The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index

Magazine Contents Lists: Page 108

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    Bestseller Mystery Magazine   (about)
    Continuation of the Bestseller Library and Bestseller Mystery series which, for the first 209 issues, featured either full-length or abridged mystery novels. With issue Number 210 the title changed to Bestseller Mystery Magazine and each issue contained additional short stories. It is likely that most or all of the lead novels were abridged.

    • Publishers:
      • Mercury Publications, Inc.; 527 Madison Avenue, New York 22, NY: Bestseller Mystery Magazine.
    • Editors:

    Big-Book Detective Magazine   (about)
    Big-Book Detective Magazine was launched as a companion to Big-Book Western Magazine, but was much less successful, lasting for a mere eight issues.

    • Publishers:
      • Fictioneers, Inc.; 2256 Grove Street, Chicago, IL: Big-Book Detective Magazine.

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