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Ballard, J(ames) G(raham) (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Come On In, the Water’s Dystopian! JG Ballard’s Drowned World Hits an Essex Swimming Pool by Stuart Jeffries, (ar) The Guardian March 10 2020
- * Concrete Island by Peter Linnett, (br) Cypher #12, November 1974
- * Concrete Island by Ian Watson, (br) Foundation #7/8, March 1975
- * Concrete Island by John Brosnan, (br) Foundation #7/8, March 1975
- * A Conversation with J.G. Ballard by James Verniere, (iv) Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine June 1988
- * Crash by John Brady, (br) Cypher #10, October 1973
- * Crash by David Pringle, (br) Foundation #6, May 1974
- * Crash by Richard E. Geis, (br) The Alien Critic #9, May 1974
- * Crashing Cars and Other Acts of Love: Making Transgressive Fun with Jimmy Ballard in 1970 London by Pamela A. Zoline, (ar) New Worlds #224, September 2024
- * The Crystal World by Craig Shaw Gardner, (ar) Horror: 100 Best Books ed. Stephen Jones & Kim Newman, Xanadu, 1988
- * The Crystal World, by J. G. Ballard by Michael Moorcock, (br) Delap’s F & SF Review #26, 1977
- * The Dark Side of the Equinox: A Reading of J.G. Ballard’s The Crystal World by L. J. Hurst, (ar) Overspace #4, December 1989
- * David Cronenberg’s Alien—Novelization by J.G. Ballard by Lyle Hopwood, (vi) Interzone #75, September 1993
- * The Dawn Patrol: Sex and Technology in Farmer and Ballard by Gary K. Wolfe, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #25, September 1990
- * The Day of Creation by Richard Kadrey, (br) Science Fiction Eye #3, March 1988
- * The Day of Creation by Michael Bishop, (br) Atlanta Journal-Constitution May 8 1988
- * The Day of Creation by Christopher Priest, (br) 1987
- * The Day of Forever by David Pringle, (br) Interzone #16, Summer 1986
- * “Deserts of Vast Eternity”: J.G. Ballard and Robert Smithson by Haim Finkelstein, (ar) Foundation #39, Spring 1987
- * Dispassionate Metaphor for Disintegration by Cy Chauvin, (br) Janus Winter 1978/1979
- * Dream Cargoes: War Fever by M. John Harrison, (br) The Times Literary Supplement November 23 1990
- * The Drought by James Colvin, (br) New Worlds SF #154, September 1965
- * The Drowned World by James Colvin, (br) New Worlds SF #151, June 1965
- * The Drowned World by Frank Kaminski, (br) Mythic #20, January/February 2023
- * Evolution of a Moralist: J.G. Ballard in the 21st Century by Jeremy Adam Smith, (ar) Strange Horizons July 19 2004
- * Fellow Travellers: Jules Verne and J.G. Ballard by David Pringle & Gary Westfahl, (ar) Interzone #191, September 2003
- * Five English Disaster Novels, 1951-1972 by Nick Hubble, (ar) Foundation Autumn 2005
- * Following JG Ballard’s Death, Writers Pay Tribute by Toby Litt, Michael Moorcock & Iain Sinclair, (ar) The Guardian April 20 2009
- * The 4-Dimensional Nightmare by Leslie Flood, (br) New Worlds Science Fiction #133, August 1963
- * The Fourfold Symbolism of J.G. Ballard by David Pringle, (ar) Foundation #4, July 1973
- * From Outer Space to Inner Space by Martin Amis, (ar) The Guardian April 25 2009
- * Goodbye Dali: J. G. Ballard on the Death and Life of Salvador Dali by Richard Kadrey, (iv) Science Fiction Eye #5, July 1989
- * The Greatest Poison: Caught by the Death Magic of J. G. Ballard by Jason Heller, (ar) Weird Tales Spring 2009
- * Great Voices of Science Fiction, (iv) The Guardian May 14 2011
- * Hello America by Michael Moorcock, (br) Foundation #23, October 1981
- * Hello America by Andrew Tidmarsh, (br) Science Fiction Review #42, Spring 1982
- * Hello America by David Pringle, (br) Interzone #28, March/April 1989
- * High-Rise by Brian M. Stableford, (br) Foundation #11/12, March 1977
- * Homo Hydrogenesis: Notes on the Work of J.G. Ballard by Nick Perry & Roy Wilkie, (ar) Riverside Quarterly January 1970
- * If We Can’t Buy JG Ballard’s Former Home, Then We Should at Least Erect a Statue to Him by Sam Leith, (ar) The Guardian July 17 2011
- * Images for J.G.B. by Eduardo Paolozzi, (il) Ambit #83, 1980; possibly includes three images, “Apocalypse”, “The Impact Zone” and “Thoracic Drop” by Ballard.
