British Juvenile Story Papers and Pocket Libraries Index
Biographical Notes: Page 9
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- Specht, F(riedrich) (1839-1909) (items) (chron.)
- Spence, Betty E(ileen) (1915-1997) (items) (chron.)
- Spence, H(enry) Donald M(aurice) (1836-1917) (items) (chron.)
- Spence, Percy F(rederick) S(eaton) (1868-1933) (items) (chron.)
- Spender, [Sir] Stephen (Harold) (1909-1995) (items) (chron.)
- Spenser, Edmund (1552-1599) (items) (chron.)
- Spofford, Harriet (Elizabeth) Prescott (1835-1921); previously known as Harriet Elizabeth Prescott (items) (chron.)
- Sprigg, C(hristopher) St. John (1907-1937) (items) (chron.)
- Sprigg, Theodore S(tanhope) (1903-1977) (items) (chron.)
- Sprod; [i.e., George Napier Sprod] (1919-2003) (items) (chron.)
- Stables, [Dr.] (William) Gordon (1840-1910) (items) (chron.)
- Stacpoole, H(enry) de Vere (1863-1951) (items) (chron.)
- Stampa, G(eorge) L(oraine) (1875-1951) (items) (chron.)
- Standish-Barry, Eleanor (c1881-1944) (items) (chron.)
- Staniforth, John William (1863-1927) (items) (chron.)
- Staniland, C(harles) J(oseph) (1838-1916) (items) (chron.)
- Stanley-Wrench, Mollie; [i.e. Violet Louisa Stanley-Wrench) [née Gibbs] (1880-1966) (items) (chron.)
- Stannard, Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Palmer; [Mrs. Arthur Stannard] (1856-1911) (items) (chron.)
- Stebbing, Grace (1840-1936) (items) (chron.)
- Steevens, G(eorge) W(arrington) (1869-1900) (items) (chron.)
- Step, Edward, F.L.S. (1855-1931) (items) (chron.)
- Stephens, Alice Barber (1858-1932) (items) (chron.)
- Stephens, Ann S(ophia) (1810-1886) (items) (chron.)
- Stephens, C. A.; [born Charles Asbury Stevens] (1844-1931) (items) (chron.)
- Stevens, Charles (1836-1908?) (items) (chron.)
- Stevenson, R(obert) A(lan) M(owbray) (1847-1900) (items) (chron.)
- Stevenson, Robert Louis (Balfour) (1850-1894) (items) (chron.)
- Steytler, Mabel Grace (1880-1954) (items) (chron.)
- Stivens, Dal(las George) (1911-1997) (items) (chron.)
- Stobbs, William (1914-2000) (items) (chron.)
- Stock, E(rnest) Elliot (1869-1957) (items) (chron.)
- Stock, Ralph (1881-1962) (items) (chron.)
- Stocks, W(illiam) J(oseph) W(hite) (1865-1949) (items) (chron.)
- Stockton, Frank R.; [i.e., Francis Richard Stockton] (1834-1902) (items) (chron.)
- Stokes, George (Vernon) (1934-1981) (items) (chron.)
- Stoneham, C(harles Phillip Norgrove) Thurley (1895-1965) (items) (chron.)
- Storey, G(eorge) A(dolphus) (1834-1919) (items) (chron.)
- Storm, Michael; pseudonym of Ernest Sempill (1867-1910) (items) (chron.)
- Story, Walter Scott (1879-1955) (items) (chron.)
- Stott, W(illiam) R(obertson) S(mith) (1878-1939) (items) (chron.)
- Stout, E(thel) Almaz (1871-1946) (items) (chron.)
- Stovall, Dennis H(erbert) (1878-1941) (items) (chron.)
- Strang, Herbert; pseudonym of George Herbert Ely & C. James L’Estrange (fl. 1910s-1920s) (items) (chron.)
- Streatfeild, (Mary) Noel (1895-1986) (items) (chron.)
- Stretton, Hesba; pseudonym of Sarah Smith (1832-1911) (items) (chron.)
- Stringer, Arthur (John Arbuthnott) (1874-1950) (items) (chron.)
- Strutt, Alfred W(illiam) (1856-1924) (items) (chron.)
