The FictionMags Index
Index by Name: Page 11783
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[uncredited] (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Girls Displace “Buttons”, (ar) The American Boy November 1906
- * A Girl’s Folly, (ss) The Argosy (UK) July 1883
- * Girls for Special Events, (pi) Caper January 1959
- * Girls’ Foundation Schools, (ar) Cassell’s Family Magazine May 1881
- * The Girls from Planet Earth, (pi) Rogue April 1963
- * The Girls from TV Land, (pi) Rex #34, 1972
- * Girls Galore, (pi) Man’s Magazine October 1955
- * Girls Gather Round, (ar) The Royal Pictorial November 1933
- * Girl’s Guide to Churchgoing, (ar) Cosmopolitan April 1966
- * The Girls Have a Gilbert, Too, (pi) Movie Monthly December 1925 [Ref. Florence Gilbert]
- * Girls Held as Bank Robbers, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 2 1919
- * Girl Shoplifter Freed, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 15 1930
- * A Girl Should Be Careful, (ar) Variety Love Stories October 1943
- * Girl-Shy, (??) Paris Nights May 1938
- * The Girl-Shy Cowboy, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #490, May 4 1929; adapted from the movie (Rex Bell, Patsy O’Leary).
- * Girls I Have Met:
* ___ The Girl with a Grievance, (cl) Woman’s Weekly #319, December 8 1917
- * The Girls I Left Behind Me, (ar) The Royal Pictorial October 1933
- * The Girls I Like Best—I: The Riding Girl, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal May 1910
- * Girls in £1,000, (pi) Mayfair v2 #5, 1967
- * The Girls in the Band, (pi) Dapper April 1979
- * Girls in the Detective Spotlight, (pi) Real Detective June 1932
- * Girls in the News, (cl) Calling All Girls Jul/Aug 1944, Jun/Jul 1945
- * Girls in the News, (pi) Sir! September 1943
- * Girls in the Spotlight, (pi) Real Detective November 1932
- * Girls—Just Girls, (pm) French Night Life August 1936
- * A Girl’s Knickers, (ss) Store Magazine #1, Autumn/Winter 2003
- * A Girl Sleuth, (ms) Mystery Magazine #122, December 15 1922
- * Girls—Made to Order, (pi) Dude May 1963
- * Girls Makes Burglars Sign Confession, (ms) Detective Story Magazine April 27 1920
- * Girls Men Marry!, (ms) Modern Weekly #103, April 7 1928
- * Girls Must Fight to Win and Hold the Right Man, (ar) Sensation November 1939
- * Girls’ Names, (cl) Saucy Stories Jan 1, Jan 15 1924
- * The Girls of Australia, (pi) Golden Nugget v1 #6, 1966
- * The Girls of “Cat Alley”, (sl) The Ladies’ Home Journal Sep 1, Oct 1 1910
- * The Girls of Gallery, (pi) Gallery Nov 1972, Jun 1973
- * The Girls of Hollywood, (pi) Golden Nugget v1 #6, 1966
- * The Girls of Hollywood, (pi) Cad December 1965
- * The Girls of Italy, (pi) Adam January 1971
- * The Girls of Manilla, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly April 1877
- * The Girls of Newlook, (pi) Penthouse May 1986
- * Girls of Other Lands at Work, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly August 1884
- * The Girls of St. Katherine’s: Kitty Under a Cloud, (ss) The Schoolgirls’ Pictorial #8, December 22 1924
- * The Girls of Street-Car Town, (ar) The Scrap Book November 1907
- * Girls of Summer, (ms) Mayfair v23 #6, 1988
- * Girls of Summer Offer, (ms) Mayfair v22 #7, v22 #8, v22 #9, v22 #10 1987, v23 #7, v23 #8, v23 #9 1988, v24 #8, v24 #9 1989, v25 #6,
v25 #7 1990
- * Girls of the Golden West, (pi) Rogue March 1964