- * Images from the Disaster Area: An Apocalyptic Reading of Urban Landscapes in Ballard’s The Drowned World and Hello America by Umberto Rossi, (ar) Science-Fiction Studies March 1994
- * “Imposing Fantasies on the Changing Landscape”: The Visions of John Christopher, J.G. Ballard and George Turner by Dominika Oramus, (ar) (Eco)Anxiety in Nuclear Holocaust Fiction and Climate Fiction by Dominika Oramus, Routledge, 2023
- * The Inner Man: The Life of J.G. Ballard (with John Baxter) by Robert A. Latham, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #282, February 2012
- * Inner Space, the Final Frontier: Exploring the Evolution of the SF Genre in The Atrocity Exhibition by Tom Vaine, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #280, December 2011
- * Intentional Phalluses: The Male “Sex” in J.G. Ballard by Alan McKee, (ar) Foundation #57, Spring 1993
- * Interview by Robert Louit, (iv) Foundation #9, November 1975; originally in French in Magazine Littéraire #87, 4-74.
- * Interview with J. G. Ballard by David Pringle, (iv) Thrust #14, Winter 1980
- * Into the Mainstream? by Richard Kadrey & David Pringle, (iv) Million: The Magazine of Popular Fiction #5, September/October 1991
- * James Graham Ballard: 1930— (Preliminary Checklist), (bi) Presenting Moonshine #27, December 1972
- * J.G. Ballard, (bg) New Worlds Science Fiction #54 Dec 1956, #88 Nov 1959, #118 May 1962
- * J.G. Ballard (with Michel Delville) by Roger Luckhurst, (br) Science-Fiction Studies v26 #2, #78, July 1999
- * J.G. Ballard (with Michel Delville) by John K. Brady, (br) Interzone #163, January 2001
- * J.G. Ballard, (iv) New Worlds Science Fiction #111, October 1961
- * J.G. Ballard by Thomas Frick, (iv) The Paris Review #94, Winter 1984
- * J.G. Ballard by David Pringle, (iv) Interzone #22, Winter 1987
- * J.G. Ballard by Charles Platt, (iv) Dream Makers by Charles Platt, Berkley, 1980
- * JG Ballard by David Brittain, (iv) Eduardo Paolozzi at New Worlds by David Brittain, Savoy Books, 2013
- * JG Ballard and the Constraints of Time by Kenneth V. Bailey, (ar) The Third Alternative #13, 1997
- * J.G. Ballard: A Primary and Secondary Bibliography (with David Pringle) by John Clute, (br) Foundation #33, Spring 1985
- * J.G. Ballard: A Simple Bibliography by David Pringle, (bi) Interzone #106, April 1996
- * J.G. Ballard: Elective Psychopathy for the People by Nick Mamatas, (ar) Dark Discoveries #17, Summer/Fall 2010
- * J.G. Ballard, Extreme Metaphors: Interviews with J.G. Ballard, 1967-2008 by Reggie Oliver, (br) Wormwood #22, 2014
- * J.G. Ballard Interview by Peter Linnett, (iv) Corridor #5, 1974
- * J.G. Ballard Interviewed by Pat Quigley, (iv) Albedo One #2, Autumn 1993
- * J. G. Ballard: Interviewed by Brendan Hennessy by Brendan Hennessy, (iv) Transatlantic Review #39, Spring 1971
- * J.G. Ballard News, (ms) Interzone #8, Summer 1984
- * J.G. Ballard on Berkley Paperbacks by Graham Andrews, (ar) Paperback Parade #81, June 2012
- * J.G. Ballard: Prophetic Visions of the Future by Christopher Evans, (bg) Penthouse (UK) April 1979
- * JG Ballard: Relics of a Red-Hot Mind by Chris Hall, (ar) The Guardian August 4 2011
- * J.G. Ballard’s Crash Course and the Year 1973 by Takayuki Tatsumi, (ar) Interzone #106, April 1996
- * J.G. Ballard’s Science Fiction for Today by Jim Goddard & David Pringle, (ar) Science Fiction Monthly v2 #10, 1975
- * J.G. Ballard: The First Twenty Years (with Jim Goddard & David Pringle) by Peter Nicholls, (br) Foundation #11/12, March 1977
- * J.G. Ballard: The Quest for an Ontological Eden by Gregory Stephenson, (ar) Foundation #35, Winter 1985/1986
- * J.G. Ballard: Worlds Come Together by Michael Butterworth, (ar) The Big Issue in the North May 13/May 19 2013
