The FictionMags Index
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Holdich, Henrietta H(oward) (1841-1914) (about) (items)
- Why Walter Changed His Mind, (vi) St. Nicholas March 1875
- Back Windows, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1875, uncredited.
- My Georgie, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine February 1876, uncredited.
- Vandeleur, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1876, uncredited.
- Aunt Rhodanthe’s Mistake, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1876, uncredited.
- “Our Jook”, (ss) Lippincott’s Magazine of Popular Literature and Science October 1877
- My Mother’s Objections, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine November 1877, uncredited.
- Master Robby’s Romance, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1877, uncredited.
- Aunt Eunice’s Idea, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine August 1878, uncredited.
- ♀, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine September 1878, uncredited.
- Master Hyrax, (vi) St. Nicholas September 1881
- Latitude and Longitude, (ss) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine October 1884
Holding, Elisabeth Sanxay (1889-1955) (items); name also given as Elizabeth Sanxay Holding.
- Patrick on the Mountain, (ss) The Smart Set July 1920
- The Problem That Perplexed Nicholson, (ss) The Smart Set August 1920
- Marie’s View of It, (ss) The Century Magazine December 1920
- Mollie: the Ideal Nurse, (ss) The Century Magazine January 1921
- Angelica, (sl) Munsey’s Magazine May 1921, etc.
- The Married Man, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine December 1921
- The Foreign Woman, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine July 1922
- Hanging’s Too Good for Him, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine September 1922
- Like a Leopard, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine November 1922
- Lost Luck, (ss) The Bookman December 1922
- “Hanging’s Too Good for You!”, (ss) The Novel Magazine January 1923
- The Girl He Picked Up at Coney, (ss) Metropolitan with The Girl of To-day February/March 1923
- The Aforementioned Infant, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine March 1923
- It Seemed Reasonable, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine April 1923
- Unless Experience Be a Jewel, (ss) The Sovereign Magazine April 1923
- The Business Girl, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion May 1923
- Old Dog Tray, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine May 1923
- The Hick, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion June 1923
- The Matador, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine June 1923
- The Down-and-Outer, (sl) Woman’s Home Companion July 1923
- A Hesitating Cinderella, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine July 1923
- This Is Life, (ss) The Nation August 15 1923
- The Disgruntled Boarder, (sl) Woman’s Home Companion August 1923
- The Postponed Wedding, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine August 1923
- With Unbowed Head, (ss) The Century Magazine August 1923
- The Marquis of Carabas, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine September 1923
- Out of the Woods, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine October 1923
- Miss Flotsam and Mr. Jetsann, (ss) The Dial November 1923
- Benedicta, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine December 1923
- Keeping the Boy at Home, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion December 1923
- Nickie and Pem, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine February 1924
- His Remarkable Future, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine April 1924
- His Own People, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine July 1924
- Who Is This Impossible Person?, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine August 1924
- Ye Gods and Little Fishes, (ss) The American Magazine August 1924
- Mr. Martin Swallows the Anchor, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine September 1924
- Too French, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine January 1925
- An Impossible Person, (ss) The Grand Magazine February 1925
- The Good Little Pal, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine April 1925
- A New Story, (ss) The Grand Magazine April 1925
- Flowers for Miss Riordan, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine May 1925
- Mrs. Prunes, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion May 1925
- Something Human, (ss) The Grand Magazine May 1925
- Marionette, (ss) The Century Magazine June 1925
- Sometimes Things Do Happen, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine June 1925
- Miss What’s-Her-Name, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine July 1925
- Another Blue Day, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion September 1925
- The Long Night, (ss) The Ladies’ Home Journal September 1925
- The Wonderful Little Woman, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine September 1925
- As Patrick Henry Said, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine October 1925
- The Worst Joke in the World, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine November 1925
- As Is, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine December 1925
- That’s Not Love, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine January 1926
- Rosalie Gets Out of the Cage, (ss) The American Magazine February 1926
- The Thing Beyond Reason, (na) Munsey’s Magazine February 1926
- Dogs Always Know, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine March 1926
- Highfalutin’, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine April 1926
- Bonnie Wee Thing, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine May 1926
- Memory of a May Night, (ss) Pictorial Review May 1926
- Vanity, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine June 1926
- The Compromising Letter, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine July 1926
- Miss Cigale, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine August 1926
- Blotted Out, (na) Munsey’s Magazine September 1926
- Pale Pink Crime, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion September 1926
- Human Nature Unmasked, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine October 1926
- Chris Had Gone, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal November 1926
- Home Fires, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine December 1926
- Totally Broken Reed, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion March 1927
- The Grateful Lunella, (ss) The American Magazine May 1927
- The Old Ways, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine July 1927
- By the Light of Day, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine August 1927
- Out for a Good Time, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion October 1927
- The Warning Leer, (sl) Detective Story Magazine November 26 1927, etc.
