The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 347
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Clements, David L. (fl. 2000s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * An Industrial Growth, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2016
- * Last of the Guerrilla Gardeners, (vi) Nature #7330, January 20 2011
- * Long Way Gone, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2015
- * The Mauna Kea Experience, (ar) Clarkesworld #28, January 2009
- * Possible Signs of Life on Venus, (ar) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May/June 2021
- * Sailors of the Second Sun, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 2019
- * Science Fact:
* ___ Possible Signs of Life on Venus, (cl) Analog Science Fiction and Fact May/June 2021
- * Something Fishy, (ss) Shoreline of Infinity #7, Spring 2017
- * This Is How the World Ends—Not with a Bang but with a Rip, (ar) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #28, 2007
- * A War of Stars, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January/February 2010
- * What Is Hard Science Fiction?, (ar) Shoreline of Infinity #25, August 2021
Clements, Dominy (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Angel Zero, (ss) Nemonymous #8, 2008, uncredited.
- * Artis Eterne, (ss) Nemonymous #9, 2009, uncredited.
- * Berian Winslow & The Stream of Consciousness Storyteller, (ss) Nemonymous #7, 2007, uncredited.
- * The Painter, (ss) Nemonymous #4, 2004, uncredited.
Clements, Pam (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Changeling, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v2 #1, 2006
- * Event Horizon, (pm) Black Petals #39, Spring 2007
- * Forbidden Fruit, (pm) Hungur Magazine #3, 2006
- * Knowing When to Leave, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v3 #4, 2008
- * Mars Dream, (pm) Black Petals #39, Spring 2007
- * Night Walking, (pm) Black Petals (online) #46, Winter 2009
- * The Other, (pm) Black Petals #40, Summer 2007
- * Time Travel, (pm) Tales of the Talisman v1 #1, 2005
- * Two Spells, (pm) Cover of Darkness May 2008
Clements, Scott (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * The Big Man and the Shadow, (ss) Deep Magic #29, October 2004
- * Darkness in the Light, (ss) Deep Magic #22, March 2004
- * The Graveyard of Wyrms, (ss) Deep Magic #28, September 2004
- * Into Pohjola, (ss) Deep Magic #17, October 2003
- * Out of the Dark, (ss) Deep Magic #26, July 2004
- * Thief of Children, (ss) Deep Magic #47, April 2006
Clemmons, Paul (fl. 2010s)
_____, ed.
- * Editor (with Michael Ray): Redstone Science Fiction #1 Jun, #2 Jul, #3 Aug, #4 Sep, #5 Oct, #6 Nov, #7 Dec 2010, #8 Jan, #9 Feb, #10 Mar, #11 Apr, #12 May,
#13 Jun, #14 Jul, #15 Aug, #16 Sep, #17 Oct, #18 Nov, #19 Dec 2011
#20 Jan, #21 Feb, #22 Mar, #23 Apr, #24 May, #25 Jun, #26 Jul, #27 Aug, #28 Sep 2012
Clemons, Donnie (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * Arizona Joe and the Demon, (ss) Amazing Journeys Magazine #5, Fall 2004
- * Ella’s Liberty, (ss) Amazing Journeys Magazine #2, Winter 2003
- * Essex, (ss) Amazing Journeys Magazine #12, Summer 2006
- * Lost Pesos, (ss) Amazing Journeys Magazine #4, Summer 2004
- * The Mercenary, (ss) Amazing Journeys Magazine #8, Summer 2005
- * Of Earth and Imagination, (ss) Amazing Journeys Magazine #6, Winter 2004
- * The Savant, (ss) Amazing Journeys Magazine #3, Spring 2004
- * Within the Ring, (ss) Amazing Journeys Magazine #1, Fall 2003
_____, ed.
- * Editor (with Edward Knight): Amazing Journeys Magazine #1 Fll, #2 Win 2003, #3 Spr, #4 Sum, #5 Fll, #6 Win 2004, #7 Spr, #8 Sum, #9 Fll, #10 Win 2005, #11 Spr, #12 Sum 2006
Clemons, Jack (fl. 1980s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Big Question: “Why Bother with Space?”, (ar) Amazing Stories Fall 2018
- * Citizens of the Solar System:
* ___ The Big Question: “Why Bother with Space?”, (cl) Amazing Stories Fall 2018
* ___ Cool Science and Technology on the International Space Station, (cl) Amazing Stories Spring 2019
* ___ First Steps: Near-Earth Orbit and the Moon, (cl) Amazing Stories Winter 2018
* ___ Neil Armstrong: The First Citizen of the Solar System, (cl) Amazing Stories Summer 2019 [Ref. Neil Armstrong]
- * Cool Science and Technology on the International Space Station, (ar) Amazing Stories Spring 2019
- * First Steps: Near-Earth Orbit and the Moon, (ar) Amazing Stories Winter 2018
- * Intruder, (ss) Amazing Stories Fall 2019
- * The Moon Is a Harsh Water Bear, (ar) Amazing Stories Summer 2020
- * Neil Armstrong: The First Citizen of the Solar System, (ar) Amazing Stories Summer 2019 [Ref. Neil Armstrong]
- * Tool Dresser’s Law, (ss) Amazing Stories November 1989
- * Will Little Note, Nor Long Remember, (nv) Amazing Stories November 1987
Cleto, Sara (fl. 2010s-2020s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Acoustics of Dissenters (with Brittany Warman), (pm) Sycorax Journal #5, Fall 2021
- * An Announcement (with Brittany Warman), (pm) Uncanny Magazine #19, November/December 2017
- * Breakfast with the Charmings, (vi) Mirror Dance #16, Winter 2011
- * The Cultivation of Beauty, (pm) Ideomancer March 2014
- * How to Grieve: A Primer for Witches, (pm) Mythic Delirium (online) April/June 2017
- * Remembrances of McQueen’s Final Runway Show (Unstaged) (with Brittany Warman), (pm) Recompose #1, May 2016
- * She Needs (with Brittany Warman), (pm) Sycorax Journal #5, Fall 2021
- * Skin (with Brittany Warman), (pm) Ideomancer December 2013
- * Snow, Blood, Silver, (vi) Mirror Dance #20, Winter 2012
- * Starskin, Sealskin (with Shveta Thakrar), (pm) Uncanny Magazine #17, July/August 2017
- * The Tower and the Door, (vi) Mirror Dance #14, Summer 2011
- * Twelve (with Brittany Warman), (pm) Star*Line Fall 2021
- * Waking (with Brittany Warman), (pm) Liminality #10, Winter 2016/2017
- * What They Love Now (with Brittany Warman), (pm) Uncanny Magazine #51, March/April 2023
Clift, Neil (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Conscience and the Commodore, (ss) Jupiter #31, January 2011
- * The Mariner, (ss) Jupiter #25, July 2009
- * My Parole, (ss) Jupiter #43, January 2014
- * White Wave Valley, (ss) Jupiter #41, July 2013
- * The Zenith, (ss) Jupiter #36, April 2012
Clifton, C. M. (fl. 2000s) (chron.)