- * Key Stroke by Will Self, (ss) Granta #129, Autumn 2014
- * The Kindness of Women by Charles Platt, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #43, March 1992
- * Kingdom Come by Ursula K. Le Guin, (br) 2006
- * The Lamia, the Jester and the King: J.G. Ballard’s Characters by David Pringle, (ar) Foundation #16, May 1979
- * London Spirit by Iain Sinclair, (nv) Agents of Oblivion by Iain Sinclair, Swan River Press, 2023
- * Memoirs for a Space Age by David Pringle, (iv) Fear #14 Feb, #15 Mar 1990
- * Memories of the Space Age by Michael Sumbera, (br) Nova Express Spring 1989
- * Memories of the Space Age by David Pringle, (br) Interzone #28, March/April 1989
- * Memories of the Space Age by Paul J. McAuley, (br) Foundation #46, Autumn 1989
- * Millennial Dreamer by Nicholas Royle, (ar) The Guardian September 19 1996
- * The Mind-Child: Remembering J.G. Ballard by Will Self, (mm) Granta #107, Summer 2009
- * The Mind of Mr. J.G. Ballard by Anthony Ryan, (ar) Foundation #3, March 1973
- * Miracles of Life by Darrell Schweitzer, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #250, June 2009
- * The Modern World Is an Enormous Fiction: J.G. Ballard and the Millennium by Robert A. Latham, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #103, March 1997
- * More Stories About Buildings and Mood by Richard Kadrey, (iv) Science Fiction Eye #6, February 1990
- * Myths of the Near Future by Colin Greenland, (br) Interzone #3, Autumn 1982
- * Myths of the Near Future by Michael Bishop, (br) Foundation #30, March 1984
- * The Night Dream and the Glimmer of Light: J.G. Ballard’s Hello America by Peter Brigg, (ar) Foundation #36, Summer 1986
- * A Perfect Setting by John Nixon, (mr) Interzone #178, April 2002
- * Portrait of the Artist as a Jung Man: Love, Death and Art in J. G. Ballard’s Vermilion Sands by William M. Schuyler, Jr., (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #57 May, #58 Jun 1993
- * “Pre-Uterine Claims”: Cultural Contexts and Iconographic Parallels in Ballard’s The Atrocity Exhibition by Adrian Pocobelli, (ar) The New York Review of Science Fiction #194, October 2004
- * Publication of JG Ballard’s Final Book Cancelled by Alison Flood, (ar) The Guardian April 24 2009
- * Publisher’s Introduction by Michael Butterworth, (in) Corridor8 #1, 2009
- * Reports from the Deep End by ed. Maxim Jakubowski & Rick McGrath, (Titan, October 2023, oa)
- * Re/Search 8/9: J.G. Ballard by Colin Greenland, (br) Interzone #11, Spring 1985
- * Re/Search 8/9: J.G. Ballard (with Andrea Juno & V. Vale) by Ian Watson, (br) Foundation #33, Spring 1985
- * The Resurrection of Desire: J.G. Ballard’s Crash as a Transgressive Text by Brian Baker, (ar) Foundation #80, Autumn 2000
- * Rod Judkins meditates on ‘News from the Sun’ by Rod Judkins, (il) Ambit #87, Autumn 1981
- * Running Wild by Kathryn Cramer, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #18, February 1990
- * Rushing to Paradise by James Lovegrove, (br) Interzone #90, December 1994
- * Rushing to Paradise by Michael A. Morrison, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #84, August 1995
- * “Science fiction celebrates the possibilities of life” by Michael McNay, (iv) The Guardian September 11 1970
- * Sci-Fi Seer by Lynn Barber, (iv) Penthouse (UK) August 1970
- * “Seeing him arrive, always smiling, ready for anything, was wonderful” by Tim Adams, (ar) The Guardian April 26 2009
- * “Storm-Wind”, (iv) 1961
- * The Strange Case of J.G. Ballard by Norman Spinrad, (rc) Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine June 1988
- * Stress Deformations: A Review of Crash by Patrick Hudson, (mr) The Zone and Premonitions #6, Winter 1997/1998
- * Super-Cannes by John Clute, (br) Interzone #162, December 2000