- Stuart, Esmè; pseudonym of Amélie Claire Leroy (1851-1934) (items) (chron.)
- Studdy, George E(rnest) (1878-1948) (items) (chron.)
- Studholme, Marie; [born Caroline Maria Lupton] (1872-1930) (items) (chron.)
- Sullivan, Edward D(ean) (1888-1938) (items) (chron.)
- Summerskill, Edith (Clara, Baroness Summerskill) (1901-1980) (items) (chron.)
- Swinburne, Algernon Charles (1837-1909) (items) (chron.)
- Swinnerton, James (Guilford) (1875-1974) (items) (chron.)
- Symington, A(lexander) B(alfour) (1856-1942) (items)
- Symington, J(ames) Ayton (c1856-1939) (items) (chron.)
- Symonds, F(rancis) Addington (1893-1971) (items) (chron.)
- Symons, Julian (Gustave) (1912-1994) (items) (chron.)
- Syrett, Netta; [born Janet Syrett] (1865-1943) (items) (chron.)
- Tabor, (Ina) Grace (1874-1971) (items) (chron.)
- Tacconi, Ferdinando (1922-2006) (items) (chron.)
- Taffs, C(harles) H. (1876-1964) (items) (chron.)
- Tait, Euphemia Margaret (1866-1945) (items) (chron.)
- Talintyre, H(enry) M(atthew) (1893-1962) (items) (chron.)
- Tarrant, Percy (1855-1934) (items) (chron.)
- Tate, Maurice (William) (1895-1956) (items) (chron.)
- Tatham, Dick; [i.e., Richard Maurice Tatham] (1917-1981) (items) (chron.)
- Tayler, Laurie; [i.e., Laurence B. Tayler] (1873-?) (items) (chron.)
- Taylor, Allan K. (c1890-1951) (items) (chron.)
- Teed, G(eorge) H(eber) (1886-1938) (items) (chron.)
- Temple, William F(rederick Joseph) (1914-1989) (items) (chron.)
- Tench, C(harles) V(ictor) (1892-1963) (items) (chron.)
- Tennant, (Charles) Dudley (1866-1952) (items) (chron.)
- Tennyson, Alfred, Lord (1809-1892) (items) (chron.)
- Tennyson, L(ionel) H(allam), 3rd Baron Tennyson (1889-1951) (items)
- Terhune, Albert Payson (1872-1942) (items) (chron.)
- Terrill, G(eorge) Appleby (1882-1928) (items) (chron.)
- Terry, [Dame] (Alice) Ellen (1847-1928) (items) (chron.)
- Terry-Thomas; [i.e., Thomas Terry Hoar Stevens] (1911-1990) (items) (chron.)
- Thackeray, William Makepeace (1811-1863) (items)
- Thiele, Reinhold (1856-1921) (items) (chron.)
- Thomas, Lowell (Jackson) (1892-1981) (items) (chron.)
- Thomas, Reginald G(eorge) (1899-1956) (items) (chron.)
- Thomson, Christine (Mary) Campbell (1897-1985) (items) (chron.)
- Thomson, Edward William (1849-1924) (items) (chron.)
- Thorburn, Archibald (1860-1935) (items) (chron.)
- Thornbury, (George) Walter (1828-1876) (items) (chron.)
- Thorold, Anthony Wilson (1826-1895) (items) (chron.)
- Thorpe, (John) Hall (1874-1947) (items) (chron.)
- Tirebuck, William Edwards (1854-1900) (items) (chron.)
- Titus, Harold (1888-1967) (items) (chron.)
- Tomson, Graham R.; pseudonym of Rosamund Marriott Watson (1860-1911) (items) (chron.)
- Toombs, Robert T. (fl. 1890s) (items) (chron.)
- Tourgée, Albion (Winegar) (1838-1905) (items) (chron.)
- Townend, W(illiam) (1881-1966?) (items) (chron.)
- Townsend, Leonard (1899-1986) (items) (chron.)
- Townsend, Walter (1901-1972) (items) (chron.)
- Tranum, John (1902-1935) (items) (chron.)
- Trask, Clara A(ugusta Jones) (1839-1905); previously known as Clara Augusta Jones (items) (chron.)
- Trask, (Henry) Keith (1879-1944) (items) (chron.)
