The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 652
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Reeve, Joel; pseudonym of William R. Cox (1901-1988) (chron.)
- * Copper, Come Home!, (ss) Detective Tales August 1945
- * The Corpse and the Carousel [Little Doc], (ss) Detective Tales January 1947
- * Giant’s Return [Little Doc], (ss) Detective Tales December 1945
- * It’s in the Bag, (ss) Detective Tales August 1947
- * Killers’ Carnival [Little Doc], (ss) Detective Tales October 1946
- * Laugh, Corpse, Laugh!, (ss) Detective Tales November 1945
- * Reunion with Death, (ss) Detective Tales September 1945
- * Slayer, Come Back to Me!, (nv) Dime Mystery Magazine July 1945
- * Slay Rube [Little Doc], (ss) Detective Tales August 1946
Reeve, Richard E. (?-2001) (chron.)
- * As They Say, (ss) Crimestalker Casebook Fall 1999
- * Baby Blues, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #3, February 1999
- * Favour for Favour, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #12, February 2000
- * First Blood, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #11, December 1999
- * High Stakes, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #8, July 1999
- * Joe’s Jungle, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #2, January 1999
- * Judgement of Solomon, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #10, October 1999
- * Kate Again, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #14, May 2000
- * Kate Rides Again, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #14, May 2000
- * A Kind of Justice, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #14, May 2000
- * Natural Justice, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #9, August 1999
- * A Nice Old Man, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #14, May 2000
- * Noblesse Oblige, (ss) Hardboiled #29/30, September 2003
- * No Charge, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #14, May 2000
- * Old Buddies, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #14, May 2000
- * Old Karl and the Angel, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #14, May 2000
- * People Are Funny, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #16, September 2000
- * The Recruitment, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #5, April 1999
- * Relations and Duty, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #15, July 2000
- * Scratching Backs, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #14, May 2000
- * The Selling Game, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #14, May 2000
- * Spook, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #14, May 2000
- * The Tabby Owl, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #4, March 1999
- * Tramp, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #13, March 2000
- * You Have to Laugh, (ss) Detective Mystery Stories #6, May 1999
Reeves, Robert; [born Robert Rosenfeld] (1912-1945) (about) (chron.)
- * Alcoholics Calamitous [Cellini Smith], (nv) Black Mask September 1945
- * The Alibi, (ss) Scarlet Gang Stories January 1936
- * Bail Bait [Cellini Smith], (nv) Black Mask January 1942
- * Blood, Sweat and Biers [Cellini Smith], (ss) Black Mask January 1945
- * The Cat with a Headache [Cellini Smith], (nv) Black Mask June 1941
- * Cellini Smith, Detective [Cellini Smith], (n.) Houghton Mifflin, 1943
- * Dance Macabre, (nv) Black Mask April 1941
- * The Death Trap, (ss) The Shadow Magazine August 1 1933
- * Dog Eat Dog [Cellini Smith], (sl) Black Mask Sep, Oct, Nov 1940
- * The Flying Hearse [Cellini Smith], (nv) Black Mask March 1941
- * The Midnight Patient, (ss) The Underworld Detective June 1935
- * Murder A.W.O.L. [Cellini Smith], (nv) Black Mask November 1944
- * Murder in High Gear, (nv) Black Mask August 1941
- * Murder Without Death [Bookie Barnes], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine June 1942
- * Over a Barrel [Bookie Barnes], (nv) Dime Detective Magazine March 1942
- * A Taste for Murder [Cellini Smith], (nv) Black Mask November 1942
Reid, Albert T(urner) (1873-1955) (chron.)
