The FictionMags Index
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Hughes, Rhys H. (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Spanish Cyclops, (vi) Cold Print #3, 2000
- * Spoiling the View, (ss) The Million Word Storybook: Male Edition by Rhys Hughes, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- * The Sponsored Hearse, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * The Spoon [Dr. Frazer & Dr. Vaughan], (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * The Spring Trilogy, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Spring 2023
- * Spy Balloon, (vi) Weird Fiction Quarterly Monsters, Winter 2024
- * The Squonk Laughed, (ss) Roadworks #7, Winter 2000
- * Stale Air [Dr. Frazer & Dr. Vaughan], (ss) Better the Devil by Rhys Hughes, Ghostwriter Publications, 2010
- * Stand and Deliver [Thornton Excelsior], (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #39, Winter 2011
- * Stepping Out, (ss) Sci-Fright #1, February/March 1999
- * The Stickness of Satan, (ss) Bare Bone #4, 2003
- * Stories from a Lost Anthology, (Tartarus Press, August 2002, co)
- * Story from a Lost Anthology, (ss) Stories from a Lost Anthology, Tartarus Press, 2002
- * The Story with a Clever Title [The Tall Story], (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * A Story with the Title at the End, (ss) The Platinum Donkey August 27 2013
- * Streetcorner Mouse, (ss) The Dream Zone #12, June 2002
- * The Strongest Monster, (ss) Better the Devil by Rhys Hughes, Ghostwriter Publications, 2010
- * The Stuffed Goddess, (ss) Scifantastic December 2005
- * Sucking the World’s Thumb, (ss) The Skeleton of Contention by Rhys Hughes, D-Press, 2004
- * Sunstorm, (ss) Ten Tributes to Calvino, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2012
- * The Sun Trap, (ss) Plutonian Parodies, The Penny Dreadful Company, 2009
- * The Suppertime Sting, (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * Suttee and Sweep, (ss) Madonna Park, The Penny Dreadful Company, 2009
- * Swallowing the Amazon, (ss) Black Infinity Magazine #2, Winter 2018
- * The Swinger, (ss) Dark World ed. Timothy Parker Russell, Tartarus Press, 2013
- * The Swiss Family Abacus, (ss) At the Molehills of Madness, Pendragon Press, 2006
- * A Tale with the Title at the End, (ss) The Platinum Donkey August 27 2013, as "A Story with the Title at the End"
- * The Tallest Midget in Christendom, (ss) Less Lonely Planet, Humdrumming, 2008
- * The Taming of the Old Woman Who Lived in a Shrew, (nv) Hadrosaur Tales Volume Four ed. David L. Summers, Hadrosaur Productions, 1998
- * The Taste of the Moon, (ss) Roadworks #6, Autumn 1999
- * The Taste of Turtle Tears, (ss) Sensorama ed. Allen Ashley, Eibonvale Press, 2015
- * The Tatty Bye, (ss) The Early Bird Catches the Worm but the Wise Worm Stays in Bed, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2018
- * Tears of the Mutant Jesters [Thornton Excelsior], (ss) The Horror Anthology of Horror Anthologies ed. D. F. Lewis, Megazanthus Press, 2011
- * Tellmenow Isitsöornot, (Gloomy Seahorse Press, September 2011, oc)
- * Ten Grim Bottles, (ss) Beyond the Boundaries #8, Summer 1996
- * Ten Tributes to Calvino, (Gloomy Seahorse Press, October 2012, oc)
- * There’s a Woman with a Cactus Instead of a Head, (ss) The Skeleton of Contention by Rhys Hughes, D-Press, 2004
- * Thief Among Thieves, (ss) Xenos #31, June 1995
- * Thinner Air, (ss) Flickers ’n’ Frames #21, 1994
- * The Third Blow, (ss) Romance with Capsicum, Wyrd Press, 1995
- * The Thirty-Nine Million Steps, (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * Thomas M. Disch: Echoing Round His Bones, (iv) The Zone #1, Summer 1994 [Ref. Thomas M. Disch]
- * Thornton Is God [Thornton Excelsior], (ss) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #39, Winter 2011
- * Those Wonderful Words [The Tall Story], (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * The Thousand and One Pints [Castor Jenkins], (ss) The Truth Spinner, Wildside Press, 2012
- * Three Friends, (ss) Nowhere Near Milkwood, Prime Books, 2002
- * Three Magic Seals, (gp) Mermaids Monthly #7, July 2021