- For Granted, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine November 1927
- In Chains, (ss) McCall’s Magazine December 1927
- Incompatibility, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine December 1927
- One Misty Night, (ss) The American Magazine February 1928
- Derelict, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine March 1928
- Half an Hour Late, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion March 1928
- This Road Is Closed, (ss) The American Magazine April 1928
- Inches and Ells, (ss) Munsey’s Magazine June 1928
- It Is a Two-Edged Sword, (ss) McCall’s Magazine June 1928
- Too Late, (ss) Liberty July 21 1928
- Proud and Pig-Headed, (ss) Pictorial Review July 1928
- Hard as Nails, (ss) Liberty October 20 1928
- Outside the Door, (ss) The Elks Magazine October 1928
- Important Things, (ss) Liberty November 17 1928
- Saving Up, (ss) Liberty January 5 1929
- Flow and Ebb, (ss) Liberty January 26 1929
- A Dinner Date, (ss) The American Magazine January 1929
- Vera’s Superior Smile, (ss) Pictorial Review January 1929
- Without Benefit of Police, (na) Complete Stories 1st February 1929
- The Sin of Angels, (ss) The American Magazine April 1929
- Dare-Devil, (ss) The American Magazine June 1929
- Little Deeds of Kindness, (ss) Liberty July 6 1929
- Prelude, (ss) The Delineator September 1929
- A Two-Edged Sword, (ss) Woman’s Journal September 1929
- Carline, (ss) Liberty October 12 1929
- Broken Faith, (ss) The American Magazine October 1929
- Far-Off Hills Are Blue, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion October 1929
- Rose-Leaves, (ss) Liberty January 18 1930
- The Chain of Death, (sl) Liberty May 24 1930, etc.
- Miss Pettijohn, (ss) The London Magazine September 1930
- On Condition, (ss) The Elks Magazine September 1930
- Mrs. Herbert’s Notion, (ss) The Delineator November 1930
- Beyond Words, (ss) McCall’s Magazine April 1931
- Absolutely Different, (ss) MacLean’s May 1 1931
- The Girl in Armor, (sl) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine August 8 1931, etc.
- Porthos, (ss) MacLean’s September 15 1931
- It’s All Right for Men, (ss) Liberty October 10 1931
- Brides of Crime, (sl) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 7 1931, etc.
- Humility, (ss) Maclean’s November 15 1931
- The One and Only, (ss) The Home Magazine January 1932
- Glittering Night, (ss) The Home Magazine February 1932
- Hound’s Bay, (sl) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine March 5 1932, etc.
- The Preposterous Mrs. Manders, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion March 1932
- If It Hadn’t Been for Laurel, (ss) Liberty January 28 1933
- Wonderful Day, (ss) Good Housekeeping January 1933
- “Bring a Man, Dear”, (ss) The Delineator June 1933
- No Personal Calls, (ss) Maclean’s July 15 1933
- That Woman, (ss) The Delineator October 1933
- Unknown Land, (nv) Collier’s January 13 1934
- Like Father, Like Son, (ss) The Novel Magazine January 1934
- Mrs. Cochrane Mayne and Mrs. Haggerty, (ss) The Novel Magazine March 1934
- A Man Can Take It, (??) Collier’s May 12 1934
- The Green Bathtub, (??) Collier’s June 16 1934
- The Last Night, (ss) The Passing Show July 14 1934
- Vital Interlude, (ss) Redbook Magazine July 1934
- All She Could Get, (??) Collier’s September 15 1934
- The Unfinished Crime, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 10 1934
- Don’t Care!, (ss) Cosmopolitan December 1934
- “I Could Brighten Your Life!”, (ss) The American Magazine January 1935
- The Bride Comes Home, (ss) Cosmopolitan February 1935
- The Root of Evil, (??) Collier’s April 27 1935
- Dawn Smile, (ss) The Strand Magazine April 1935
- Somebody’s Cynthia, (ss) Collier’s August 3 1935
- A Hardy Minx, (ss) Redbook Magazine August 1935
- Nobody Would Listen, (ss) Mystery August 1935
- You Never Can Tell, (??) Collier’s December 14 1935
- It’s Time Life Began!, (ss) Redbook Magazine December 1935
- Unscathed, (ss) Ladies’ Home Journal January 1936
- Lost, (ss) Redbook Magazine February 1936
- Cross Purposes, (??) Collier’s May 30 1936
