British Juvenile Story Papers and Pocket Libraries Index
Index by Magazine Issue: Page 57
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School Cap (about)
A 1953 attempt to launch a post-war story paper of the same type as The Magnet or Gem. The lead story is based round Rockcliffe School, a sort of Greyfriars clone.
- ___ #1, August 8, 1953 (Charles Buchan’s Publications, 6d, 32pp, small tabloid, cover by Ward) (Contents)
- ___ #2, August 22, 1953 (Charles Buchan’s Publications, 6d, 32pp, small tabloid, cover by Ward) (Contents)
- ___ #3, September 3, 1953 (Charles Buchan’s Publications, 6d, 32pp, small tabloid, cover by Ward) (Contents)
- ___ #4, September 19, 1953 (Charles Buchan’s Publications, 6d, 32pp, small tabloid, cover by Ward) (Contents)
- ___ #5, October 3, 1953 (Charles Buchan’s Publications, 6d, 32pp, small tabloid, cover by Ward) (Contents)
- ___ #6, October 17, 1953 (Charles Buchan’s Publications, 6d, 32pp, small tabloid, cover by Ward) (Contents)
- ___ #7, October 31, 1953 (Charles Buchan’s Publications, 6d, 32pp, small tabloid, cover by Ward) (Contents)
- ___ #8, November 14, 1953 (Charles Buchan’s Publications, 6d, 32pp, small tabloid, cover by Ward) (Contents)
- ___ #9, November 28, 1953 (Charles Buchan’s Publications, 6d, 32pp, small tabloid, cover by Ward) (Contents)
- ___ #10, December 12, 1953 (Charles Buchan’s Publications, 6d, 32pp, small tabloid, cover by Ward) (Contents)
Schoolgirls’ Own Library (first series)
Note: #734 (The Menace of the Masks by Isabel Norton) and #735 (Secret Leader of the Rebel Four by Gail Western) were advertised but did not appear; the latter subsequently became the first issue of the New Series. There is evidence that the series was fully intended to continue since the rear cover of 733 advertised next month’s “permanently enlarged numbers,” commencing with No. 336).
- ___ #1, November 1922 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #2, December 1922 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #3, January 1923 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #4, February 1923 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #5, February 1923 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #6, March 1923 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #7, March 1923 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #8, April 1923 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #9, April 1923 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #10, May 1923 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #11, May 1923 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #12, June 1923 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #13, June 1923 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #14, July 1923 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #15, July 1923 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #16, August 1923 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #17, August 1923 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #18, September 1923 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #19, September 1923 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #20, October 1923 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #21, October 1923 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #22, November 1923 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #23, November 1923 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #24, December 1923 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #25, December 1923 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #26, January 1924 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #27, January 1924 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #28, February 1924 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #29, February 1924 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #30, March 1924 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #31, March 1924 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #32, April 1924 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #33, April 1924 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #34, May 1924 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #35, May 1924 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #36, June 1924 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #37, June 1924 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #38, July 1924 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #39, July 1924 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #40, August 1924 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #41, August 1924 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #42, September 1924 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #43, September 1924 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #44, October 1924 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #45, October 1924 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #46, November 1924 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #47, November 1924 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #48, December 1924 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #49, December 1924 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #50, January 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #51, January 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #52, February 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #53, February 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #54, March 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #55, March 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #56, April 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #57, April 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #58, May 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #59, May 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #60, June 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #61, June 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #62, July 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #63, July 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #64, August 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #65, August 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #66, September 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #67, September 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #68, October 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #69, October 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #70, October 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #71, November 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #72, November 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #73, November 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #74, December 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #75, December 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #76, December 1925 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #77, January 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #78, January 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #79, January 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #80, February 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #81, February 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #82, February 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #83, March 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #84, March 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #85, March 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #86, April 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #87, April 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #88, April 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #89, May 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #90, May 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #91, May 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #92, June 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #93, June 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #94, June 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #95, July 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #96, July 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #97, July 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #98, August 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #99, August 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #100, August 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #101, September 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #102, September 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #103, September 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #104, October 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #105, October 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #106, October 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #107, November 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #108, November 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #109, November 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #110, December 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #111, December 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #112, December 1926 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #113, January 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #114, January 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #115, January 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #116, February 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #117, February 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #118, February 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #119, March 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #120, March 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #121, March 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #122, April 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #123, April 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #124, April 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #125, May 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #126, May 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #127, May 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #128, June 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #129, June 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #130, June 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #131, July 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #132, July 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #133, July 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #134, August 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #135, August 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #136, August 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #137, September 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #138, September 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #139, September 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #140, October 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #141, October 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #142, October 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #143, November 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #144, November 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #145, November 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #146, December 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #147, December 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #148, December 1927 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #149, January 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #150, January 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #151, January 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #152, February 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #153, February 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #154, February 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #155, March 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #156, March 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #157, March 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #158, April 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #159, April 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #160, April 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #161, May 1928 (4d, 64pp, cover by Ben Hutchinson) (Contents)
- ___ #162, May 1928 (4d, 64pp, cover by Ben Hutchinson) (Contents)
- ___ #163, May 1928 (4d, 64pp, cover by Ben Hutchinson) (Contents)
- ___ #164, June 1928 (4d, 64pp, cover by Ben Hutchinson) (Contents)
- ___ #165, June 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #166, June 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #167, July 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #168, July 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #169, July 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #170, August 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #171, August 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #172, August 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #173, September 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #174, September 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #175, September 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #176, October 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #177, October 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #178, October 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #179, November 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #180, November 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #181, November 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #182, December 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #183, December 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #184, December 1928 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #185, January 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #186, January 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #187, January 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #188, February 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #189, February 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #190, February 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #191, February 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #192, March 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #193, March 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #194, March 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #195, March 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #196, April 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #197, April 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #198, April 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #199, April 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #200, May 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #201, May 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #202, May 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #203, May 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #204, June 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #205, June 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #206, June 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #207, June 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #208, July 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #209, July 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #210, July 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #211, July 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #212, August 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #213, August 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #214, August 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #215, August 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #216, September 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #217, September 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #218, September 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #219, September 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #220, October 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #221, October 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #222, October 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #223, October 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #224, November 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #225, November 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #226, November 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #227, November 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #228, December 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #229, December 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #230, December 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #231, December 1929 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #232, January 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #233, January 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #234, January 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #235, January 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #236, February 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #237, February 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #238, February 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #239, February 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #240, March 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #241, March 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #242, March 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #243, March 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #244, April 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #245, April 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #246, April 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #247, April 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #248, May 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #249, May 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #250, May 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #251, May 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #252, June 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #253, June 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #254, June 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #255, June 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #256, July 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #257, July 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #258, July 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #259, July 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #260, August 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #261, August 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #262, August 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #263, August 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #264, September 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #265, September 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #266, September 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #267, September 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #268, October 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #269, October 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #270, October 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #271, October 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #272, November 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #273, November 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #274, November 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #275, November 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #276, December 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #277, December 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #278, December 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #279, December 1930 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #280, January 1931 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
- ___ #281, January 1931 (4d, 64pp) (Contents)
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