The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 515
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McCue, Lillian (Bueno) (1902-1993); used pseudonym Lillian de la Torre (chron.)
- * The Aerostatick Globe [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 1976, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * The Banquo Trap [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 1959, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * The Bedlam Bam [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September 1975, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * The Blackamoor Unchain’d [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 1974, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * The Black Stone of Dr. Dee [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #51, February 1948, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * Bravo, Florence, (pm) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1987, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * Coronation Story [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #116, July 1953, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * Detectiverse:
* ___ Hot Pot, (pm) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1984, as by Lillian de la Torre
* ___ I.R.S. Ire, (pm) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1984, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * Dr. Sam: Johnson and Monboddo’s Ape Boy [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #21, March 1945, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * Dr. Sam: Johnson and Prince Charlie’s Ruby [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #15, March 1944, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * Dr. Sam: Johnson, Detector [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #13, November 1943, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * The Earl’s Nightingale [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine May 1989, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * The Flying Highwayman [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #33, August 1946, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * A Fool for a Client, (ar) Arizona Quarterly Fall 1949, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * The Frantick Rebel [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #61, December 1948, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * George Barnwell, (ar) The London Mystery Magazine #1, 1949, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * Good-Bye, Miss Lizzie Borden, (pl) W.H. Baker Co., 1948, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * The Highwayman’s Hostage [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine November 1990, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * Hot Pot, (pm) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1984, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * I.R.S. Ire, (pm) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1984, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * The Kidnapp’d Earl [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine March 1984, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * The Lost Heir [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 1974, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * Milady Bigamy [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1978, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * The Missing Shakespeare Manuscript [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #44, July 1947, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * Murder Lock’d In [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 1 1980, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * The Pleasures of Histo-Detection, (ar) The Armchair Detective May 1974, as by Lillian de la Torre; adapted from the eighteenth lecture sponsored by the Associates of the Rare Books Room of the University of Colorado, October 19, 1973.
- * The Resurrection Men [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine December 1972, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * Saint-Germain the Deathless [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 1958, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * The Small Shadow, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1992, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * The Spirit of the ’76 [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 1977, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * The Stolen Christmas Box [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #26, January 1946, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * The Stroke of Thirteen [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #119, October 1953, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * The Tontine Curse [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #55, June 1948, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * Too Many Whacks, (pm) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 1993, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * The Triple-Lock’d Room [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (nv) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #98, January 1952, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * The Viotti Stradivarius [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #81, August 1950, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * The Virtuosi Venus [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine June 1973, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * The Wax-Work Cadaver [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine #24, September 1945, as by Lillian de la Torre
- * The Westcombe Witch [Dr. Sam: Johnson], (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1973, as by Lillian de la Torre
_____, [ref.]
McCulley, Johnston (1883-1958); used pseudonyms Nick Carter, Monica Morton, Walter Pierson, C. K. M. Scanlon, John Mack Stone & Harrington Strong (about) (chron.)
- * Address Unknown, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly August 21 1937
- * Alias Madam Madcap, (sl) Detective Story Magazine Sep 16, Sep 23, Sep 30, Oct 7, Oct 14, Oct 21 1919, as by Harrington Strong
- * Alias the Mongoose [Sidney & Eleanor Carleigh (aka The Mongoose)], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly March 26 1932
