The FictionMags Index
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[]Garland, C. George (fl. 1930s-1940s) (chron.)
- * [illustration(s)], (il) This Week Feb 14, May 2 1937
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The American Magazine Feb, Jul 1943, Mar, May, Sep, Oct, Dec 1948, Feb 1949, Sep 1950
- * [illustration(s)], (il) McCall’s August 1946
[]Garland, George (fl. 1940s-1950s) (chron.)
- * [front cover], (cv) The Saturday Evening Post March 13 1943
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Saturday Evening Post May 3, May 24 1941, Aug 14 1943, Mar 13, Mar 27, Jul 24, Nov 6 1948, Apr 16 1949, Jan 14,
May 13 1950, Jan 27, Mar 24 1951
Jan 26 1952, Jul 4 1953, Jan 2, Nov 27 1954
- * [illustration(s)], (il) This Week Sep 28, Dec 21 1941, Nov 22 1942, Jan 4 1953
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The American Magazine Mar 1944, Feb, Jul 1947, Jan, Aug 1950, Jan, Aug 1951, Apr, Sep 1952, Apr,
Aug 1953, Mar 1954
Aug 1955
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Collier’s Feb 23, Mar 30, May 25 1946
- * [illustration(s)], (il) McCall’s March 1947
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Woman’s Day October 1947
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Country Gentleman Mar, Jun, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1949, Apr, May 1950, Jan, Nov, Dec 1951,
Apr 1952
Jan, Feb, Aug 1953, Feb, Oct 1954
- * [illustration(s)] (with William Bryant), (il) Bluebook February 1955
[]Garland, Hamlin (1860-1940) (about) (chron.)
- * Among the Corn-Rows, (ss) Harper’s Weekly June 28 1890
- * At the Brewery, (ss) The Cosmopolitan May 1892
- * Before the Overture, (ss) The Wave June 10 1893
- * Beneath the Pines, (pm) The Golden Argosy February 4 1888
- * Boy Life on the Prairies: A Fighting Fourth, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 28 1899
- * Boy Life on the Prairies: An Exciting Day at the Circus, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 14 1899
- * Boy Life on the Prairies: At the County Fair, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 21 1899
- * Boy Life on the Prairies: The Battle of the Bulls, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post October 7 1899
- * The Captain of the Gray Horse Troop, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Dec 14, Dec 21, Dec 28 1901, Jan 4, Jan 11, Jan 18, Jan 25, Feb 1, Feb 8, Feb 15,
Feb 22, Mar 1, Mar 8, Mar 15, Mar 22, Mar 29 1902
- * Color in the Wheat, (pm) The Country Gentleman #2639, August 27 1903
- * A Day’s Pleasure, (ss) Main-Travelled Roads by Hamlin Garland, Arena Publishing Company, 1891
- * Death in the Desert, (pm) Munsey’s Magazine June 1901
- * Delmar of Pima, (ss) McClure’s Magazine February 1902
- * Democracy on the Sodhouse Frontier, (ex)
- * The Doctor, (sl) The Ladies’ Home Journal Dec 1897, Feb 1898
- * The Doctor’s Visit, (ss) The Pall Mall Magazine May 1905
- * Do You Fear the Wind?, (pm) The Idler April 1903
- * Drifting Crane, (ss) Harper’s Weekly May 31 1890
- * The Drummer-Boy’s Alarum, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post March 9 1901
- * The Eagle’s Heart, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Jun 16, Jun 23, Jun 30, Jul 7, Jul 14, Jul 21, Jul 28, Aug 4, Aug 11, Aug 18,
Aug 25, Sep 1, Sep 8, Sep 15, Sep 22, Sep 29 1900
- * The Early Life of Ulysses Grant, (ar) McClure’s Magazine December 1896
- * Edward Kemeys, (ar) McClure’s Magazine July 1895
- * The Electric Lady, (ss) The Cosmopolitan May 1900
- * An Evangel in Cyene, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1895
- * Faith of His Fathers, (ss) Harper’s Weekly May 30 1903
- * Fireplace, (ss) The Delineator December 1905
- * The First Meeting of Lincoln and Grant, (ar) McClure’s Magazine August 1897
- * The Fortunate Coast, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post April 5 1930
