The FictionMags Index
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Black, William (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * Three Feathers:
* ___ Chapter XXXIX. New Ambitions, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1875, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XL. An Old Lady’s Apology, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1875, uncredited.
- * The True Legend of a Billiard Club, (nv)
- * Two Young Folks, (ss) The Mirror #63, January 10 1874
- * untitled (“Burgundy isn’t a good thing to drink…”), (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine March 1877
- * “Wer Zum Krsten Malk Liebt”, (pm) Harper’s New Monthly Magazine December 1887
- * White Heather, (n.) Longman’s Magazine Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1885
- * White Wings: A Yachting Romance, (n.) The Cornhill Magazine July 1879 (+15), uncredited.
- Harper’s New Monthly Magazine Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 1879, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun,
Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov 1880
* ___ Chapter I. On the Quay, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1879, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter II. Mary Avon, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1879, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter III. Under Way, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1879, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter IV. A Message, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1879, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter V. A Brave Career, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1879, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter VI. Our New Guests, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1879, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter VII. Northward, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1879, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter VIII. Plots and Counter-Plots, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1879, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter IX. A Wild Studio, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1879, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter X. “Dunvegan!-Oh! Dunvegan!”, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1879, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XI. Drawing Nearer, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1879, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XII. The Old School and the New, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1879, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XIII. Ferdinand and Miranda, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1879, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XIV. Evil Tidings, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1879, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XV. Temptation, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1879, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XVI. Through the Dark, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine November 1879, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XVII. Villany Abroad, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1879, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XVIII. An Ultimatum, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1879, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XIX. The New Suitor, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine December 1879, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XX. Chasing a Thunderstorm, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXI. Chasing Seals, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXII. “Uncertain, Coy, and Hard to Please”, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine January 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXIII. Secret Schemes, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXIV. Before Breakfast, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXV. A Protector, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine February 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXVI. “Mary, Mary!”, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXVII. An Unspoken Appeal, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXVIII. His Lordship, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine March 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXIX. The Laird’s Plans, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXX. A Sunday in Far Solitudes, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXI. Hidden Springs, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine April 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXII. A Confession, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXIII. Only a Headache, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXIV. In the Dark, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine May 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXV. To Absent Friends!, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXVI. Suspicions, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXVII. Certainty, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine June 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXVIII. A Parable, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XXXIX. A Release, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XL. “While the Ripples Fold Upon Sands of Gold”, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine July 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLI. Backward Thoughts, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLII. A Toast, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLIII. Expectations, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine August 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLIV. “Ye Are Welcome, Glenogie!”, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLV. The Equinoctials at Last, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLVI. “Flieh! Auf! Hinaus!”, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine September 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLVII. After the Gale, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLVIII. “A Good One for the Last”, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1880, uncredited.
* ___ Chapter XLIX. Adieu!, (sl) The Cornhill Magazine October 1880, uncredited.
_____, [ref.]
[]Blackbeard, Bill; [i.e., William Blackbeard] (1926-2011) (chron.)
- * The Celebrated Cases of Dick Tracy, (br) The Armchair Detective July 1971 [Ref. Chester Gould]
- * ForeShadowings, (ar) Xenophile #17 Sep 1975, #22 Mar/Apr 1976
- * Hammer of Cain (with James O. Causey), (ss) Weird Tales November 1943
- * How to Make Your Pulps Last Forever, Sell Your Valuable Pulps at Top Dollar and Still Have Them, and Acquire All Rare Pulps Cheap, or Wow!!! (with Richard Register), (ar) Xenophile #26, September 1976
- * Pipsqueak Prometheus: Some Remarks on the Writings of L. Ron Hubbard, (ar) Shangri-La May 1950 [Ref. L. Ron Hubbard]
- * The Recruits, (ss) The Original Science Fiction Stories Winter 1963
- * What Was That Zine Again? Problems and Solutions in Upgrading Your Pulp Texts, (ar) Xenophile #28, November/December 1976
- * [letter], (lt) Riverside Quarterly August 1964
- * [letter], (lt) Science Fiction Review #34, December 1969
- * [letter from California], (lt) Famous Fantastic Mysteries December 1946
- * [letter from Corona del Mar, CA], (lt) Weird Tales September 1942
- * [letter from Corona del Mar, CA], (lt) Famous Fantastic Mysteries December 1942
- * [letter from Los Angeles, CA], (lt) Inside #2, June 1963
- * [letter from San Francisco, CA], (lt) If September 1968
_____, ed.
_____, [ref.]
[]Blackburn, Jack (fl. 1910s-1930s) (chron.)
- * Captain’s Dilemma, (ss) The Canadian Magazine June 1932
- * Comedy of a Skull, (ms) Argosy October 31 1931
- * For the Sake of a Lady, (ms) Argosy December 13 1930
- * My Most Thrilling Experience:
* ___ Wanted—One Heinie!, (ts) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #39, November 1930
- * Number Seven and the Man Who Stuck, (ss) The Blue Book Magazine February 1911
- * Pelorus Jack, (ms) Argosy November 22 1930
- * Retribution, (ss) Thrilling Adventures May 1932
- * Scots Don’t Run!, (ss) War Stories #85, September 1930
- * Wanted—One Heinie!, (ts) Fawcett’s Battle Stories #39, November 1930
[]Blackburn, John (Fenwick Anderson) (1923-1993) (about) (chron.)
- * Aunty Green, (ss) Cold Fear ed. Hugh Lamb, W.H. Allen, 1977
- * Dad, (ss) Return from the Grave ed. Hugh Lamb, W.H. Allen, 1976
- * Drink to Me Only, (ss) Star Book of Horror, No. 1 ed. Hugh Lamb, Star Books, 1975
- * The Field of Blood, (ss) Star Book of Horror, No. 2 ed. Hugh Lamb, Star Books, 1976
- * The Final Trick, (ss) The Taste of Fear ed. Hugh Lamb, W.H. Allen, 1976
- * Jenny Cut-Throat, (ss) The Devil’s Kisses ed. Linda Lovecraft, Corgi, 1976
- * The Tragedy of Macbeth, (ar) Horror: 100 Best Books ed. Stephen Jones & Kim Newman, Xanadu, 1988 [Ref. William Shakespeare]
_____, [ref.]
[]Blackburn, Jolly (Randall) (fl. 2000s-2010s) (about) (chron.)
- * Knights of the Dinner Table: The Java Joint (with Brian Jelke & Steve Johansson), (cs) Black Gate Spring 2001
- * Knights of the Dinner Table: The Java Joint (with Steve Johansson), (cs) Black Gate Sum 2001, Sum 2002
- * Knights of the Dinner Table: The Java Joint (with Steve Johansson & John O’Neill), (cs) Black Gate Spr, Fll 2003, Fll 2004, Sum, Fll 2005, Sum 2007, Sum 2008, Spr 2009, Wtr 2010,
#15 Spr 2011
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