- * The Girls of the Orient, (pi) Golden Nugget v1 #6, 1966
- * Girls of the World, (pi) Gallery December 1973
- * Girls of the Year, (pi) Mayfair v15 #12 1980, v16 #12 1981, v17 #12 1982, v18 #12 1983, v19 #12 1984, v20 #12 1985, v21 #12 1986, v22 #12 1987,
v23 #12 1988, v24 #12 1989, v25 #12 1990
- * Girls on Probation, (sa) Screen Romances #106, March 1938
- * The Girl’s Opinion, (ar) Stories, a Weekly Journal #1, November 6 1897
- * Girls’ Own Circle, (cl) The Circle March 1910
- * Girls’ Page, (cl) The Youth’s Companion January 1 1914
- * Girls, Pearls, and the Deep Blue Sea, (pi) Showcase v2 #2, 1962
- * Girl’s Privilege, (ss) The Violet Magazine #293, July 1938
- * The Girls Take Over, (ms) Flying Aces August 1943
- * Girls That Are in Demand (“The girls that are wanted are good girls…”), (pm)
- * The Girls That Thrilled Grand-Pa, (pi) Lilliput April 1955
- * Girls They Left Behind Them, (pi) Everybody’s Magazine November 1918
- * A Girl’s Toilet Articles, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly November 1889
- * A Girl’s True Heart, (ts) Real Love Magazine 1st September 1930
- * Girls Who Pose, (pi) The Royal Magazine March 1929
- * Girls Who Wanna Be Watched, (lt) Girl Watcher #2, June 1959
- * Girls Who Wear Glasses, (pi) Gay Blade October 1957
- * Girls Will Be Girls, (pm) The Gray Goose November 1908
- * Girls Will Be Girls, (ss) The Gay Mag #1, 192?
- * Girl’s Wit Against Killers’ Treachery, (ts) True Western Stories February 1926
- * Girls with Wings, (pi) Look and Learn #46, December 1 1962
- * The Girls You Left Behind, (pi) Esquire December 1943
- * Girl Taken for a Ride, (ms) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 28 1931
- * Girl Talk, (cl) Penthouse Jan, Feb, Jun, Dec 2006
- * The Girl They Condemned, (cs) Complete Love Magazine February 1952
- * A Girl to Take a Chance With, (pi) Knight October 1969
- * Girl Tramp’s Trip Ends in Jail, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 17 1921
- * Girl Trap, (ss) True Mystic Confessions #1, 1937
- * Girl Used as Decoy, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 7 1931
- * Girl Victim of Robbers, (ms) Detective Story Magazine September 1 1928
- * Girl Wanted, (pi) Ace June 1961
- * Girl Wanted to do 10-12 hours volunteer editorial and secretarial work weekly for PR…, (ms) Partisan Review January/February 1953
- * Girl Wants Boy, (pi) Salty v1 #6, 1969
- * The Girl Watcher and the Arabian Girl, (vi) Girl Watcher #2, June 1959
- * A Girl Watcher Escapes, (ss) Girl Watcher #2, June 1959
- * The Girl Watcher’s Almanac, (cl) Girl Watcher #2, June 1959
- * Girl-Watcher’s Review, (ms) Tiger July 1957
- * Girl Watching Around the World, (hu) Girl Watcher #2, June 1959
- * The Girl Who Broadcasts Broadway, (ar) Radio Stories October 1924
- * The Girl Who Didn’t Care, (ts) Smart Set May 1928
- * The Girl Who Got Away from It All, (pi) The Gent August 1957
- * The Girl Who Got Away with It, (pi) High Time v3 #1, 1963
- * Girl Who Had No Charm, (sl) The Ladies’ Home Journal April 1910
- * The Girl Who “Hopped On”, (bg) Nash’s Magazine August 1912 [Ref. Unity More]
- * The Girl Who Is Going Traveling, (ar) The Ladies’ Home Journal June 1910
- * The Girl Who Laughed at Love, (ts) Real Love Magazine 1st March 1931
- * The Girl Who Made Pearls [Sexton Blake], (na) (by G. H. Teed) The Union Jack #485,
- * Girl Who Makes Hey While the Moon Shines, (pi) Untamed June 1959
