The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Series/Imprint: Page 41
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Hand, The
- Walter B. Gibson:
- The Hand, (n.) The Shadow May 15 1938, as by Maxwell Grant [Kent Allard (The Shadow); Thumb Gaudrey; Pointer Trame]
- Murder for Sale, (n.) The Shadow July 1 1938, as by Maxwell Grant [Kent Allard (The Shadow); Thumb Gaudrey; Pointer Trame]
- Chicago Crime, (n.) The Shadow November 15 1938, as by Maxwell Grant [Kent Allard (The Shadow); Thumb Gaudrey; Pointer Trame]
- Crime Rides the Sea, (n.) The Shadow January 15 1939, as by Maxwell Grant [Kent Allard (The Shadow); Thumb Gaudrey; Pointer Trame]
- Realm of Doom, (n.) The Shadow February 1 1939, as by Maxwell Grant [Kent Allard (The Shadow); Thumb Gaudrey]
Hanigan, Mike
- Roger Torrey:
- Case for a Killer, (na) Detective Fiction Weekly July 17 1937 [Irving Kowalski]
- The Meter Says Murder, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly December 11 1937 [Irving Kowalski]
- You Only Hang Once, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly April 23 1938 [Irving Kowalski]
- Labor Trouble, (na) Detective Fiction Weekly September 17 1938 [Irving Kowalski]
- A Hunch for Hanigan, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly November 12 1938 [Irving Kowalski]
- Suicide Story, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly April 15 1939 [Irving Kowalski]
- Country Kill, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly May 27 1939 [Irving Kowalski]
- A Bodyguard for Beano, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly August 26 1939 [Irving Kowalski]
- No Money Payoff, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly December 16 1939 [Irving Kowalski]
- Murder Tips the Scales, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly February 24 1940 [Irving Kowalski]
- Frame for a Killer, (ss) Detective Fiction November 1 1941 [Irving Kowalski]
Hannibal, Joe (about)
- Wayne D. Dundee:
- The Fancy Case, (ss) Spiderweb Fall 1982
- Death of an Iron Maiden, (ss) Hardboiled #1, Summer 1985
- Shooting Match, (nv) Hardboiled #3, Winter 1985/1986
- Harsh Light of Day, (ss) Hardboiled #7, Spring 1987
- Dirty Business, (ss) Hardboiled #9, Winter/Spring 1988
- The Slicer, (nv) Hardboiled Detective #10, December 1990
- Hole in the Wall, (ss) Hardboiled #29/30, September 2003
- Bad Day in the Badlands, (ss) The Back Alley Webzine November 2010
Hansen, Mother
- Paul Ellsworth Triem:
- Mother Hansen Uses Her Umbrella, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 8 1923
- Mother Hansen Meets a Fiddler, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 29 1923
- Mother Hansen Swings a Mean Bottle, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 3 1923
- Pie Face, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 23 1924
- Mother Hansen Takes Up a Collection, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 13 1924
- Mother Hansen’s Holiday Party, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 20 1924
- Mother Hansen Talks in Her Sleep, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 27 1924
- With Her Boots On, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 17 1925
- Mother Hansen Is Kinda Liberal, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 24 1925
- Mother Hansen’s Third Degree, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 7 1925
- Mother Hansen Tries Truth Serum, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 28 1925
- Mother Hansen Turns a Worm, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 7 1925
- Mother Hansen’s Honest Penny, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 14 1925
- Mother Hansen and the Gangsters, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 4 1925
- Mother Hansen, Art Patron, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 11 1925
- Mother Hansen Buys a Bulldog, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 18 1925
- Mother Hansen Meets the Angel Child, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 8 1925
- Dark of the Moon, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 31 1925
- Mother Hansen Swallows the Sinker, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 16 1926
- Mother Hansen and the Snowbird, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 6 1926
- Mother Hansen Tries Real Estate, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 9 1926
- Mother Hansen’s Yuletide, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 25 1926
- Weeping Losers, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 29 1927
- Mother Hansen’s Bite, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 15 1929
- Mother Hansen’s Love Birds, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 23 1930
- Mother Hansen’s China Girl, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 11 1930
Hanvey, Jim (about)
- Octavus Roy Cohen:
- Fish Eyes, (nv) The Saturday Evening Post May 6 1922
- Homespun Silk, (nv) The Saturday Evening Post June 17 1922
- Common Stock, (nv) The Saturday Evening Post July 22 1922
- Helen of Troy, N.Y., (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 7 1922
- Pink Bait, (nv) Collier’s July 7 1923
- Buyer’s Risk, (nv) The Detective Magazine #39, May 9 1924
- Free and Easy, (ss) The Red Book Magazine April 1926
- The Frame-Up, (ss) The American Magazine June 1928
- Jim Hanvey Intervenes, (ss) The American Magazine February 1930
- A Gentleman for a Night, (nv) The American Magazine October 1931
- The Hollywood Bridal-Night Murder, (sl) The Illustrated Detective Magazine December 1931, etc.