- * Time Lapse, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * Tin in the Soul, (nv) Stories from a Lost Anthology, Tartarus Press, 2002
- * Toastmaster, Buttermistress, (ss) Stories from a Lost Anthology, Tartarus Press, 2002
- * A Top 10 Science Fiction Novels, (ar) The Zone #2, Spring 1995
- * Trader of Doom: Basil Zaharoff [Infamy], (ss) The New Universal History of Infamy, Ministry of Whimsy, 2004
- * The Trader of the Dust, (ar) Dementia 13 #13, 1994 [Ref. Clark Ashton Smith]
- * The Trilling Seasons, (ss) The First Book of Classical Horror Stories ed. D. F. Lewis, Megazanthus Press, 2012
- * Trombonhomie, (ss) Romance with Capsicum, Wyrd Press, 1995
- * Troubadours of Perception, (ss) Whispers of Wickedness #2, Autumn 2003
- * Troubleroot, (ss) Sierra Heaven #2, Summer 1996
- * The Truth Spinner, (Wildside Press, June 2012, oc)
- * Tuning in tp Someone Else’s Headache, (pm) Premonitions #2, Summer 1993
- * Twelve Candles, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * Two Fat Men in a Very Thin Country, (ss) Less Lonely Planet, Humdrumming, 2008
- * The Two Kingdoms, (ss) The Enigma #29, 1996
- * The Unbearable Lightness of Being a Dirigible, (ss) At the Molehills of Madness, Pendragon Press, 2006
- * The Undeniable Grin, (ss) The Skeleton of Contention by Rhys Hughes, D-Press, 2004
- * Under the Tree, (ss) The Skeleton of Contention by Rhys Hughes, D-Press, 2004
- * The Unsubtle Cages, (ss) The New Universal History of Infamy, Ministry of Whimsy, 2004
- * Unwise Appendix, (ss) The New Universal History of Infamy, Ministry of Whimsy, 2004
- * The Upper Reaches, (ss) All Hallows #43, Summer 2007
- * The Urban Freckle, (ss) Romance with Capsicum, Wyrd Press, 1995
- * Venus and Stupid, (ss) Less Lonely Planet, Humdrumming, 2008
- * A Vinaigrette, (vi) The Dream Zone #7, September 2000
- * The Voice of Farmer in My Vermiform Appendix, (ar) Farmerphile #14, October 2008
- * Voles, (ss) Enigmatic Tales #2, September 1998 [Ref. M. R. James]
- * Von Ryan’s Daughter’s Express, (ss) Less Lonely Planet, Humdrumming, 2008
- * The Wardrobe Tree, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * What Did You Do for Doomsday?, (ss) The Million Word Storybook: Male Edition by Rhys Hughes, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- * What the Dickens! [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) The Book of Extraordinary New Sherlock Holmes Stories ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Mango Publishing Group, 2020
- * When Pushkin Came to Shovekin, (ss) More Than a Feline, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2013
- * When the Microscopic Giants Took Over Happenstance, (ss) Less Lonely Planet, Humdrumming, 2008
- * When the Tide Comes In, Belinda Puts Out, (ss) The Million Word Storybook: Male Edition by Rhys Hughes, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2015
- * When Wales Played Asgård [Castor Jenkins], (ss) The Postmodern Mariner, Screaming Dreams, 2008
- * Where the Sun Doesn’t Shine, (ss) Mister Gum by Rhys Hughes, Dog Horn Pub., 2009
- * Whether the Weatherman [Thornton Excelsior], (vi) Theaker’s Quarterly Fiction #40, Spring 2012
- * With a Loving Kiss, (pm) Mermaids Monthly #7, July 2021
- * Wood for the Trees, (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * A Word in Your Shell-Like, (ss) More Than a Feline, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2013
- * The World Idiot, (ss) Grotesque #2, 1993
- * The Worm Supreme: Francisco Solano Lopez [Infamy], (ss) The New Universal History of Infamy, Ministry of Whimsy, 2004
- * The Worst Hero: Dick Turpin [Infamy], (ss) The New Universal History of Infamy, Ministry of Whimsy, 2004
- * The Wrexham Chainsaw Massacre, (ss) Better the Devil by Rhys Hughes, Ghostwriter Publications, 2010
- * The Xaratan, (ss) The Bestiary ed. Ann VanderMeer, Centipede Press, 2015
- * Zucchini Overdrive [Don Cosquillas], (ss) Tellmenow Isitsöornot, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2011
- * Zumbooruk, (ss) Romance with Capsicum, Wyrd Press, 1995
- * [front cover], (cv) More Than a Feline, Gloomy Seahorse Press, 2013
- * [unknown story], (vi) Forbidden Futures #6, Fall 2019
_____, [ref.]
[]Hughes, Richard (Arthur Warren) (1900-1976) (chron.)