- * Girl Who Makes Passes, (pi) Escapade February 1957
- * The Girl Who Married a Gambler, (ss) Red Letter November 11 1911
- * The Girl Who Married a Prince—and Didn’t Live Happily Ever After, (pi) John Bull and Illustrated November 22 1958 [Ref. Dawn Addams]
- * The Girl Who Never Muffed—, (ms) Ginger August 1931
- * The Girl Who Passed for Normal, (br) The Armchair Detective August 1973 [Ref. Hugh Fleetwood]
- * The Girl Who Played Indian, (pi) Stag February 1956
- * The Girl Who Pleased Herself, (ss) The Violet Magazine #4, October 1922
- * A Girl Who Proposed, (ts) Marriage Confessions November 1930
- * The Girl Who Refused to Be Queen, (ar) Look and Learn #13, April 14 1962
- * The Girl Who Said No, (pi) Stag November 1957
- * Girl Who Shot Policeman, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 15 1930
- * Girl Who Slew Father Is Freed, (ms) Detective Story Magazine February 5 1918
- * The Girl Who Started an Epidemic, (pi) Men December 1960
- * The Girl Who Travels Alone, (ed) Cosmopolitan Magazine November 1906
- * The Girl Who Trespassed, (ss) London Life April 27 1935
- * The Girl Who Turned Out to Be Big Business, (pi) Lilliput April/May 1952
- * The Girl Who Waited, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post July 13 1912
- * The Girl Who Waited, (ts) Secrets February 1923
- * The Girl Who Wanted Everything, (ts) Smart Set November 1924
- * The Girl Who Was Nearly a Bandit, (ss) Flapper’s Experience October 1925
- * The Girl Who Was Not Ready, (ar) Moving Picture Stories #739, February 22 1927
- * The Girl Who Wasn’t Sure, (pm)
- * The Girl Who Went by Train, (lt) Lilliput April 1946
- * The Girl who Won by Listening, (ar) Nash’s Magazine May 1914
- * The Girl Who Wouldn’t Smile, (pi) Pad v2 #1, 196?
- * Girl with a Big Future, (pi) Rugged August 1957
- * Girl with a Gimmick with Jill St. John, (pi) Escapade July 1957
- * The Girl with a Grievance, (ar) Woman’s Weekly #319, December 8 1917
- * A Girl with a Past, (ts) Street & Smith’s Real Love Magazine November 1931
- * Girl with a Plan, (pi) Jaguar May 1969
- * The Girl Without a Conscience, (n.) Poppy’s Library #197, February 1937
- * The Girl Without a Name, (ts) Smart Set January 1927
- * Girl Without Fear, (ts) John Bull August 7 1937
- * The Girl with the $100,000 Legs, (pi) Movie Monthly November 1925 [Ref. Cecile Evans]
- * The Girl with the $150,000 Bosom, (pi) Pad June 1968
- * The Girl with the Brown Eyes, Long Legs and Luscious Lips, (pi) Sir! July 1959
- * Girl with the Champagne Taste, (pi) Touch v1 #2, 1958, as "The Girl with the Champagne Touch"
- * The Girl with the Champagne Touch, (pi) Touch v1 #2, 1958
- * The Girl with the Extra Something, (pi) Escapade August 1960
- * The Girl with the Golden Body, (pi) Hi-Life March 1958 [Ref. Kim Novak]
- * Girl with the Golden Garter, (pi) Nightcap v1 #4, 1961
- * The Girl with the Golden Glow, (pi) Candlelight v1 #1, 1963
- * The Girl with the Green Mask, (na) (by Robert Murray Graydon) Clues 1st July 1930, as "The Green Mask", by Robert Murray
- * The Girl with the Jasmine Hair, (pi) Real Men June 1966
- * The Girl with the One Track Mind, (pi) Diamond Stud v2 #4, 1964
- * The Girl with the Perfect Bust, (pi) Sir! February 1958
- * The Girl with the Sable Eyes, (pi) Rogue December 1959
- * The Girl with the Shapely Legs, (ss) Colin Calhoun Detective #7, 195?