- Bermuda Murder, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine July 1936
- Can Do!, (ss) Pictorial Review July 1936
- Scandal, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion July 1936
- Background, (ss) Redbook Magazine August 1936
- Intent to Kill, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine September 1936
- Night Life, (ss) Redbook Magazine September 1936
- Murder Solicited, (na) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine November 1936
- Third Act, (ss) Pictorial Review April 1937
- Drifting, (ss) McCall’s May 1937
- Wedding Day, (ss) Cosmopolitan September 1937
- The Nicest Little Lunch, (ss) Cosmopolitan November 1937
- Echo of a Careless Voice, (na) McCall’s January 1938
- Proud Girl, (ss) This Week July 17 1938
- Illusion, (ss) Good Housekeeping August 1938
- They Take It So Lightly!, (ss) Cosmopolitan October 1938
- Two Passes for the Show, (ss) Liberty November 5 1938
- So Sort of Proud, (ss) Good Housekeeping March 1939
- Cad?, (ss) This Week May 21 1939
- I’ll See You Later, (ss) McCall’s May 1939
- Money Can’t Buy It, (ss) Liberty August 5 1939
- Open That Door, (ss) Liberty August 26 1939
- Blonde on a Boat, (ss) The American Magazine December 1939
- Late Date, (ss) Cosmopolitan May 1940
- Proposal, (ss) McCall’s May 1940
- Lesson for Pete, (ss) This Week October 6 1940
- The Girl Who Had to Die, (n.) Dodd, Mead, 1940
- Who’s Afraid, (n.) Duell, Sloane, Pearce, 1940
- Tropical Secretary, (ss) The American Magazine February 1941
- What It Takes, (ss) Grit Story Section March 9 1941
- Tomorrow’s Not Soon Enough, (ss) McCall’s March 1941
- Loved I Not Honor More, (ss) Liberty April 12 1941
- The Fearful Night, (na) The American Magazine June 1941
- Be Brave, (ss) This Week September 21 1941
- Another Baby, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion November 1941
- Speak of the Devil, (n.) Duell, Sloane, Pearce, 1941
- I’ll Never Forgive You, (ss) The American Magazine May 1942
- Not Goodbye but Au Revoir, (ss) McCall’s October 1942
- Kill Joy, (n.) Duell, Sloane, Pearce, 1942
- Lady Killer, (n.) Duell, Sloane, Pearce, 1942
- The Old Battle-Ax, (n.) 1943
- The Kiskadee Bird, (ss) Cosmopolitan July 1944
- Mrs. Henry Gibson, (ss) Cosmopolitan August 1944
- The Blue Envelope, (ss) Collier’s September 30 1944
- Net of Cobwebs, (sl) Collier’s January 6 1945, etc.
- Ten-Cent Wedding Ring, (na) Cosmopolitan February 1945
- An Unbelievable Baroness, (ss) The American Magazine May 1945
- Invictus, (ss) The New Yorker March 23 1946
- The Other Mrs. Minor, (sl) Cosmopolitan September 1946, etc.
- Farewell to a Corpse, (na) Mystery Book Magazine October 1946
- “Be Careful, Mrs. Williams”, (na) Cosmopolitan July 1947
- People Do Fall Downstairs, (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #45, August 1947
- The Blank Wall, (n.) Simon & Schuster, 1947
- Second Marriage, (nv) Cosmopolitan April 1948
- The Bird of Time, (ss) Cosmopolitan May 1948
- The Stranger in the Car, (na) The American Magazine July 1949
- Friday, the Nineteenth, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction Summer 1950
- La Signora from Brooklyn, (ss) Cosmopolitan December 1951
- Farewell, Big Sister, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #104, July 1952
- The Death Wish, (ss) Cosmopolitan February 1953
- Most Audacious Crime, (ss) Nero Wolfe Mystery Magazine January 1954
- Shadow of Wings, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction July 1954
- Glitter of Diamonds, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1955
- Mrs. Daugherty & Mrs. Depew, (ss) Canadian Home Journal July 1955
- The Strange Children, (ss) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction August 1955
- Very, Very Dark Mink, (ss) The Saint Detective Magazine December 1956
- The Darling Doctor, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine March 1957
- Game for Four Players, (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine June 1958
- Funny Kind of Love, (ss)
- Seeing Nellie Home, (ss) Woman’s Home Companion
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