The Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index
Index by Name: Page 459
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Deira, Maria (fl. 2000s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Finisterre, (ss) Strange Horizons August 10 2009
- * The First Time We Met, (ss) Strange Horizons February 16 2009
- * The Giant of Malheur Park, (ss) Kaleidotrope #10, October 2010
- * Lunch Break, (ss) The Cafe Irreal #12, August 2004
- * Notes on Cork Tree Babies, (ss) A Cappella Zoo #6, Spring 2011
- * Stain, (ss) A Cappella Zoo #4, Spring 2010
Deitz, Tom; [i.e., Thomas Franklin Dietz] (1952-2009)
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Deja, Thomas (fl. 1990s-2020s) (chron.)
- * A Black-and-White Zombie in a Four-Color World: A Survey of Comic Book Zombies in Unlikely Comics, (ar) The Scream Factory Presents: Night of the Living Dead 25th Anniversary Tribute ed. Bob Morrish, Peter Enfantino & John Scoleri, Deadline Press, 1993
- * Boys and Their Toys, (ss) Not One of Us #20, September 1998
- * Butterfly Wings, (ss) Not One of Us #18, September 1997
- * A Dark and Hard to Find Place, (ss) After Hours Autumn 1994
- * Deja’s Domicile of Dread, (rc) The Scream Factory #10 Aut 1992, #11 Spr 1993, #13 Spr, #14 Sum 1994, #16 Win 1995, #19 Sum 1997
- * Dunbar’s Razor, (ss) Bare Bone #3, 2002
- * His Anecdote, (ss) Bare Bone #4, 2003
- * How Does It Feel?, (ss) Not One of Us #14, September 1995
- * The Judgement of the Unicorn, (ss) Bare Bone #1, 2001
- * Lasers Ripped My Flesh: Dark Science Fiction in the Comics, (ar) The Scream Factory #13, Spring 1994
- * The Next Rung, (ss) Not One of Us #17, February 1997
- * Rats from Spain, (ss) Three-Lobed Burning Eye #11, September 2002
- * The Smoking Glass Grin, (ss) Not One of Us #22, September 1999
- * TSF BiblioFile featuring Tom Monteleone, (iv) The Scream Factory #13, Spring 1994 [Ref. Thomas F. Monteleone]
- * Wallflowers, (ss) After Hours Summer 1994
Dejasu, Barry Lee (fl. 2010s) (chron.)
- * Before This Night Is Done, (nv) Shock Totem #9.5, October 2014
- * Bloodstains & Blue Suede Shoes (with John Boden), (ar) Shock Totem #10, 2016
- * Interview, (iv) LampLight June 2018 [Ref. Gemma Files]
- * Interview with KL Pereira, (iv) LampLight December 2017 [Ref. K. L. Pereira]
- * Morning Books and Evening Books: A Conversation with F. Paul Wilson, (iv) Shock Totem #9, July 2014 [Ref. F. Paul Wilson]
- * Rumor and Shadow: The Haunting of the Everett Mansion, (ar) Shock Totem #10, 2016
- * Standing Behind the Curtains: A Conversation with T.E.D. Klein, (iv) Shock Totem #10, 2016 [Ref. T. E. D. Klein]
de Kostrowitsky, Guillaumme A. W. A. Apollinaire (1880-1918); used pseudonym Guillaume Apollinaire (chron.)
- * “Cors de Chasse”, (pm) Not One of Us #5, August 1989, as by Guillaume Apollinaire
- * Remote Projection (with Remy Inglis Hall), (ss) The Heresiarch & Co. by Guillaume Apollinaire, Doubleday, 1965, as by Guillaume Apollinaire & Remy Inglis Hall
- * Slum, (ss) Fungi #18, 2000, as by Guillaume Apollinaire; translated by Edward Ford
de Kremer, Raymond Jean Marie (1887-1964); used pseudonyms John Flanders & Jean Ray (about) (chron.)
- * The Aztec Ring, (ss) Weird Tales April 1935, as by John Flanders; translated from the French (“Josuah Gullick, Preteur sur gages”, L’ami du livre, April 15, 1924 as by Jean Ray).
- * The Graveyard Duchess, (ss) Weird Tales December 1934, as by John Flanders; translated from the French (“Le gardien du cimetière”, Les contes du whisky, Renaissance du Livre, 1925 as by Jean Ray).
- * If Thy Right Hand Offend Thee, (ss) Terror Tales November 1934, as by John Flanders; translated from the French (“La dette du Gumpelmeyer”, Le journal de Gand, October 11, 1922, as by Jean Ray).
- * The Mystery of the Last Guest, (ss) Weird Tales October 1935, as by John Flanders; translated from the French (“Le dernier voyageur”, La croisière des ombres, Les Éditions de Belgique, 1932 as by Jean Ray).