- * The Girl Women Were Afraid Of, (ss) The Oracle #112, March 30 1935
- * A Girly Girl from Utah, (ar) Nash’s Magazine April 1914
- * GI Sex Instruction Films, (ar) Battle Cry December 1955
- * G.I.’s Ghost Guide, (ms) Argosy August 1945
- * Gisli the Outlaw, (sl) The Boy’s Own Paper Mar 28, Apr 4 1891
- * Gisnt Nugget, (ms) Street & Smith’s Western Story Magazine November 28 1931
- * Gisselle, (pi) Showpiece July/August/September 1973
- * Gissing in America, (bg) Presenting Moonshine #37, March 1974 [Ref. George Gissing]
- * GI Sucker Traps, (ms) Battle Cry April 1957
- * Git Along, Little Dogies, (pm) Cowboy Songs and Other Frontier Ballads ed. John A. Lomax, Macmillan, 1910, as "Whoopee-Ti-Yi-Yo, Git Along Little Dogies"
- * Giuseppe Garibaldi, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly May 1882
- * Giuseppe Giusti, (ar) (by Frances Eleanor Trollope) The Cornhill Magazine October 1863
- * Giuseppina, the Heroine of Sicily, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly October 1880
- * Give, (pm) (by A. West) The Atlantic Monthly May 1863
- * Give a Jane a Bad Name!, (sl) Secrets June 27 1953
- * Give a Loco a Name, (ar) Modern Wonder September 30 1939
- * Give and Take, (ms) John o’ London’s Weekly March 3 1923 [Ref. Amber Reeves]
- * Give a Party, (ms) Cocktail v1 #1, 1958
- * Give ’Em Beans!, (qz) Argosy (UK) October 1958
- * “Give ’Em the Steel!”, (pi) Argosy October 1951
- * Give Father a Chance!, (ar) Liberty May 14 1938
- * Give Her Frills & Fragrance, (ms) Redbook December 1954
- * Give Him a Lift, (pm) The Golden Argosy November 24 1883
- * Give Him a Rugged Sweater, (ms) Redbook December 1957
- * Give Him What He Likes: Meat & Potatoes Cooked Divinely, (ms) Good Housekeeping October 1962
- * Give In!, (hu) Pep Stories September 1930
- * Give It as a Gift Details, (ms) Mayfair v24 #12, 1989
- * Give Me a Girl—, (pm) Snappy Stories 1st February 1918
- * “Give Me Liberty of Give Me Death!”—A Challenge, (ar) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day August 1923
- * “Give Me the Good Old Middle West”, (ar) The American Magazine August 1916
- * Given: An Interview with Fantasy Author Nandi Taylor, (iv) Speculative North #1, May 2020 [Ref. Nandi Taylor]
- * Given Away, (ex) (by James Russell Lowell), as "Lay of Sir Launfal"
- * Given Up by His Friends, (ss) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly September 1880
- * Given Up for Dead!, (ar) Modern Boy’s Book of True Adventure, Amalgamated Press, 1937
- * Give Place to Wrath, (br) Thriller Magazine v1 #2, 2018 [Ref. Steven Harms]
- * A Giver in Millions, (ar) Cosmopolitan Magazine April 1911
- * The Givers of Sight, (ms) Smith’s Magazine August 1917
- * Gives Away Bonds, (ms) Mystery Magazine #137, August 1 1923
- * Gives Criminals Chance to Make Good, (ms) Detective Story Magazine May 11 1920
- * Gives Himself Up After Twenty Years, (ms) Detective Story Magazine October 28 1922
- * Gives Land to Rocky Mountain Peak, (ms) Western Story Magazine February 19 1927
- * Gives Ohio Bragging Rights, (iv) Suspense Magazine October 2011 [Ref. David Bell]
- * Gives Police Money Found Years Ago, (ms) Detective Story Magazine March 19 1918
- * Gives Voice to Those Who Have None, (iv) Suspense Magazine February 2012 [Ref. Kira Peikoff]
- * Give the Children a Chance, (ar) Physical Culture January 1924
- * Give Them Reeks!, (ms) The Happy Mag. January 1937
- * Give Them Work!, (pm) (by N. G. Shepherd) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1865
- * Give This Target a Shot, (pz) The Golden Gazette v4 #1, 2011
- * Give This Traffic Pest a Name, (ms) This Week April 22 1956
- * Give Us Back the Tails, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1871
- * Give Us Men, (pm) Argosy Allstory Weekly December 22 1923
- * “Give Wisely!” An Anecdote, (vi) (by Mary Anne Hoare) Household Words #31, October 26 1850
- * Give Your Girl the 30-Second Test, (ms) Knave January 1959
- * Give Your Lips Allure!, (ms) Variety Love Stories October 1946
