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[]Leo XIII; [born Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci] (1810-1903) (about)
_____, [ref.]
[]Lepovetsky, Lisa; [i.e., Alica E. Lepovetsky] [née Harvey] (1951-2019) (about) (chron.)
- * Alice After, (pm) HWA Poetry Showcase Volume III ed. David E. Cowen, Horror Writers Association, 2016
- * Along Came a Spider, (ss) Tales as Like as Not Spring 1985
- * Alpha Man, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #6, 1986
- * The Angle, (ss) Haunts #2, 1985
- * August Vampire, (pm) Twisted #6, Summer/Fall 1991
- * Autumn Memories, (pm) Grue #6, 1987
- * Axe, (pm) Grue #4, 1987
- * Bedtime Story, (ss) Not One of Us #2, July 1987
- * Before the Thaw, (pm) Not One of Us #9, June 1992
- * Blade, (pm) Twisted #6, Summer/Fall 1991
- * Blood Remembers, (pm) Bloodbond #6, May 2016
- * Bobbing, (ss) Strange Days Fall/Winter 1991
- * A Brief History of Existentialism, (ss) After Hours Winter 1993
- * Christine, (pm) Disturbed Digest #12, March 2016
- * Clown, (pm) The Blood Review April 1990
- * Computer Amputation, (pm) 2AM Fall 1986
- * Cross Your Heart, (vi) 100 Vicious Little Vampire Stories ed. Robert Weinberg, Stefan Dziemianowicz & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 1995
- * The Day of Hitler’s Birth, (pm) Once Upon a Midnight ed. Thomas E. Fuller, Michael N. Langford & Jame A. Riley, Unnameable Press, 1995
- * Death of Horror Poetry—or Kill the Peckers (with Michael A. Arnzen, Wayne Edwards, Steve Eng, Joey Froehlich, W. Paul Ganley, Margaret Ballif Simon & Ree Young), (pm) Star*Line September/October 1992
- * Dreamscapes I, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #6, June 1986
- * Dreamwalkers I, (pm) Not One of Us #2, July 1987
- * Dreamwalkers II, (pm) Doppelgänger #9, October 1988
- * Evening Tryst, (pm) The Blood Review October 1989
- * The Fat Woman, (pm) Star*Line September/October 1992
- * Fear of Flying, (pm) Gaslight April 1993
- * Fever, (pm) Twisted #5, Summer 1989
- * Final Reunion, (ss) Midnight Louie’s Pet Detectives ed. Carole Nelson Douglas, Forge, 1998
- * Finding the Wind, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine September 1994
- * Forced Entries, (ss) Grue #17, Spring 1995
- * Ghost, (pm) Figment #7, Fall 1991
- * Gorgons in Glass, (pm) Star*Line September/October 1994
- * Gypsies, (ss) Twisted #4, Summer 1987
- * Heed the Calling, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #9, October 1986
- * Here Be Monsters, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine October 1995
- * A Homecoming, (pm) Grue #19, Winter/Spring 1999
- * Hunter and Hunted, (pm) Twisted #6, Summer/Fall 1991
- * Incubus, (pm) Grue #14, Summer 1992
- * An Interview with Chet Williamson, (iv) Haunts #24, Fall/Winter 1992 [Ref. Chet Williamson]
- * In the Emergency Room, (pm) Deathrealm #16, Spring 1992
- * In the Garden, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #19/20, October/November 1987
- * Joe Frog’s Place, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine April 1994
- * The K. S. Hardy Page, (pm) Disturbed Digest #12, March 2016
- * Lady of the Night, (pm) Bloodbond #10, May 2018
- * Late-Late Show Blues, (pm) Thin Ice #9, 1991
- * Legend of Blackheart Swamp, (pm) Eldritch Tales #23, Summer 1990
- * Letters from the Asylum, (pm) Bizarre Bazaar #3, March 1994
- * Look to the Path, (pm) Figment #7, Fall 1991
- * Lullaby for Marionettes, (pm) Not One of Us #6, April 1990
- * The Mad Poet’s Magic Fails, (pm) 2AM Spring 1987
- * The Mary Celeste, One Version, (pm) Figment #7, Fall 1991
- * Masks, (ss) Grue #8, 1988
- * The Merry Go Round, (pm) The Blood Review January 1990
- * Moles, (ss) Midnight Shambler #2, May 1988
- * Nasty Nursery III: Well-Watcher, (pm) Thin Ice #6, 1990
- * Nasty Nursery II: Vlad’s House, (pm) Thin Ice #6, 1990
- * Nasty Nursery I: The Marquis de Sade Learns to Count, (pm) Thin Ice #6, 1990
- * Near the Edge, (pm) The Blood Review October 1989
- * Neptune Bound, (pm) Star*Line July/August 1993
- * Night and the Rain, (pm) Eldritch Tales #21, Fall 1989
- * Night of the Living, (pm) Haunts #19, Summer 1990
- * Noodling, (vi) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine January 2014
- * October Balloons, (pm) The Blood Review October 1990
