (Better Publications, Inc, 20¢, 130pp, pulp, cover by Rudolph Belarski) (Contents)
- ___ v26 #1, March 1949 (Better Publications, Inc, 20¢, 130pp, pulp, cover by Rudolph Belarski) (Contents)
- ___ v26 #2, May 1949 (Better Publications, Inc., 20¢, 130pp, pulp, cover by Rudolph Belarski) (Contents)
- ___ v26 #3, Summer 1949 (Better Publications, Inc, 20¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v27 #1, Fall 1949 (Better Publications, Inc, 20¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v27 #2, Winter 1950 (Better Publications, Inc., 20¢, 130pp, pulp, cover by Rudolph Belarski) (Contents)
- ___ v27 #3, Spring 1950 (Better Publications Inc., 20¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v28 #1, Summer 1950 (Better Publications Inc., 20¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v28 #2, Fall 1950 (Better Publications Inc., 20¢, pulp, cover by Rudolph Belarski) (Contents)
- ___ v28 #3, Winter 1951 (Better Publications Inc., 20¢, pulp, cover by Samuel Cherry) (Contents)
- ___ v29 #1, Spring 1951 (Better Publications Inc., 20¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v29 #2, Winter 1952 (Better Publications, Inc., 20¢, 130pp, pulp, cover by Samuel Cherry) (Contents)
- ___ v29 #3, Winter 1953 (Better Publications Inc., 20¢, 113pp, pulp) (Contents)
Black Book Detective (Canada) (about)
Canadian reprint edition of Black Book Detective. Number of issues published not known but all issues seen appear to be direct reprints of the US issues so it is likely that all the US issues from Winter 1945 on (at least) were reprinted in Canada.
(Pub. Info.)- ___ v20 #3, Winter 1945 (10¢, pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v21 #1, Spring 1946 (Pines Publications, Limited, 15¢, 114pp, pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v21 #2, Summer 1946 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v21 #3, Fall 1946 (Pines Publications, Limited, 15¢, 114pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v22 #1, February 1947 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v22 #2, April 1947 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v22 #3, June 1947 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v23 #1, August 1947 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v23 #2, October 1947 (Better Publications of Canada, Ltd., 15¢, 113pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v23 #3, December 1947 (pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v24 #1, February 1948 (Better Publications of Canada, Ltd., 15¢, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v24 #2, April 1948 (Better Publications of Canada, Ltd., 15¢, 114pp, pulp) (Contents)
- ___ v24 #3, June 1948 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v25 #1, September 1948 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v25 #2, November 1948 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v25 #3, January 1949 (Pines Publications, Limited, 20¢, pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v26 #1, March 1949 (Pines Publications, Limited, 20¢, pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v26 #2, May 1949 (Pines Publications, Limited, 20¢, pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v26 #3, Summer 1949 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v27 #1, Fall 1949 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v27 #2, Winter 1950 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v27 #3, Spring 1950 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v28 #1, Summer 1950 (Better Publications of Canada, 20¢, pulp) (Contents) (Incomplete)
- ___ v28 #2, Fall 1950 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v28 #3, Winter 1951 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v29 #1, Spring 1951 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v29 #2, Winter 1952 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
- ___ v29 #3, Winter 1953 (pulp) (Contents) (Missing)
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