- [untitled], (ss) Scrambled Yeggs by Octavus Roy Cohen, Appleton, 1934
- The Backstage Mystery, (na) Triple Detective Spring 1951
- Double Jeopardy, (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine December 1957
Harding, Johnny
- Edwin Truett Long:
- Cherchez La Femme, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories April 1935, as by Mort Lansing
- Tonya Dances, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories May 1935, as by Cary Moran
- Lottery of Death, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories May 1936, as by Cary Moran
- Murder Magic, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories October 1936, as by Cary Moran
- Death on the Half Shell, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories November 1936, as by Carl Moore
- Murder for Exercise, (ss) Spicy Detective Stories April 1937, as by Mort Lansing
- Painter of Death, (nv) Private Detective Stories July 1937, as by Cary Moran
- Unhappy “Happy Hearts!”, (ss) Private Detective Stories August 1937, as by Cary Moran
Harris, Buck
- Edward Parrish Ware:
- Haggerty Knew His Eggs, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly May 10 1930
- Harris Cracks a Nut, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly August 23 1930
- Drowned, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly November 8 1930
- Fools Rush In, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly March 28 1931
- The Panther’s Pelt, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly October 10 1931
- South of the Law, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly January 2 1932
- Death Sends a Clew, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 10 1932
- Murder Money, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 24 1932
- Wild Coffee, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly June 17 1933
- The Keenedge Clue, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly November 11 1933
- Snappy Law, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly March 10 1934
- Pilfered Pokes, (ss) Detective Fiction Weekly September 1 1934
Harrison, Steve (about)
- Robert E. Howard:
- Fangs of Gold, (nv) Strange Detective Stories February 1934
- The Tomb’s Secret, (nv) Strange Detective Stories February 1934, as by Patrick Ervin
- Names in the Black Book, (nv) Super-Detective Stories May 1934
- Graveyard Rats, (nv) Thrilling Mystery February 1936
- Lord of the Dead, (nv) Skull-Face by Robert E. Howard, Berkley, 1978
- The Silver Heel, (nv) Two-Fisted Detective Stories #1, May 1984
- untitled synopsis (“Steve Harrison received a wire…”), (uw) Two-Fisted Detective Stories #1, May 1984
- The Voice of Death, (ss) Two-Fisted Detective Stories #1, May 1984
Harverson, John (The Shadow)
- Walter B. Gibson:
- Enter the Shadow, (nv) The Thriller Library #477, March 26 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- The House of Mox, (nv) The Thriller Library #479, April 9 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- The Hush-Money Expert, (nv) The Thriller Library #481, April 23 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- The Black Falcon, (nv) The Thriller Library #483, May 7 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- Murder Marsh, (nv) The Thriller Library #486, May 28 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- Gas!, (nv) The Thriller Library #487, June 4 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- The Lair of Li Sheng, (ss) The Thriller Library #496, August 6 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- The Fire-Walkers, (ss) The Thriller Library #499, August 27 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- Sinister Broadcast, (nv) The Thriller Library #501, September 10 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- The Man from Mandalay, (nv) The Thriller Library #507, October 22 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- The Golden Pagoda, (na) The Thriller Library #513, December 3 1938, etc., as by Maxwell Grant
- The Great Atlantic Mystery, (na) The Thriller Library #565, December 2 1939, etc., as by Maxwell Grant
- Secret Document Q4, (nv) The Thriller Library #572, January 20 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
- Theodore A. Tinsley:
- Evidence to Order, (nv) The Thriller Library #491, July 2 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- Crook Bait, (nv) The Thriller Library #494, July 23 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- Man Trap, (nv) The Thriller Library #503, September 24 1938, as by Maxwell Grant
- River of Death, (na) The Thriller Library #531, April 8 1939, etc., as by Maxwell Grant
- Who Is the 5th Napoleon?, (ss) The Thriller Library #577, February 24 1940, as by Maxwell Grant
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