- * Baby’s Breath, (pm) Twisted Tongue #12, November 2008
- * Killer Artist, (pm) Twisted Tongue #12, November 2008
- * A Promise Kept, (vi) Twisted Tongue #12, November 2008
- * Something to Remember Me By, (vi) Twisted Tongue #12, November 2008
- * The Widow, (pm) Twisted Tongue #12, November 2008
Clifton, Mark (Irvin) (1906-1963) (about) (chron.)
- * Bow Down to Them, (nv) Universe Science Fiction #1, June 1953
- * Clerical Error, (nv) Astounding Science Fiction February 1956
- * The Conqueror, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction August 1952
- * Crazy Joey [Joe Carter] (with Alex Apostolides), (ss) Astounding Science Fiction August 1953
- * Do Unto Others, (ss) If June 1958
- * The Dread Tomato Addiction, (fa) Astounding Science Fiction February 1958
- * The Forever Machine [Joe Carter] (with Frank Riley), (n.) Astounding Science Fiction August 1954 (+3), as "They’d Rather Be Right"
- * Hang Head, Vandal!, (ss) Amazing Stories April 1962
- * Hide! Hide! Witch! [Joe Carter] (with Alex Apostolides), (nv) Astounding Science Fiction December 1953
- * How Allied [Ralph Kennedy], (nv) Astounding Science Fiction March 1957
- * The Kenzie Report, (ss) If May 1953
- * Pawn of the Black Fleet [Ralph Kennedy], (n.) Amazing Stories Jan, Feb 1962
- * Progress Report (with Alex Apostolides), (ss) If July 1953
- * Remembrance and Reflection [Ralph Kennedy], (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction January 1958
- * Reward for Valor, (ss) Universe Science Fiction #2, September 1953
- * Sense from Thought Divide [Ralph Kennedy], (nv) Astounding Science Fiction March 1955
- * Solution Delayed (with Alex Apostolides), (ss) Astounding Science Fiction July 1953
- * Star, Bright, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1952
- * They’d Rather Be Right [Joe Carter] (with Frank Riley), (n.) Astounding Science Fiction Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1954
- * We’re Civilized! (with Alex Apostolides), (ss) Galaxy Science Fiction August 1953
- * What Have I Done?, (ss) Astounding Science Fiction May 1952
- * What Now, Little Man?, (nv) The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction December 1959
- * What Thin Partitions [Ralph Kennedy] (with Alex Apostolides), (nv) Astounding Science Fiction September 1953
- * A Woman’s Place, (nv) Galaxy Science Fiction May 1955
- * [letter from Redondo Beach, CA], (lt) Astounding Science Fiction September 1952
_____, [ref.]
- * Eight Keys to Eden by Frederik Pohl, (br) If November 1960
- * Eight Keys to Eden by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Analog Science Fact—Fiction Mar 1961, Dec 1962
- * Eight Keys to Eden by Floyd C. Gale, (br) Galaxy Magazine April 1961
- * The Forever Machine (with Frank Riley) by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction July 1959
- * From the Heart’s Basement by Barry N. Malzberg, (ar) Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine September/October 1992
- * They’d Rather Be Right (with Frank Riley) by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Astounding Science Fiction June 1958
- * They’d Rather Be Right (with Frank Riley) by Hans Stefan Santesson, (br) Fantastic Universe June 1958
- * They’d Rather Be Right (with Frank Riley) by Floyd C. Gale, (br) Galaxy Science Fiction July 1958
- * They’d Rather Be Right (with Frank Riley) by Patricia Shaw, (br) Science Fiction Review #44, Fall 1982
- * When They Come from Space by P. Schuyler Miller, (br) Analog Science Fact—Science Fiction July 1962
- * When They Come from Space by Floyd C. Gale, (br) Galaxy Magazine October 1962
- * When They Come from Space by Leslie Flood, (br) New Worlds Science Fiction #130, May 1963
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