- * The Freeman of the Hills, (pm) The Idler June 1903
- * From Main Travelled Roads, (ss)
- * General Custer’s Last Fight a Seen by Two Moon, (ar) McClure’s Magazine September 1898
- * A Girl of Modern Tyre, (??) The Century Magazine January 1897
- * God’s Ravens, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine June 1894
- * Going for the Doctor, (ss)
- * The Golden Seekers, (pm) The Idler October 1902
- * A “Good Fellow’s” Wife, (??) The Century Magazine April 1898
- * Grant at the Outbreak of the War, (ar) McClure’s Magazine May 1897
- * Grant at West Point; The Story of His Cadet Days, (ar) McClure’s Magazine January 1897
- * Grant in a Great Campaign, (ar) McClure’s Magazine July 1897
- * Grant in the Mexican War, (ar) McClure’s Magazine February 1897
- * Grant’s First Great Work in the War, (ar) McClure’s Magazine June 1897
- * Grant’s Life in Missouri, (ar) McClure’s Magazine April 1897
- * Grant’s Quiet Years at Northern Posts. Recollections of Grant at Sackett’s Harbor, Detroit, and on the Pacific Coast, (ar) McClure’s Magazine March 1897
- * Henry George’s Last Book, (rv) McClure’s Magazine February 1898
- * Hippy, the Dare-Devil, (ss) McClure’s Magazine September 1902
- * Hitting the Trail, (ar) McClure’s Magazine February 1899
- * Ho, for the Klondike!, (ar) McClure’s Magazine March 1898
- * Home from the City, (pm) McClure’s Magazine November 1896
- * Homestead and Its Perilous Trades, (ar) McClure’s Magazine June 1894
- * In the Glance of His Face, (ss) The Penny Magazine May 1896
- * Iron Khiva, (ss) Harper’s Weekly August 29 1903
- * Irving Bacheller, My Friend and Yours, (ar) The American Legion Monthly September 1931
- * Kelley of Brimstone Basin, (ss) The National Sunday Magazine March 28 1915
- * Light of the Star, (sl) Ladies’ Home Journal Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May 1904
- * Lincoln Enters Hostile Territory [Lincoln Stewart], (ss) Collier’s August 8 1914
- * Local Color in Art, (ar)
- * Lone Wolf’s Old Guard, (ss) Harper’s Weekly May 2 1903
- * The Long Trail, (sl) The Pall Mall Magazine Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun 1907
- * A Lynching in Mosinee, (ss) The Pocket Magazine July 1896
- * Marshall’s Capture, (ss) Harper’s Weekly December 10 1904
- * Mart Haney’s Mate, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post November 18 1905
- * Mrs. Ripley’s Trip, (ss) Main-Travelled Roads by Hamlin Garland, Arena Publishing Company, 1891
- * My First Christmas Tree, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal December 1911
- * A New Idea in Theater Management, (ar) Metropolitan Magazine February 1912
- * New Medicine-House, (ss) Harper’s Weekly December 6 1902
- * Night Raid at Eagle River, (ss) The Century Magazine September 1908
- * Nistina, (ss) Harper’s Weekly April 4 1903
- * The Noose, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 9 1906
- * Ol’ Pap’s Flaxen, (nv) The Century Magazine Mar, Apr, May 1892
- * On Silent Solidor, (ss) The Red Book Magazine December 1910
- * Outlaw, (sl) Harper’s Weekly Jun 13, Jun 20 1903
- * The Outlaw and the Girl, (sl) The Ladies’ Home Journal May, Jun, Jul 1908
- * Owen Rides at the County Fair, (ss)
- * Partners for a Day, (ss) Collier’s March 14 1914
- * The Passing of the Prairie [Lincoln Stewart], (ss) Collier’s June 27 1914
- * The People of the Buffalo, (ss) McClure’s Magazine December 1900
- * A Pioneer Christmas, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal December 1893
- * The Ranger and the Woman, (sl) Collier’s July 24 1915
- * Real Conversations:
* ___ II: A Dialogue Between Eugene Field and Hamlin Garland (with Eugene Field), (iv) McClure’s Magazine August 1893
* ___ IV: A Dialogue between James Whitcomb Riley and Hamlin Garland (with James Whitcomb Riley), (iv) McClure’s Magazine February 1894