- * Give Your Razor a Vacation, (ms) Detective Story Magazine December 5 1915
- * Giving, (pm) (by Mrs. Craik)
- * Giving a Car the Third Degree, (ar) The Autocar 1939
- * Giving a Snake the Air, (ms) Far West Illustrated September 1928
- * Giving Away, (ar) The Argosy (UK) May 1871
- * Giving Clamson a Fright, (ss) Boys’ Cinema Weekly August 7 1920
- * Giving in Marriage, (pm) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly July 1885
- * Giving Is for Now, (ar) Harlequin’s Woman v2 #8, 1974
- * Giving Lessons on the Piano, (ss) (by J. V. C. Smith) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1867
- * Giving the Bird the Bird!, (ar) Flying Aces November 1941
- * Giving the Captain a Few Balls (After Dinner)!, (il) The Boy’s Own Paper July 10 1909
- * Giving the Game Away (etc.), (hu) Yes or No December 5 1908
- * Giving True Crime Stories a Voice, (iv) Suspense Magazine March 2011 [Ref. M. William Phelps]
- * Giving Your Face a Rest, (ms) The Illustrated Detective Magazine March 1932
- * G.K. Chesterton, Poet of the Month, (bg) [Ref. G. K. Chesterton]
- * A Glacial Age Tortoise, (ms) Street & Smith’s Top-Notch Magazine October 1 1931
- * Glacial Salamanders, (ms) Street & Smith’s Far West Stories June 1931
- * The Glacier at the North Foot of Mount Sarmiento, (il) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine January 1900
- * Glacier Bay National Monument, (ms) Western Story Magazine May 23 1925
- * A Glacier Hosue, (ms) Western Story Magazine April 20 1929
- * Glacier National Park, (ar) Pete Rice Magazine May 1935
- * The Glacier Park Poet, (ms) Far West Illustrated June 1928
- * Glacier Park Ravaged by Fire, (ms) Western Story Magazine October 9 1926
- * Glaciers Melting Away, (ms) Western Story Magazine August 23 1924
- * A Glacier’s Retort, (ms) Western Story Magazine May 25 1929
- * The Gladiator, (sa) Boy’s Cinema #1004, March 11 1939; adapted from the movie (Joe E. Brown).
- * The Gladiator and the Slave, (ss) (by Douglas Leach) Boys’ World March 30 1963
- * Gladiator for Lunch, (pi) Broadside October/November/December 1968
- * Gladiatorial Exhibition in Southern India—The Nucki-Kakouste at Baroda, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly February 1878
- * The Gladiators, (vi) Pan #8, December 27 1919
- * Gladiators and the Arena, (ar) Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly March 1879
- * Gladiators of Speed, (ar) The Modern Boy’s Annual 1935, 1934
- * Gladiators of the Sea, (ar) Modern Wonder April 29 1939; condensed from the Adelaide Chronicle, 1939.
- * Glad Rag Doll, (pi) Adam (Australia) July 1976
- * Gladsome Gleanings, (ms) Short Stories May 1913
- * Gladstone, (il) Harper’s Monthly Magazine February 1901
- * Gladstone and His Life-Work, (ar) The Saturday Evening Post June 4 1898
- * Gladys: A Tale of a Summer Wedding, (ss) Cassell’s Family Magazine Summer 1885
- * Glam, (ss) The Golden Argosy January 2 1886
- * Glamis Castle, (ar)
- * Glamor Girls Revolt, (ms) Short Story Magazine (Australia) #92, March 1952
- * Glamorizing the Grass Roots, (pi) Ace Annual #1, 1966
- * The Glamor of Goldfield, (ms) Speed Western Stories August 1943
- * Glamorous Brass, (ts) Real Love Magazine 1st November 1930
- * Glamor Photography Made Easy with This… Do-It-Yourself Kit, (pi) Ace September 1964
- * Glamor with Gas, (pi) The Stocking Parade February 1943
- * Glamour, (ss)
- * Glamour-Boy Doctor, (ts) True Experiences February 1947
- * Glamour Clothes New-Car Power, (ms) Man Senior November 1955
- * Glamour Gallery, (pi) Epic October 1958
- * Glamour Girl, (pi) Penthouse January 2007
- * Glamour Girls: At Work, at Play, (pi) Peril June 1957
- * Glamour Glimpse, (il) Man October 1951
- * Glamour in Gasoline Alley, (pi) Nightline v1 #3, 1968
- * Glamour in the Game Room, (pi) Body Shop v4 #4, 1967
- * Glamour on Sand, (pi) Mr. July 1952 [Ref. Gloria Paul]
- * Glamour Studies in Colour, (pi) Clubman #22 Jul, #24 Sep, #25 Oct 1952, #29 Feb, #30 Mar, #31 Apr 1953
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