- * All Except Higgins, (nv) Detective Story Magazine August 10 1920, as by Walter Pierson
- * At the Sign of the Death’s Head, (sl) Clues Oct, Nov 1931
- * The Avenging Twins [The Avenging Twins], (na) Detective Story Magazine May 12 1923
- * The Avenging Twins Collect [The Avenging Twins], (nv) Detective Story Magazine May 22 1926
- * The Avenging Twins’ Fifth Victim [The Avenging Twins], (nv) Detective Story Magazine February 23 1924
- * The Avenging Twins’ Last Blow [The Avenging Twins], (sl) Detective Story Magazine Apr 5, Apr 12 1924
- * The Avenging Twins Return [The Avenging Twins], (nv) Detective Story Magazine October 17 1925
- * The Avenging Twins’ Third Trick [The Avenging Twins], (nv) Detective Story Magazine Aug 25, Sep 1, Sep 8 1923
- * The Avenging Twins Try It Again [The Avenging Twins], (nv) Detective Story Magazine Jun 16, Jun 23, Jun 30 1923
- * Behind Closed Doors, (nv) Clues 1st April 1929
- * Behind the Green Mask, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 22 1923, as by Harrington Strong
- * Behind the Locked Door, (nv) Detective Story Magazine June 16 1928
- * The Big Six [John Flatchley (The Thunderbolt)], (nv) Detective Story Magazine September 7 1920
- * Black Feathers, (na) Detective Story Magazine September 10 1921, as by Walter Pierson
- * Black Star Back—and How [Black Star], (sl) Detective Story Magazine Nov 1, Nov 8, Nov 15 1930
- * Black Star Comes Back [Black Star], (sl) Detective Story Magazine Jan 8, Jan 15, Jan 22, Jan 29 1921
- * Black Star on the Air [Black Star], (sl) Detective Story Magazine Mar 3, Mar 10, Mar 17 1928
- * Black Star’s Campaign [Black Star], (sl) Detective Story Magazine Jan 14, Jan 21, Jan 28, Feb 4, Feb 11, Feb 18 1919
- * Black Star’s Defiance [Black Star], (nv) Detective Story Magazine June 20 1916, as by John Mack Stone
- * Black Star’s Hobby Book [Black Star], (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 29 1918
- * Black Star’s Masquerade [Black Star], (nv) Detective Story Magazine December 20 1916
- * Black Star’s Mistake [Black Star], (sl) Detective Story Magazine Feb 5, Feb 20 1917
- * Black Star’s Raid [Black Star], (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 11 1917
- * Black Star’s Rebuke [Black Star], (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 23 1917
- * Black Star’s Return [Black Star], (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 2 1917
- * Black Star’s Revenge [Black Star], (nv) Detective Story Magazine November 5 1916, as by John Mack Stone
- * Black Star’s Serenade [Black Star], (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 27 1917
- * Black Star’s Subterfuge [Black Star], (nv) Detective Story Magazine October 5 1916, as by John Mack Stone
- * Blind Terror, (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 31 1920
- * The Bloodhound, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 23 1932
- * The Blood Mill, (nv) Clues 1st October 1930
- * Bloodstained Bonds [Danny Blaney (The Green Ghost)], (ss) Thrilling Detective July 1935
- * The Blotted Slip, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 14 1923
- * The Blue Decoy, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 12 1929
- * The Blue Streak, (nv) Detective Story Magazine June 3 1922
- * Bogus Guilt, (sl) Detective Fiction Weekly Feb 27, Mar 5, Mar 12 1932
- * The Brand of Silence, (sl) Detective Story Magazine Jun 17, Jun 24, Jul 1, Jul 8, Jul 15 1919, as by Harrington Strong
- * Breath of Disaster [Richard Staegel], (na) Detective Story Magazine December 10 1921
- * Brood of the Flame, (ss) All Star Detective Stories September 1930, as "Brothers of the Leaping Flame"
- * Brothers of the Leaping Flame, (ss) All Star Detective Stories September 1930
- * Bully Kane’s Return, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 13 1920, as by Walter Pierson
- * Burglar Proof, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 26 1921, as by Walter Pierson
- * Burning Wires, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 10 1935
- * Carden, Crook Comedian, (nv) Detective Story Magazine January 20 1920
- * Caught by the Clock, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 25 1919, as by Walter Pierson
- * Caught Cold, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 7 1928
- * Christmas Eve Detail, (ss) Detective Novel Magazine January 1948
- * The Christmas Eve of Squinty Pete, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 23 1919
- * Christmas Jinx, (ss) Detective Novel Magazine January 1947
- * The Clean Gun, (nv) Clues 2nd June 1929
- * “Coconut” Carns, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 16 1920, as by Walter Pierson
- * Color Scheme, (ss) Thrilling Detective February 1940
- * The Crazy Kimona, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly April 20 1929
- * The Crime Circle, (nv) Detective Story Magazine August 17 1929, as by Harrington Strong
- * The Crimson Clown [Delton Prouse (The Crimson Clown)], (nv) Detective Story Magazine July 31 1926
- * The Crimson Clown, Avenger [Delton Prouse (The Crimson Clown)], (nv) Detective Story Magazine November 29 1930
- * The Crimson Clown Faces Murder [Delton Prouse (The Crimson Clown)], (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 25 1929
- * The Crimson Clown Is Cornered [Delton Prouse (The Crimson Clown)], (nv) Detective Story Magazine August 21 1926
- * The Crimson Clown Pursues Himself [Delton Prouse (The Crimson Clown)], (nv) Detective Story Magazine September 18 1926
- * The Crimson Clown’s Blackmail Trail [Delton Prouse (The Crimson Clown)], (nv) Detective Story Magazine October 29 1927
- * The Crimson Clown’s Competitors [Delton Prouse (The Crimson Clown)], (nv) Detective Story Magazine September 4 1926
- * The Crimson Clown Scores with a Snore [Delton Prouse (The Crimson Clown)], (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 3 1928
- * The Crimson Clown’s Double [Delton Prouse (The Crimson Clown)], (nv) Detective Story Magazine December 24 1927
- * The Crimson Clown’s Dumb Friend [Delton Prouse (The Crimson Clown)], (nv) Detective Story Magazine April 23 1927
- * The Crimson Clown’s Matinee [Delton Prouse (The Crimson Clown)], (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 29 1928
- * The Crimson Clown’s Return [Delton Prouse (The Crimson Clown)], (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 18 1930; not the same as the story of the same name in the October 1944 issue of Popular Detective.