- Travis, Falcon (1912-2008) (items) (chron.)
- Trease, (Robert) Geoffrey (1909-1998) (items) (chron.)
- Treat, Lawrence (1903-1998); previously known as Lawrence Arthur Goldstone (items) (chron.)
- Tree, [Sir] Herbert Beerbohm (1852-1917) (items)
- Treherne, G(eorge) G(ilbert) T(reherne] (1837-1923) (items)
- Trench, (Frederic) Herbert (1865-1923) (items) (chron.)
- Tresilian, (Cecil) Stuart (1891-1974) (items) (chron.)
- Trevelyan, Raleigh (1923-2014) (items) (chron.)
- Treves, [Sir] Frederick (1853-1923) (items) (chron.)
- Trevillion, Paul P. (1934- ) (items) (chron.)
- Trevor, Elleston (1920-1995); previously known as Trevor Dudley Smith (items) (chron.)
- Trewin, J(ohn) C(ourtenay) (1908-1990) (items) (chron.)
- Triem, Paul Ellsworth (1882-1976) (items) (chron.)
- Tringham, (Joseph) Holland (1861-1908) (items) (chron.)
- Tripp, June; [born June Howard-Tripp] (1901-1985) (items) (chron.)
- Trollope, Anthony (1815-1882) (items)
- Trowbridge, J(ohn) T(ownsend) (1827-1916) (items) (chron.)
- Tuite, Hugh (George Spencer) (1863-1933) (items) (chron.)
- Tuke, H(enry) S(cott) (1858-1929) (items) (chron.)
- Turnbull, F. G. (fl. 1930s-1960s) (items) (chron.)
- Turner, J(ohn) V(ictor) (1905-1945) (items) (chron.)
- Tuttiett, Mary Gleed (1847-1923) (items) (chron.)
- Twain, Mark; pseudonym of Samuel Langhorne Clemens (1835-1910) (items) (chron.)
- Twidle, Arthur (1864-1936) (items) (chron.)
- Twyman, H(arold) W(illiam) (1873-1971) (items) (chron.)
- Tyler, Charles W(arren) (1887-1952) (items) (chron.)
- Tynan, Katharine; [i.e., Katharine Tynan Hinkson] (c1859-1931); also known as Katharine Hinkson (items) (chron.)
- Tyrer, Walter (1900-1978) (items) (chron.)
- Underwood, Sophie (née) Kerr (1880-1965) (items) (chron.)
- Uptton, Clive (1911-2006) (items) (chron.)
- Urner, Nathan D(ane) (1839-1893) (items) (chron.)
- Urquhart, Paul; joint pseudonym of Ladbroke Black & Thomas Cox Meech (fl. 1900s-1930s) (items) (chron.)
- Utley, George (1887-1966) (items) (chron.)
- Vail, Eugène Lawrence (1857-1934) (items) (chron.)
- Vaile, P(ercy) A(dolphus) (1866?-1940) (items) (chron.)
- Vaizey, Jessie Bell Mansergh (1857-1917); previously known as Jessie Mansergh (items) (chron.)
- Valda, J(ohn) H(arris) (1874-1942) (items) (chron.)
- Valentry, Duane (1909-2000) (items) (chron.)
- Vallance, (William Howard) Aymer (1862-1943) (items) (chron.)
- van Abbé, S(alomon) (1883-1955) (items) (chron.)
- van Beek, Theo(dore) (1898-1958) (items) (chron.)
- Vandam, Albert D(resden) (1843-1903) (items) (chron.)
- Varah, (Edward) Chad (1911-2007) (items) (chron.)
- Vaughan, John (1855-1922) (items) (chron.)
- Vaux, Patrick; pseudonym of Maclaren Mein (1872-1935) (items) (chron.)
- Veigelsberg, Hugó (1869-1949); used pseudonym Ignotus (items) (chron.)
- Velestinlis, (Antonios) Rigas (1757-1798) (items)
- Verne, Jules (Gabriel) (1828-1905) (items) (chron.)
- Verner, Gerald; pseudonym of John Robert Stuart Pringle (1897-1980) (items) (chron.)
- Verpilleux, Émile (Antoine) (1888-1964) (items) (chron.)
