The Crime, Mystery, & Gangster Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 632
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Powers, Ralph (fl. 1930s-1940s); house pseudonym used by Nelson S. Bond (1908-2006) & Frank Gruber (1904-1969) (chron.)
- * Backfire Corpse [Hunt Lannin], (ss) Variety Detective Magazine August 1939
- * Bulldog of Justice, (na) 10-Story Detective Magazine January 1938
- * Bullet Bluff, (ss) Ten Detective Aces July 1935
- * Bull Meat, (ss) Ten Detective Aces June 1934
- * Busybody Bullets, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine March/April 1939
- * A Cold-Decked Clue, (ss) Ten Detective Aces October 1939
- * Corpse-Baited Belfry, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine March 1942
- * Corpse Conscript, (ss) Headquarters Detective November 1936
- * Dead Men Don’t Squawk, (ss) Ten Detective Aces February 1938
- * Death Decoy, (ss) Detective-Dragnet Magazine November 1931
- * Death Hogs the Spotlight [Dallas Kirk], (nv) Variety Detective Magazine August 1938; probably a reprint of “In Satan’s Spotlight” by Forbes Parkhill (Detective-Dragnet Magazine, December 1932).
- * Death’s Angel, (ss) Sure-Fire Detective Magazine June 1937
- * Death’s Bargain, (ss) Ten Detective Aces December 1933
- * Death’s Blind Alley, (nv) 10-Story Detective Magazine January 1942
- * The Devil’s Slaughterhouse, (ss) Ten Detective Aces June 1936
- * The Doom Squad, (nv) 10-Story Detective Magazine July 1940
- * Finger Frame, (ss) Gold Seal Detective December 1935
- * Flowers of Doom, (ss) Ten Detective Aces October 1934
- * Fugitive from the Grave, (ss) Lone Wolf Detective Magazine August 1940
- * Headline Bondage, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine April 1938
- * Headquarters Heat, (ss) Ten Detective Aces February 1936
- * Hell Wouldn’t Have Him, (nv) Ten Detective Aces March 1933, as "The Whistling Death", by Lester Dent
- * Her Vengeance Betrayal, (ss) Detective Romances November 1936
- * High-Speed Frame, (ss) Ten Detective Aces September 1934
- * Homicide Hotel, (ss) Ten Detective Aces November 1937
- * Hot Cash [Clark Willis], (ss) Ten Detective Aces July 1933
- * Impostor’s Parade, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine January 1940
- * I Stand Condemned!, (nv) Lone Wolf Detective Magazine April 1940
- * The Ivy Tower Murders, (nv) Lone Wolf Detective Magazine December 1940
- * Jailbird Swag, (ss) Ten Detective Aces May 1936
- * Joy-Ride Snatch, (ss) Ten Detective Aces September 1936
- * Lady Larceny, (nv) 10-Story Detective Magazine July 1941
- * Leather Shackles, (ss) Ten Detective Aces December 1936
- * Long Shot, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine November 1939
- * Loot of the Laughing Ghoul, (na) 10-Story Detective Magazine July 1938
- * Main-Stem Fall Guy, (ss) Ten Detective Aces February 1939
- * Marked in Red, (ss) Ten Detective Aces May/June 1933
- * Mausoleum Monsters, (ss) Ten Detective Aces April 1933
- * The Morgue Squad, (nv) Variety Detective Magazine October 1939
- * The Murder Circle, (ss) Variety Detective Magazine November 1938
- * Murder’s Playboy, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine October 1938
- * Mystery of the Moth Murders, (nv) 10-Story Detective Magazine March 1940
- * Nice Girls Don’t Kill, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine January 1941
- * Open House at the Morgue, (ss) 10-Story Detective Magazine May/June 1939
- * Phantom Cargo, (ss) Ten Detective Aces September 1937
- * Pinched by Proxy, (ss) Ten Detective Aces July 1936
- * Pistol Payoff, (ss) Ten Detective Aces April 1934
- * Posed by the Reaper, (ss) Ten Detective Aces March 1937
- * Powdered Clues, (ss) Ten Detective Aces August 1935
- * Receipt for Murder, (ss) Ten Detective Aces January 1937
- * Rubber Stopped, (ss) Detective-Dragnet Magazine February 1932
- * Sinister Rehearsal, (ss) Ten Detective Aces March 1933
- * Square-Cut Death, (ss) Detective-Dragnet Magazine July 1932
- * The Suicide Beat, (ss) Gold Seal Detective June 1936
- * Trigger Talk, (ss) Ten Detective Aces July 1934
- * Two Keys to Doom, (ss) Ten Detective Aces April 1939
- * Witch Girl, (ss) Ace Mystery July 1936
- * You Can’t Insure Death!, (ss) Ten Detective Aces August 1938
Poynter, Beulah (1886-1960) (chron.)