- * The Crimson Clown’s Return [Delton Prouse (The Crimson Clown)], (ss) Popular Detective October 1944; not the same as the story of the same name in the October 18, 1930 issue of Detective Story Magazine.
- * The Crimson Clown’s Romance [Delton Prouse (The Crimson Clown)], (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 16 1931
- * The Crimson Clown’s Threat [Delton Prouse (The Crimson Clown)], (nv) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 2 1931
- * The Crimson Clown’s Treasure Hunt [Delton Prouse (The Crimson Clown)], (nv) Detective Story Magazine June 18 1927
- * The Crimson Clown’s Winged Loot [Delton Prouse (The Crimson Clown)], (nv) Detective Story Magazine February 18 1928
- * Crimson Hands, (nv) Clues 1st October 1929
- * A Crook Without Honor, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 23 1921
- * Daggered Dames, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 25 1935
- * Dallan’s Yuletide Gift, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 22 1923
- * The Day of Settlement [Danny Blaney (The Green Ghost)], (ss) Thrilling Detective May 1934
- * Deadly Peril [Danny Blaney (The Green Ghost)], (nv) Thrilling Detective June 1935
- * Death by Request, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 19 1928
- * Death by the Alphabet, (nv) Thrilling Detective February 1934
- * Death De Luxe, (nv) Clues December 1931
- * Death Ends the Year, (ss) Black Book Detective February 1948
- * Death Paint, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 1 1928, as by Harrington Strong
- * Death Plays Santa Claus, (ss) Popular Detective December 1945
- * Death Rides the Airway, (sl) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine Jul 16, Jul 23 1932
- * Death Rides the Night Stage, (nv) Clues 2nd February 1930
- * Death’s Cocktail, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 14 1932
- * Death’s Curtain Call, (na) Black Book Detective Magazine March 1934
- * Death Starts the New Year, (ss) Thrilling Detective February 1947
- * The Defeat of Black Star [Black Star], (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 26 1918
- * Deliberate Dan, (ss) Detective Story Magazine February 25 1922, as by Walter Pierson
- * The Demon, (sl) Detective Story Magazine Nov 2, Nov 9, Nov 16, Nov 23, Nov 30 1920, as by Harrington Strong
- * Diamonds and Dough, (ss) Clues September 1931
- * Diamonds, Dirt and Duty, (nv) Detective Story Magazine September 24 1921
- * Dr. Quartz Returns [Nick Carter; Doctor Quartz], (nv) Detective Story Magazine December 11 1926, as by Nick Carter
- * Double-Crosser, (ss) Smashing Detective Stories September 1951
- * Double Death, (ss) Thrilling Detective November 1933
- * Double Revenge, (ss) Ace-High Magazine 1st March 1928
- * A Dry Clew, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 17 1923, as by Harrington Strong
- * Elusive Don Bufon, (ss) Argosy August 30 1919
- * Eternal Assets, (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 1 1922, as by Harrington Strong
- * Evening Dress, (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 5 1918
- * The Evident Trail, (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 30 1918
- * Fancy Crooks, (nv) Detective Story Magazine February 12 1921, as by Harrington Strong
- * Fangs of Felony, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly November 7 1936
- * Fate Rides the Cyclone, (nv) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine #7, January 1955
- * Five Blanks, (na) Detective Story Magazine February 18 1922, as by Walter Pierson
- * Flaming Hate, (nv) Detective Story Magazine April 20 1920
- * For a Cottage in the Country, (nv) Detective Story Magazine May 10 1924
- * For a Lady in Distress, (na) Detective Story Magazine March 31 1923
- * Four Hours, (nv) Detective Story Magazine December 30 1919
- * Four Patriots, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 16 1922
- * Four Squares [Terry Trimble], (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 5 1917
- * The Foxhound’s First Chase, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine December 10 1933, as by Harrington Strong
- * Freed Through Fire, (ss) Detective Story Magazine March 24 1923, as by Harrington Strong
- * Free to Steal, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine May 30 1931
- * Fruit Punch for Three, (ss) Detective Story Magazine September 22 1923
- * Gentlemen Thieves, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 21 1922, as by Walter Pierson