- * The Old Dragon’s Song, (pm) Bifrost #2, Fall 1985
- * The Past in Realtime (with Michael A. Arnzen, Keith Allen Daniels, Marianne J. Dyson, Robert L. Fleck, Joe W. Haldeman, Mark A. Kreighbaum, John Nichols, Joy E. Oestreicher, Susan Noe Rothman, Lawrence Schimel & Martha Soukup), (pm) Star*Line v18 #6/v19 #1, November 1995/February 1996
- * The Piano Player Has No Fingers, (ss) Palace Corbie #7, 1997
- * Picture Perfect, (ss) Whispering Willow Premier Edition 1997
- * Piecework, (pm) Space & Time #82, Fall 1993
- * Plumage, (pm) Star*Line July/August 1993
- * The Poet on the Last Day, (pm) Doppelgänger #11, October 1989
- * Portrait of a Father, (pm) Not One of Us #10, April 1993
- * Prisoners, (pm) The Blood Review October 1989
- * Pumpkin, (pm) The Blood Review October 1990
- * Red Dirt, (ss) Grue #15, Fall 1993
- * Redecorating, (pm) Figment #7, Fall 1991
- * Robotics, (pm) Visions #20, 1986
- * Robotics II, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #6, 1986
- * Roller Coaster, (pm) The Blood Review October 1989
- * Saint Joan at the Stake, (pm) Disturbed Digest #12, March 2016
- * Scanning for Dollars, (ss) Crafty Cat Crimes ed. Stefan Dziemianowicz, Robert Weinberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Barnes & Noble, 2000
- * Sinister Cinema, (mr) Haunts #17 Fll/Win 1989, #18 Spr, #19 Sum, #20 Fll/Win 1990, #21 Spr, #22 Fll/Win 1991, #23 Spr/Sum 1992
- * Something, (pm) Dreams and Nightmares #10, November 1986
- * Somewhere in Her Dying Heart, (pm) Grails: Quests, Visitations and Other Occurrences ed. Richard Gilliam, Martin H. Greenberg & Edward E. Kramer, Unnameable Press, 1992
- * Song of the Hermit, (pm) Twisted #5, Summer 1989
- * Sport, (pm) Star*Line September/October 1992
- * Storyteller, (ss) Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine July 1995
- * Summer Saved, (pm) The Blood Review October 1989
- * Survivors, (pm) Eldritch Tales #24, Winter 1990
- * Tabu, (ss) Triangulation: Beneath the Surface ed. Jamie Lackey, PARSEC Ink, 2016
- * Tasting Summer, (pm) Prisoners of the Night #4, 1990
- * Technological Shaman, (pm) Vicious Circle #2, Fall 1993
- * This Old House, (ss) Twisted #5, Summer 1989
- * Tourista Yanqui, (pm) Disturbed Digest #12, March 2016
- * Tracks, (pm) Figment #7, Fall 1991
- * Trial by Water, (ss) The Tome #6, 1990
- * Tunnel of Fear, (pm) The Blood Review October 1990
- * Underground, (pm) Bizarre Bazaar #3, March 1994
- * Vampire Virgin, (pm) Eldritch Tales #29, Fall 1993
- * Walpurgisnacht, (pm) Figment #7, Fall 1991
- * Watch Your Step, (ss) Whispering Willow Mysteries #1 Sleuth Edition 1997
- * Watersong, (pm) 2AM Fall 1986
- * What’s Under the Ice, (pm) Eldritch Tales #22, Winter 1990
- * Where Three Rivers Meet, (ss) Cemetery Dance #5, Summer 1990
- * Why She Did It, (pm) Devolution Z #5, December 2015
- * The Witch’s House, (pm) Space & Time #83, Spring 1994
- * Women of Glass, (ss) After Hours Spring 1993
- * Woodworks, (pm) Once Upon a Midnight ed. Thomas E. Fuller, Michael N. Langford & Jame A. Riley, Unnameable Press, 1995
- * World Series in Hell, (pm) Bizarre Bazaar #3, March 1994
[]Leprince de Beaumont, Marie, Madame (1711-1780) (chron.)
- * Beauty and the Beast, (ss) The Young Misses Magazine by Madame Leprince de Beaumont, London, 1761
- * Beauty and the Beast, (ss) Beauties, Beasts and Enchantments ed. Jack Zipes, NAL, 1989; translated from the French (Magasin des Enfants, 1757) by Jack Zipes.
- * Prince Désir and Princess Mignone, (ss) Beauties, Beasts and Enchantments ed. Jack Zipes, NAL, 1989; translated from the French (Magasin des Enfants, 1757) by Jack Zipes.
- * The Tale of the Three Wishes, (vi) Le Magasin des Adolescents by Madame Leprince de Beaumont, 1760
[]Le Quesne, Rose (fl. 1890s-1910s) (chron.)
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine May 1891
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Strand Magazine (US) May 1891
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Pall Mall Magazine Apr 1904, Jan, Apr 1905, Jun, Oct 1910, Jan, Mar 1911, Jul 1912
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The London Magazine Apr, Jun 1908
- * [illustration(s)], (il) The Royal Magazine April 1911
- * [illustration(s)], (il) Pearson’s Magazine Mar 1912, Feb 1914
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