- Verrill, A(lpheus) Hyatt (1871-1954) (items) (chron.)
- Victor, Mrs. M(etta) V(ictoria Fuller) (1831-1886) (items) (chron.)
- Villiers, Alan (John Murray) (1903-1982) (items) (chron.)
- Villiers, Margaret Elizabeth (, Countess of Jersey) (1849-1945) (items) (chron.)
- Vise, (Marjorie) Jennetta (Blithe) (1912-1979) (items) (chron.)
- Vivian, E(velyn) Charles (Henry); pseudonym of Charles Cannell (1882-1947) (items) (chron.)
- Vivian, Herbert (1865-1940) (items) (chron.)
- Volk, Gordon (1885-1962) (items) (chron.)
- Vynne, Nora (1864-1914) (items) (chron.)
- Waddell, C(harles) C(arey) (1868-1930) (items) (chron.)
- Wain, Louis (1860-1939) (items) (chron.)
- Wakefield, G(eorge) W(illiam) (1887-1942) (items) (chron.)
- Walcamp, Marie (1894-1936) (items)
- Walford, L(ucy) B(ethia Colquhoun) (1845-1915) (items) (chron.)
- Walford, P(ercival John) (1893-1978) (items) (chron.)
- Walker, David (Harry) (1911-1992) (items) (chron.)
- Walker, Frank H. (fl. 1890s-1910s) (items) (chron.)
- Walker, Rowland (1876-1947) (items) (chron.)
- Walkey, S(amuel) (1871-1953) (items) (chron.)
- Wallace, Bryan Edgar (1904-1971) (items) (chron.)
- Wallace, (George) Carlton (1903-1980) (items) (chron.)
- Wallace, (Richard Horatio) Edgar (1875-1932) (items) (chron.)
- Wallace, Helen (Grace) (1853-1944) (items) (chron.)
- Wallage, Peter (1928-2011); used pseudonym Peter Bruce (items) (chron.)
- Waller, S(amuel) E(dmund) (1850-1903) (items) (chron.)
- Wallis, George C(harles) (1871-1956) (items) (chron.)
- Walsh, George E(thelbert) (1865-1941) (items) (chron.)
- Walsh, J(ames) M(organ) (1897-1952) (items) (chron.)
- Walsh, Thomas (1875-1928) (items) (chron.)
- Walshe, Douglas (Thomas George) (1880-1952) (items) (chron.)
- Ward, A(rthur Henry) Sarsfield (1883-1959); used pseudonym Sax Rohmer (items) (chron.)
- Ward, Atkinson (1882-1965) (items) (chron.)
- Ward, Elizabeth Rebecca (1880-1978); used pseudonym Fay Inchfawn (items) (chron.)
- Ward, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps; [Mrs. Herbert Dickinson Ward; born Mary Gray Phelps] (1844-1911); previously known as Elizabeth Stuart Phelps (items) (chron.)
- Ward, Mrs. Humphry (1851-1920) (items) (chron.)
- Warner, P(elham) F(rancis) (1873-1963) (items) (chron.)
- Warren, F(rancis) H(owlett) (1886-1960) (items) (chron.)
- Warren, (Thomas) J(ohn) Russell (1886-1954) (items) (chron.)
- Warwick, Francis (Alister) (1902-1975) (items) (chron.)
- Warwick, (Harry) Sidney (1871-1953) (items) (chron.)
- Waters, Kenneth L(ee) (1914-1996) (items) (chron.)
- Watkins-Pitchford, Denys (James) (1905-1990) (items) (chron.)
- Watson, A(lice) H(elena) (1896-1984) (items) (chron.)
- Watson, John (1850-1907) (items) (chron.)
- Watson, Rosamund Marriott; [née Ball] (1860-1911); used pseudonym Graham R. Tomson (items) (chron.)
- Watson, W(illiam) (1858-1925) (items) (chron.)
- Watson, William (1858-1935) (items) (chron.)
- Watt, J. Lauchlan Maclean (1868-?) (items) (chron.)
- Watt, J(ohn) Millar (1895-1975) (items) (chron.)
- Watt, Lauchlan MacLean (1867-1957) (items) (chron.)
- Way, (Robert) Bernard (1890-1958) (items) (chron.)
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