- * Before Harvest, (pm)
- * The Cart, (ss) A Moment of Time by Richard Hughes, Chatto & Windus, 1926
- * A Comedy of Danger, (pl) 1924
- * Craig Ddrwg, (ss) The Apple (of Beauty and Discord) v2 #1, 1921
- * Foreword, (fw) The Magic Valley Travellers ed. Peter Haining, Gollancz, 1974
- * The Gatman Beyond Disguise, (ss) Detective Short Stories January 1939
- * Gertrude’s Child, (ss) Don’t Blame Me and Other Stories by Richard Hughes, Harper's, 1940
- * The Ghost, (vi) A Moment of Time by Richard Hughes, Chatto & Windus, 1926
- Fifty Masterpieces of Mystery, Odhams, 1937
- Argosy (UK) July 1940
- Strange and Fantastic Stories ed. Joseph A. Margolies, Whittlesey House, 1946
- Strange and Fantastic Stories (var. 1) ed. Joseph A. Margolies, Armed Forces, 1946
- And the Darkness Falls ed. Boris Karloff, World, 1946
- Great British Short Stories ed. [Editors of Reader's Digest], Reader's Digest, 1974
- The Ghost’s Companion ed. Peter Haining, Gollancz, 1975
- The Ghost’s Companion (var. 1) ed. Peter Haining, Puffin, 1978
- Wolf’s Complete Book of Terror ed. Leonard Wolf, Clarkson Potter, 1979
- Ghost Tour ed. Peter Haining, William Kimber, 1984
- * Ghost in Rope Street, (ss) Vanity Fair (US) October 1929
- * The Glass Ball Country, (ss) The Radio Times December 20 1929
- * High Wind in Jamaica, (ss) The Forum December 1928
- * Hurricane, (ss) 1938
- * Inhaling, (vi) The Radio Times August 2 1929
- * Jungle, (ss) Colour October 1921
- * Justice, (ss) The New Yorker September 29 1951
- * Laughing at Netta, (ss)
- * Locomotive, (ss) Colour December 1921
- * A Night at a Cottage, (ss) A Moment of Time by Richard Hughes, Chatto & Windus, 1926
- Argosy (UK) September 1940
- Twenty-Two Strange Stories ed. John L. Hardie, Art & Educational, 1946
- The Unspeakable People ed. Peter Haining, Leslie Frewin, 1969
- 65 Great Tales of the Supernatural ed. Mary Danby, Octopus Books, 1979
- The Mammoth Book of Haunted House Stories ed. Peter Haining, Robinson, 2000
- The Mammoth Book of Haunted House Stories (var. 1) ed. Peter Haining, Robinson, 2005
- * Poor Man’s Inn, (ss) Hutchinson’s Mystery Story Magazine April 1924
- * She Caught Hold of the Toe, (vi) 1925
- * The Stranger, (ss) The Weekly Westminster Gazette May 26 1923
- The Best British Short Stories of 1923 ed. Edward J. O'Brien & John Cournos, Small, Maynard & Company, 1923
- The Mandrake Root ed. Jeremy Scott, Jarrolds, 1946
- The Supernatural Reader ed. Groff & Lucy Conklin, Lippincott, 1953
- The Supernatural Reader (var. 1) ed. Groff & Lucy Conklin, WDL Books, 1958
- Welsh Short Stories ed. George Ewart Evans, Faber and Faber, 1959
- Welsh Tales of Terror ed. R. Chetwynd-Hayes, Fontana, 1973
- The Magic Valley Travellers ed. Peter Haining, Gollancz, 1974
- * The Vanishing Man, (ss) A Moment of Time by Richard Hughes, Chatto & Windus, 1926
- * When Shall I See Gold?, (pm) 1931
_____, [ref.]
- * Little Criminals: The Fiction of Richard Hughes by John Crowley, (ar) Boston Review November/December 2005
- * Richard Hughes by Christopher Fowler, (ar) The Independent on Sunday November 22 2009
- * Richard Hughes, (bg) Presenting Moonshine #25, September 1972
- * Richard Hughes: A Checklist, (bi) Presenting Moonshine #25, September 1972
- * Richard Hughes: Addenda, (bi) Presenting Moonshine #27 Dec 1972, #43 May 1976
- * Richard Hughes: A Revised Checklist, (bi) Presenting Moonshine #44, July 4 1976
- * Richard Hughes: In Hazard by John Crowley, (in) New York Review Books, 2008
[]Hughes, Riley (1914-1981) (about) (chron.)
- * Crime of Omission, (pm) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 2 1980
- * Grand Opening, (pm) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 30 1980
- * Held for Delivery, (pm) The Argonaut #8, Fall/Winter 1981
- * An Overdone Death, (ss) The Argonaut #8, Fall/Winter 1981
- * Slice of Life: A Diet of Scars, (pm) The Argonaut #8, Fall/Winter 1981
- * Winged Defeat, (pm) The Argonaut #7, Fall/Winter 1980
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