- * Germs of Bedlam [Terry Trimble], (na) Detective Story Magazine April 5 1917
- * Get Your Hair Cut [Thubway Tham], (ss) Detective Story Magazine November 28 1925
- * The Ghost Phone, (na) Detective Story Magazine June 18 1921, as by Harrington Strong
- * A Gift from the Gang, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 7 1919, as by Walter Pierson
- * The Gleeful Gunman, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly September 12 1936
- * The Glove of Guilt, (ss) Detective Story Magazine January 15 1921, as by Harrington Strong
- * The Great Fear, (na) Detective Story Magazine March 2 1920
- * The Great Green Ring, (na) Detective Story Magazine January 14 1919, as by Harrington Strong
- * The Green Ghost [Danny Blaney (The Green Ghost)], (nv) Thrilling Detective March 1934
- * The Green Ghost Stalks [Danny Blaney (The Green Ghost)], (ss) Thrilling Detective September 1934
- * Green Strings, (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly November 22 1930
- * The Grim Purpose, (nv) Detective Story Magazine September 21 1920, as by Walter Pierson
- * Haggerty’s Merry Christmas, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 20 1924
- * His Sacred Promise, (ss) Detective Story Magazine October 7 1919, as by Walter Pierson
- * Home-Town Christmas, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine January 1946
- * The House of His Friend, (nv) Clues 1st July 1928
- * The House of Horror [The Spider], (nv) Detective Story Magazine November 12 1918
- * Imprinted in Cream, (ss) Detective Story Magazine May 26 1923
- * Initiating Noggins [Peter Noggins], (ss) Detective Story Magazine April 6 1920, as by Harrington Strong
- * Into the Spider’s Jaws [The Spider], (ss) Detective Story Magazine July 2 1918
- * Jazzy James, (ss) Clues 1st May 1929
- * Jerry, the Boaster, (na) Detective Story Magazine July 28 1923, as by Harrington Strong
- * Jewels of the Rajah [Sidney & Eleanor Carleigh (aka The Mongoose)], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly September 17 1932
- * The Kidnaped Midas [John Flatchley (The Thunderbolt)], (na) Detective Story Magazine June 29 1920
- * King of “Cons”, (ss) Detective Story Magazine December 3 1921, as by Walter Pierson
- * Knight of Atonement, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine April 25 1935
- * The Lame Fox, (nv) Clues All Star Detective Stories January 1933
- * Legal Settlement, (na) Detective Story Magazine February 4 1922, as by Harrington Strong
- * The Lone Star and the Lady, (na) Detective Story Magazine July 19 1924
- * Loot and Love, (nv) Detective Story Magazine January 28 1922
- * The Lost Disk [Terry Trimble], (ss) Detective Story Magazine August 5 1917
- * “Lowest of the Low”, (ss) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine October 25 1932
- * Magic Numbers, (sl) Detective Story Magazine Feb 9, Feb 16, Feb 23 1929
- * Maid of Mystery, (sl) Detective Story Magazine Apr 11, Apr 18, Apr 25 1925
- * The Man in Purple [Richard Staegel], (nv) Detective Story Magazine October 1 1921
- * The Man in Purple Meets a Man in Blue [Richard Staegel], (nv) Detective Story Magazine November 5 1921
- * The Man Who Changed Rooms, (nv) Clues 2nd February 1929
- * Mask of Nippon, (ss) Thrilling Detective January 1934
- * Mask of Terror, (nv) Rapid-Fire Detective Stories May 1933
- * Master and Man [John Flatchley (The Thunderbolt)], (na) Detective Story Magazine May 4 1920
- * Merry Christmas, Copper!, (nv) G-Men Detective Winter 1946
- * Milk-Can Cop, (ss) Clues Detective Stories November 1937, as by Harrington Strong
- * A Million-Dollar Dog, (sl) Street & Smith’s Detective Story Magazine Dec 5, Dec 12, Dec 19 1931
- * The Ming Vase, (ss) Flynn’s October 3 1925
- * The Mongoose Strikes Again [Sidney & Eleanor Carleigh (aka The Mongoose)], (nv) Detective Fiction Weekly May 7 1932
- * “The Mouthpiece will Know!”, (ss) Detective Story Magazine June 25 1921
- * M. Raoul’s Winning Ways, (ss) Flynn’s January 16 1926
- * Murder Ahead!, (nv) Clues 2nd March 1931
- * Murder at the Ringside, (nv) Clues April 1932
- * Murderer’s Mail [Terry Trimble], (na) Detective Story Magazine June 3 1919
- * Murder in Lotus Lane, (nv) Thrilling Detective September 1939
- * Murder Limited, (nv) Exciting Detective Fall 1940
- * The Murder Note [Danny Blaney (The Green Ghost)], (nv) Thrilling Detective January 1935
- * Murder Stalks the Park, (nv) Popular Detective October 1940
- * The Murder Trap, (na) Thrilling Detective October 1934
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