- * Super-Cannes by Robert A. Latham, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #162, February 2002
- * The Terminal Beach by John D. DiPrete, (br) Thrust #10, Spring 1978
- * Terminal Fiction by James E. Gunn, (is) The Road to Science Fiction #3 ed. James Gunn, Mentor, 1979
- * The Terminalization of J.G. Ballard, Considered as a Fall Off a Barstool, Or, Why I Want to Dick Dick by Philip José Farmer, (ss) Pearls from Peoria by Philip José Farmer, Subterranean Press, 2006
- * That Old Magus: Super-Cannes by M. John Harrison, (br) The Times Literary Supplement September 8 2000
- * “Think of Ocean Liners, Art Deco Hotels, Midnight Blue Skies” by David Pringle, (iv) Interzone #106, April 1996
- * Through the Crash Barrier by L. J. Hurst, (ar) Overspace #7, April 1990
- * Twenty-Five Years of Drowning: Mapping J.G. Ballard’s The Drowned World Onto The Day of Creation by Paul Di Filippo, (ar) Quantum #37, Summer 1990
- * The Universe Considered as a Concentration Camp by James E. Gunn, (is) The Road to Science Fiction Volume 5 ed. James Gunn, White Wolf, 1998
- * The Unlimited Dream Company by John Clute, (br) Foundation #19, June 1980
- * The Unlimited Dream Company by David Pringle, (br) Interzone #1, Spring 1982
- * A User’s Guide to the Millennium: Essays and Reviews by Dwight Brown, (rc) Nova Express Fall/Winter 1996
- * Vermilion Sands by Eddy C. Bertin, (br) Cypher #7, May 1972
- * Vermilion Sands by David Pringle, (br) Speculation Autumn 1972
- * The Voices of Time by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction September 1962
- * War Fever by Nick Lowe, (br) Interzone #44, February 1991
- * War Fever by Bruce Holland Rogers, (br) The New York Review of Science Fiction #45, May 1992
- * Why We Are Living in JG Ballard’s World by Mark O’Connell, (ar) The New Statesman April 3 2020
- * The Wind from Nowhere by John Carnell, (br) New Worlds Science Fiction #117, April 1962
- * The Wind from Nowhere by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction August 1962
- * [Parody of Jim G. Ballard] by Michael G. Coney, (ss) Yandro October 1973
[]Ballard, Julia P. (chron.)
- * Born in Prison, (ar) St. Nicholas September 1878
- * The Bulrush Caterpillar, (ar) St. Nicholas March 1887
- * Dressed in White, (ss) St. Nicholas September 1875
- * Favorite Games, (ss) The Riverside Magazine for Young People October 1867
- * The Green House with the Gold Nails, (ar) St. Nicholas June 1877
- * The “Hollenberry” Cup, (vi) St. Nicholas May 1877
- * The Little Gray Pocket, (pm) St. Nicholas September 1885
- * Q and U, (pm) St. Nicholas May 1877
- * The Royal Walnut Moth, (ar) St. Nicholas May 1890
- * Snow-Flake China, (ar) St. Nicholas January 1883
- * Two Little Roses, (pm) St. Nicholas June 1888
[]Ballard, Minnie C. (fl. 1880s) (chron.)
- * An Aspiration, (pm) The Golden Argosy January 31 1885
- * Awake!, (pm) The Golden Argosy May 2 1885
- * The Broken Thorn, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine November 1886
- * Down the Stream, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine May 1885
- * God’s Hymns, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine April 1886
- * In the Twilight, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine July 1884
- * Love’s Necromancy, (pm) The Golden Argosy July 3 1886
- * Past Possession, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine March 1887
- * Returning Home, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine February 1884
- * Unsatisfied, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine January 1885
- * The Vale of Sleep, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine January 1889
- * Why?, (pm) Peterson’s Magazine June 1883
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