The FictionMags Index
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[]Wood, Marion Hamilton (fl. 1920s-1940s) (chron.)
- * Ain’t Love Grand?, (pm) Breezy Stories 2nd October 1924
- * Alien, (pm) Breezy Stories 1st May 1925
- * Amour Mort, (pm) Breezy Stories 1st August 1925
- * Babette, (pm) Breezy Stories July 1927
- * Barter, (pm) Droll Stories April 1927
- * The Butterfly Girl, (vi) Breezy Stories May 1924
- * The Cave-Man, (pm) Droll Stories March 1925
- * The Chinese Flapper, (pm) Breezy Stories August 1927
- * Chinese Jade, (pm) Breezy Stories 1st June 1925
- * Comparisons, (pm) Breezy Stories September 1923
- * Dave Winslow’s Wife, (vi) Breezy Stories 1st October 1924
- * Delilah, in Hell, (pm) Breezy Stories October 1927
- * The Dumbell, (pm) Breezy Stories 1st August 1924
- * Experience, (pm) Droll Stories November 1924
- * Fidelity, (vi) Breezy Stories and Young’s Magazine September 1937
- * Fidelity?, (vi) Breezy Stories 1st February 1926
- * A Flapper Passes, (pm) Droll Stories June 1924
- * Flapper Stuff, (pm) Breezy Stories 1st July 1924
- * Flotsam, (ss) Breezy Stories 2nd July 1924
- * Grandmother, (pm) Droll Stories March 1924
- * Helen of Troy, (pm) Breezy Stories December 1927
- * Her Answer, (vi) Breezy Stories 2nd August 1924
- * The Hula, (pm) Breezy Stories May 1927
- * I’d Like a Chance!, (pm) Breezy Stories 1st July 1925
- * I Know Her Pretty Well, (pm) Droll Stories December 1926
- * In Search of Adventure, (vi) Breezy Stories 1st January 1925
- * Insurrection, (pm) Droll Stories May 1924
- * Janice, (pm) Breezy Stories 2nd November 1924
- * Little Brother’s Opinion, (pm) Droll Stories February 1924
- * The Marigold Girl, (vi) Breezy Stories September 1933
- * Memories, (ss) Colour May 1925
- * My Sister, (pm) Breezy Stories May 1924
- * My Village Queen, (pm) Droll Stories December 1924
- * Oh, The Devil!, (pm) Breezy Stories 1st June 1924
- * An Old-Fashioned Girl, (pm) Breezy Stories 1st December 1924
- * Prisoners, (pm) Droll Stories April 1925
- * The Sheik, (pm) Droll Stories April 1924
- * Strictly Up-To-Date, (pm) Breezy Stories September 1928
- * This Thing Called “Love”, (ss) Young’s Realistic Stories Magazine June 1925
- * ’Twas Ever Thus, (pm) Droll Stories June 1927
- * Where Have They Gone?, (pm) Breezy Stories 1st April 1925
- * Who Knows?, (pm) Breezy Stories 2nd August 1925
[]Wood, Mjke (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Abolitionist, (nv) Kzine #8, January 2014
- * Caoimhe’s Water Music, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November/December 2021
- * Dead Man’s Shoes, (ss) New Myths #18, March 2012
- * The Last Days of Dogger City, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 2015
- * The Last Fisherman of Habitat 37, (ss) Fish ed. Carrie Cuinn & K. V. Taylor, Dagan Books, 2013
- * The Man in the Pillbox Hat, (ss) Orson Scott Card’s InterGalactic Medicine Show #43, January 2015
- * The Photograph, (ss) LampLight June 2013
- * The Shackles of Memory, (ss) The Singularity #3, April 2016
- * The Third Attractor, (ss) Abyss & Apex #45, 1st Quarter 2013
- * We May Be Better Strangers, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2022
[]Wood, Monica (fl. 1980s-2000s) (about) (chron.)
- * Bargain, (ss) Glimmer Train #20, Fall 1996
- * Closer to God, (ss) Redbook May 1989
- * Ernie’s Ark, (ss) Glimmer Train #25, Winter 1998
- * Fortune, (ss) Redbook November 1991
- * Frost, (ss) Glimmer Train #31, Summer 1999
- * A Ghost Story, (ss) Glimmer Train #12, Fall 1994
- * Mom’s Clean Sweep, (ss) Redbook January 1988
- * The Power to See, (ss) Yankee February 1986
- * That One Autumn, (ss) Glimmer Train #42, Spring 2002
- * Unlawful Contact, (ss) Manoa 1996
- * Wish, (ss) Yankee December 1988
- * You Picked a Fine Time, (ss) Redbook September 1992
[]Wood, Narcisse E. (fl. 1910s-1920s) (chron.)
- * Ask Me for Roses, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine March 1921
- * Bird in a Tree, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine June 1925
- * Bird Song at Her Window, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine November 1922
- * A Cherry Song, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine September 1919
- * A Christmas Song, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine December 1924
- * Deserter, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine February 1922
- * Episode in Silver, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine January 1924
- * A Faun in London, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine September 1922
- * Fugitive, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine March 1918, as by N. E. W.
- * The Greek Shepherd, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine January 1922
- * Hayfield, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine July 1924
- * I Am So Idle, (pm) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine August 1925
- * If Love Were Laid in Lavender, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine October 1922
- * In the Chinese Manner, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine July 1922
- * It Is Not Easy…, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine May 1923
- * Lost in Fragrance, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine September 1923
- * The Lotos-Eater, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine August 1920
- * Lover’s Fancy, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine February 1926
- * My Soul Is a Robin, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine March 1923
- * Night-Piece, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine November 1920
- * Nocturne, (pm) Nash’s—Pall Mall Magazine September 1925
- * Pale Winter Beauty, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine November 1924
- * Pierrot Goes Shopping, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine October 1919
- * Pierrot Makes a Garden, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine February 1920
- * Sanctuary, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine February 1923
- * She Has So Many Moods, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine June 1921
- * A Silver Song, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine August 1920, as by N. E. W.
- * Sometimes You Laugh, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine January 1921
- * The Song Inn, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine September 1920
- * “Stars on the Heath”, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine December 1921
- * Sweet to Bitter, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine November 1920, as by N. W.
- * To Any Lover, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine April 1923
- * The Treasure Seeker, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine April 1920
- * Triolet (“Like dew in a pansy’s heart…”), (pm) Pearson’s Magazine January 1920, as by N. E. W.
- * Unsnared, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine April 1920, as by N. E. W.
- * When Beloved’s Away, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine September 1921
- * Winter Woods, (pm) Pearson’s Magazine January 1923
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