- * The American Jeckyll and Hyde (New York) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine October 1930
- * Another Four of Fifty Famous Crimes, (gp)
- * The Arch-Criminal, Holmes-Mudgett (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine April 1930
- * Bisbee Gets Busy (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine July 1930
- * The Case of the Silk Shirt (Tennessee) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine October 1930
- * Circumstantial Evidence (Vermont) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine September 1930
- * The Death of Jeroboam and Ann Beauchamp (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine April 1930
- * Death on Dead Man’s Curve (Michigan) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine August 1930
- * The Desperate Whitfield (Ohio) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine March 1930
- * The First Four of Fifty Famous Crimes (with Deane Davenport), (gp) The Illustrated Detective Magazine March 1930
- * Five Dead Men on the Mountains (Colorado) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine October 1930
- * Four More of Fifty Famous Crimes, (gp) The Illustrated Detective Magazine July 1931
- * Four More of Fifty Famous Crimes (with Deane Davenport), (gp) The Illustrated Detective Magazine Aug, Sep, Oct 1930, Jan 1931
- * The Fourth Four of Fifty Famous Crimes (with Deane Davenport), (gp)
- * The Girl Without a Conscience (Arkansas) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine October 1930
- * He Talked Too Much (Texas) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine September 1930
- * His Lordship (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine July 1930
- * Jawarski Gets the “Hot Seat” (Pennsylania) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine August 1930
- * The Linnell Murder (Massachusetts) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine May 1930
- * The Lynching Bee (Mississippi), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine April 1931
- * A Man Shoots for Honor (South Carolina), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine July 1931
- * The Man Who Kicked a Dog (Washington) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine January 1931
- * The Marshal Went West (Kansas), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine April 1931
- * The Massacre at Mountain Meadows (Utah) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine January 1931
- * The Mass Murders of Tampa (Florida) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine January 1931
- * Midnight on the Mississippi (Louisiana) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine August 1930
- * The Murder of Governor Steunenberg (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine July 1930
- * The Murder of Mattie Hackett (Maine) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine April 1930
- * The Mysterious Death of Charles Abbott Edwards (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine July 1930
- * The Mystery of Ilda Collins (Delaware), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine July 1931
- * The Nose for News (Nebraska) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine August 1930
- * A One-Man Rebellion (Wisconsin), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine April 1931
- * Poor Laura Fair (California) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine March 1930
- * The Second Four of Fifty Famous Crimes (with Deane Davenport), (gp) The Illustrated Detective Magazine April 1930
- * Short Shrift (North Dakota), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine April 1931
- * Shots in the Night (Rhode Island) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine January 1931
- * Small and Smart (New Hampshire) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine May 1930
- * THe Mad Men (Minnesota) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine September 1930
- * The Third Four of Fifty Famous Crimes (with Deane Davenport), (gp) The Illustrated Detective Magazine May 1930
- * The Thrill of the Kill (Georgia) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine September 1930
- * Time Is Justice (Alabama), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine July 1931
- * Twenty Redskins Bit the Dust (Oklahoma) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine March 1930
- * The Twigg-Elosser Mystery (Maryland) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine April 1930
- * Uncle Sam Gets His Man (Oregon) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine May 1930
- * The Watch-Key (Virginia) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine May 1930
- * Who Killed Janette Lawrence? (New Jersey) (with Deane Davenport), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine March 1930
- * Whose Footprints (Indiana), (ts) The Illustrated Detective Magazine July 1931
Reid, C(laude) Lestock (1888-1954) (about) (chron.)
- * The End of the Trail, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine November 1923
- * The Finding of the Trail, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine June 1923
- * An International Affair, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine August 1923
- * The Kingdom of the Crocodiles, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine October 1923
- * Our Lady of the Leopards, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine January 1923
- * The Secret of the Mountain, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine July 1923
- * The Trail of Pharaoh’s Treasure:
* ___ 1—The Finding of the Trail, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine June 1923
* ___ 2—The Secret of the Mountain, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine July 1923
* ___ 3—An International Affair, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine August 1923
* ___ 4—The Wizard of the Wambulu, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine September 1923
* ___ 5—The Kingdom of the Crocodiles, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine October 1923
* ___ 6—The End of the Trail, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine November 1923
- * The Wizard of the Wambulu, (ss) Hutchinson’s Adventure-Story Magazine September 1923
Reid, John T(homas) H(oward) (1937- ); used pseudonym Tom Howard (about) (chron.)
- * Bee Keepers, (lt) Mean Streets #5, February 1992
- * Bogart, the Ultimate Movie Tough Guy?, (ar) Crime Factory #5, February 2002, as by Tom Howard
- * Chandler on the Screen, (ar) Crime Factory #6, May 2002 [Ref. Raymond Chandler], as by Tom Howard
- * Dashiell Hammett on the Screen, (ar) Crime Factory #7 Aug, #8 Nov 2002, #9 Mar 2003 [Ref. Dashiell Hammett], as by Tom Howard
- * Looking Backwards: Mystery Movies in the Thirties (1), (ar) Crime Factory #2, May 2001, as by Tom Howard
- * Looking Backwards: Mystery Movies in the Thirties (2), (ar) Crime Factory #3, August 2001, as by Tom Howard
- * Looking Backwards: Mystery Movies in the Thirties (3), (ar) Crime Factory #4, November 2001, as by Tom Howard
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