- * The Abandoned House, (ss) The Black Mask August 1920
- * An Actress’s Strange Experience, (ts) Mystery Stories January 1928
- * The Argentine Ruby (with Shirley Poynter), (ss) Mystery Magazine #146, December 15 1923
- * At the Pink Orchid, (ss) Mystery Magazine #22, October 1 1918
- * At Two A.M., (ss) Mystery Magazine #161, August 1 1924
- * The Black Soul, (nv) Mystery Magazine #41, July 15 1919
- * The Clawing Death, (ss) Mystery Magazine #122, December 15 1922
- * The Clue of the Emerald Ring, (nv) Mystery Magazine #106, April 1 1922
- * The Coward, (ss) Mystery Magazine #123, January 1 1923
- * Death in 447, (na) Mystery Novels Magazine January 1935
- * The Inspector’s Strange Case, (ss) Mystery Magazine #55, February 15 1920
- * Law-Maker and Law-Breaker, (nv) Mystery Magazine #31, February 15 1919
- * The Murillo Mystery, (sl) Mystery Magazine Jun 15, Jul 1 1926
- * The Mystery of the Calvin Will, (sl) Mystery Magazine #134 Jun 15, #135 Jul 1 1923
- * The Other Revolver, (ss) Mystery Magazine #21, September 15 1918
- * The Riddle of the Velvet Ladies, (nv) Dime Detective Magazine August 1937
- * The Sacrifice, (ss) Mystery Magazine #15, June 15 1918
- * The Strange Case of Mrs. St.Leon, (ss) Mystery Magazine #29, January 15 1919
- * Taking Chances, (ss) Mystery Magazine #18, August 1 1918
- * Tragedy at Pleasant Valley, (n.) Complete Detective Novel Magazine #58, April 1933
- * Trapping the Jewel Smugglers, (ss) Mystery Magazine #111, June 15 1922
- * Who Killed McNally?, (ss) Mystery Magazine #82, April 1 1921
- * Who Was Guilty?, (nv) Mystery Magazine #27, December 15 1918
Prather, Richard S(cott) (1921-2007) (about) (chron.)
- * Babes, Bodies and Bullets [Shell Scott], (na) Cavalier April 1958
- * The Barbecued Body [Shell Scott], (ss) Manhunt December 25 1954, as "Crime of Passion"
- * The Best Motive [Shell Scott], (ss) Manhunt January 1953
- * Blood Ballet [Shell Scott], (na) Shell Scott Mystery Magazine September 1966; revised and expanded from “Blood Ballot” (Menace, November 1954).
- * Blood Ballot [Shell Scott], (na) Menace November 1954
- * The Bloodshot Eye [Shell Scott], (na) Shell Scott Mystery Magazine June 1966
- * The Build-Up [Cash Barlow], (nv) Suspect Detective Stories February 1956
- * Butcher [Shell Scott], (ss) Manhunt June 1954
- * The Case of the Three Wild Blondes [Shell Scott], (na) Cavalier February 1957
- * The Cautious Killers [Shell Scott], (na) Shell Scott Mystery Magazine November 1966
- * Code 197 [Shell Scott], (nv) Manhunt June 1955
- * Crime of Passion [Shell Scott], (ss) Manhunt December 25 1954
- * The Da Vinci Affair [Shell Scott], (na) Shell Scott Mystery Magazine February 1966
- * Dead Giveaway [Shell Scott], (na) Cavalier February 1957, as "The Case of the Three Wild Blondes"
- * Death’s Head [Shell Scott], (ss) Manhunt January 1953, as "The Best Motive"
- * The Double Take [Shell Scott], (nv) Manhunt July 1953
- * Film Strip [Shell Scott], (nv) Ed McBain’s Mystery Book #1, 1960
- * Gun Play [Shell Scott], (na) Shell Scott Mystery Magazine August 1966
- * Hard Rock Rumble [Shell Scott], (nv) Manhunt June 1953, as "Hot-Rock Rumble"
- * Hot-Rock Rumble [Shell Scott], (nv) Manhunt June 1953
- * Kill the Clown! [Shell Scott], (na) Manhunt June 1957
- * The Kubla Khan Caper [Shell Scott], (na) Shell Scott Mystery Magazine April 1966
- * Lie Down, Killer, (na) Justice July 1955
- * The Live Ones [Shell Scott], (ss) Escapade January 1957, as "Too Many Girls"
- * Murder’s Strip Tease [Shell Scott], (nv) Thrilling Detective February 1953
- * Nudists Die Naked [Shell Scott], (na) Manhunt August 1955
- * Pattern for Panic [Shell Scott], (na) Manhunt January 1954
- * The Rival Act, (ss) Manhunt October 1957
- * The Sleeper Caper [Shell Scott], (nv) Manhunt March 1953
- * The Spirit of the Convention, (ss) Accused Detective Story Magazine May 1956
- * Squeeze Play [Shell Scott], (ss) Manhunt October 1953
- * Too Many Girls [Shell Scott], (ss) Escapade January 1957
- * Trouble Shooter [Shell Scott], (na) Accused Detective Story Magazine January 1956
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