- * The Redman as Material, (ar) The Booklovers Magazine August 1903
- * The Remittance Man, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post June 9 1906, as "The Noose"
- * The Return of a Private, (nv) The Arena July 1890
- The American Reader ed. Claude M. Simpson & Allan Nevins, D.C. Heath, 1941
- Westeryear ed. Ed Gorman, M. Evans, 1988
- Signet Classic Book of American Short Stories ed. Burton Raffel, Signet Classic, 1990
- Classic American Short Stories ed. Douglas Grant, Oxford University Press US, 1990
- Great Stories of the American West II ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Berkley, 1997
- The Portable American Realism Reader ed. James Nagel & Tom Quirk, Penguin US, 1997
- The American Short Story and Its Writer: An Anthology ed. Ann Charters, Bedford Books, 1999
- The Best of the American West II ed. Ed Gorman & Martin H. Greenberg, Berkley, 1999
- The Giant Book of Classic Civil War Stories ed. Jon A. Schlenker & Charles G. Waugh, Sam Teddy Publishing, 2023
- * Rising Wolf—Ghost Dancer, (ss) McClure’s Magazine January 1899
- * The River’s Warning, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly January 1902
- * A Romance of Wall Street, (ar) McClure’s Magazine April 1898
- * Salt Water Day, (ar) The Cosmopolitan August 1892
- * Sam Markham’s Wife, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal July 1898
- * The Short Line Romance, (ss) The Red Book Magazine January 1910
- * The Silent Mississippi, (ar) Appleton’s Magazine August 1908
- * Sitting Bull’s Defiance, (ss) McClure’s Magazine November 1902
- * A Son of the Middle Border [Lincoln Stewart], (ss) Collier’s March 28 1914
- * A Son of the Middle Border: Following the Sunset [Lincoln Stewart], (ss) Collier’s April 18 1914
- * Sons of the Middle Border: Woods and Prairie Lands [Lincoln Stewart], (ss) Collier’s May 9 1914
- * Spartan Mother, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal February 1905
- * The Spirit of Sweetwater, (sl) The Ladies’ Home Journal October 1897
- * The Spirit-World on Trial, (ar) McClure’s Magazine March/April 1920
- * Sport, (pm) New England Magazine October 1893
- * A Spring Romance, (ss) The Century Magazine June 1891
- * The Steadfast Widow Delaney, (sl) The Saturday Evening Post Jun 14, Jun 21, Jun 28 1902
- * Stephen Crane: A Soldier of Fortune, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 28 1900
- * A Tale of a Tenderfoot, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post August 24 1901
- * The Trail to the Golden North, (pm) McClure’s Magazine Apr, May 1899
- * Trampers on the Trail, (ar) The Cosmopolitan March 1899
- * Two Stories of Oklahoma, (ss) The Century Magazine June 1904
- * Ulysses Grant - His Last Year, (ar) McClure’s Magazine May 1898
- * Uncle Ethan Ripley, (ss)
- * Under the Lion’s Paw, (ss) Main-Travelled Roads by Hamlin Garland, Arena Publishing Company, 1891
- Pioneers West: 14 Stories of the Old Frontier ed. Don Ward, Dell, 1966
- Great Western Short Stories ed. J. Golden Taylor, American West, 1967
- The Portable American Realism Reader ed. James Nagel & Tom Quirk, Penguin US, 1997
- The Haves and Have-Nots ed. Barbara H. Solomon, Signet, 1999
- The Mammoth Book of Westerns ed. Jon E. Lewis, Robinson, 2013
- * Up the Coolly, (ss) 1893
- * Up the Coulé, (ss) Main-Travelled Roads by Hamlin Garland, Arena Publishing Company, 1891
- * The Ute Lover, (??) The Century Magazine June 1899
- * Vision of the Winged, (pm) McClure’s Magazine April 1919
- * Western Landscapes, (??) The Atlantic Monthly December 1893
- * The Westward March of Settlement, (ar) The Dearborn Independent July 9 1927
- * Whiteman’s Court, (ss) Collier’s Weekly June 1 1901
- * William Bacon’s Man, (ss) The Century Magazine June 1891, as "A Spring Romance"
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