- * A Night in Camberwell, (ss) Terror Tales September 1934, as by John Flanders
- * Nude with a Dagger, (ss) Weird Tales November 1934, as by John Flanders; translated from the French (“Le tableau”, Les contes du whisky, Renaissance du Livre, 1925 as by Jean Ray).
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de la Luz, Rios (fl. 2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * The Hitch, (vi) Forbidden Futures #3, Winter 2018
- * The H Word:
* ___ Sadako, Mitsuko, and Sleep Paralysis, (cl) Nightmare #54, March 2017
- * Sadako, Mitsuko, and Sleep Paralysis, (ar) Nightmare #54, March 2017
DeLancey, Craig (fl. 1990s-2010s) (chron.)
- * Amabit Sapiens [Marrion Home], (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November 2009
- * Amor Vincit Omnia [Marrion Home], (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 2008
- * Another Word:
* ___ The Singularity Is Dead. Long Live the Singularity!, (cl) Clarkesworld #80, May 2013
* ___ Will Aliens Be Alien?, (cl) Clarkesworld #88, January 2014
- * Asteroid Monte, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact September 2011
- * Cantor’s Dragon, (ss) Shimmer #22, November 2014
- * Chromosome Music, (ss) Aboriginal Science Fiction Spring 1998
- * The Cold Star Sky, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact June 2009
- * Dark Matter, (ss) Cosmos #27, June/July 2009
- * Demand Ecology, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact June 2008
- * Ecce Signum [Marrion Home], (na) Analog Science Fiction and Fact April 2012
- * The Ediacarian Machine, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March 2012
- * Fixed Points, (ss) Zahir #9, Spring 2006
- * Gödel Apparition Fugue, (ss) Shimmer #14, 2011
- * Julie Is Three, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March 2011
- * Openshot, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact December 2006
- * Orphans, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact September/October 2017
- * Physics 2.0, (vi) Nature Physics August 2007
- * A Purple Heart, (vi) Flash Fiction Online July 2011
- * Racing the Tide, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact December 2014
- * The Ragman, (ss) Zahir #13, Summer 2007
- * RedKing, (ss) Lightspeed #70, March 2016
- * The Singularity Is Dead. Long Live the Singularity!, (ar) Clarkesworld #80, May 2013
- * Sojourner, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact November/December 2019
- * Will Aliens Be Alien?, (ar) Clarkesworld #88, January 2014
- * You Are (Most Likely) Not Living in a Simulation, (ar) Clarkesworld #135, December 2017
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Delaney, Joseph H(enry) (1932-1999) (about) (chron.)
- * Adam and Evil, (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact August 1990
- * And Nothing but the Truth, (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact July 1988
- * Brainchild [Adam Schoonover], (na) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact June 1982
- * Business as Usual, During Altercations, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January 1997
- * Chessmen, (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact April 1984
- * The Crystal Ball [Valentina] (with Marc Stiegler), (na) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact August 1984
- * Dragon’s Tooth, (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact mid December 1984
- * A Fremde in Need, (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact mid September 1982
- * The Hole Truth, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact March 1996
- * An Ill Wind, (na) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact mid December 1986
- * In the Face of My Enemy [Kim Ryan], (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact April 1983
- * A Jury of His Peers, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact January 1998
- * The Light in the Looking Glass [Valentina] (with Marc Stiegler), (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact September 1984
- * The Lily Gilders, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact December 1996
- * The Luck of the Draw, (ss) Analog Science Fiction and Fact August 1994
- * A Man of Letters, (ss) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact August 1988
- * My Brother’s Keeper, (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact October 1982
- * The Neighbors, (ss) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact January 1986
- * The New Untouchables, (na) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact Sep, mid Sep 1983
- * The Next Logical Step, (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact October 1984
- * Nugget, (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact January 1991
- * On the Outside, Looking In, (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact October 1983
- * Painkillers, (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact January 1985
- * Partners, (nv) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July 1996
- * The Shaman [Kim Ryan], (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact December 1984
- * A Slip of the Mind [Adam Schoonover], (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact February 1984
- * Snake Oil, (ss) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact April 1989
- * So, You Want to Write a Law Story?, (ar) Analog Science Fiction and Fact July/August 1999
- * Star-B-Cue, (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact June 1983
- * Survival Course, (ss) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact June 1989
- * Thus Began the Death of Dreams, (nv) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact November 1984
- * To Fit the Crime, (ss) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact October 1986
- * Valentina [Valentina] (with Marc Stiegler), (na) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact May 1984
- * The Vegetarians, (ss) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact mid December 1988
- * [letter], (lt) Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact Aug 1983, Jun 1984, Jul/Aug 1997
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