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    Popular Sports Magazine [v15 #2, Spring 1947] (Better Publications, Inc., 15¢, 112pp+, pulp, cover by Earle Bergey) []
    Details supplied by Richard Fidczuk.
    • 6 · Sports Preview · Cap Fanning · cl; includes a few paragraphs on the Pesky De Maggios.
    • 11 · The Red Neck · T. W. Ford · nv; baseball.
    • 23 · Soccer Sissy · H. C. Butler · ss
    • 32 · Glory for Sale · John Wilson · nv; about a “hard and mercenary tennis player.”
    • 46 · Crisis on the Backline · Jack Terry · ss; a Hockey Rookie.
    • 57 · The Whirl of Sports · Jack Kofoed · cl; short features on John McGraw, Jean Borotra’s Thrilling Match with Bill Tilden, Jack Dempsey, Bike Racer Reggie McNamara, Willie MacFarlane - Golf.
    • 62 · Quit the Bricks · Tom Tucker · nv; midget Auto Race.
    • 81 · Sunday Punch · Bill Anson · ss; boxing.
    • 83 · Cinder Lightning · Robert Sidney Bowen · ss; track.
    • 91 · Records Don’t Count · Art Shapiro · ss; baseball.
    • 101 · You Gotta Be Smart · Walter Roeber Schmidt · ss; boxing.

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